Sin Cindy

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Last year, I had pre-arranged an apppointment with her. The day of, I texted to confirm. Just before leaving I texted to confirm. When I arrived, I called and all I got was the door buzzer going off. I called back to say that I was not at the door yet. Now she says that I need to wait 5 minutes. WTF??? So, she just let someone else in. So, rather than hanging around her condo parking lot, I bailed. Of course, I did text her to tell her that. Now she starts giving me shit for being so impatient. I tell her, that I booked, I confirmed in the morning, I confirmed just prior to heading over and then I need to wait? I don't think so! All I get back from her is that I need to learn to chill out. LOL

So, personally, I would NEVER even bother with her again.


Sep 3, 2010
Very mixed reviews with her. I just dont know how ppl even succeed at booking her Ive tried and everytime she cancels at the last minute. Pretty frustrating that she wastes our time like this. I mean to the point of getting clients to come all the way down to her location then saying "nevermind". urgh


Nov 28, 2011
thats happened to me with her, but im pretty patient, and it was only 5 minutes, so i had a smoke, and rang her again, and up i went and had a great time as always :)

Last year, I had pre-arranged an apppointment with her. The day of, I texted to confirm. Just before leaving I texted to confirm. When I arrived, I called and all I got was the door buzzer going off. I called back to say that I was not at the door yet. Now she says that I need to wait 5 minutes. WTF??? So, she just let someone else in. So, rather than hanging around her condo parking lot, I bailed. Of course, I did text her to tell her that. Now she starts giving me shit for being so impatient. I tell her, that I booked, I confirmed in the morning, I confirmed just prior to heading over and then I need to wait? I don't think so! All I get back from her is that I need to learn to chill out. LOL

So, personally, I would NEVER even bother with her again.


Nov 28, 2011
thats what i think, she prolly needed 5 more minutes to get ready... its normal.. women need time to get ready!!

I don't think anyone can buzz up and service another guy in only 5 minutes, so maybe she really did only mean wait for another 5 minutes?


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Well, as I said, I sent her a text just before I left and she replied that she is ready to go. But, the kicker is that when I called, the door buzzer went (you know how they have that from your phone) and she had not yet given me her ring number, so, it's hard to imagine that it was for me. Besides, the way she rode me (pun intended) for not wanting to wait in the parking lot, which is right beside an office building I used to work in, just seemed so wrong. Yes, I do not wait well, but given how careful I was to be sure she was ready, there really is no excuse.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
And besides, who to say it wouldn't be 5 minutes, then 10, then are all assuming she would only be 5 minutes. Door buzzer plus a delay equals longer delays.
Jul 28, 2006
It is what it is, to sum it up it's like the Alexander Keith's tag line. Those who like her... like her A LOT ! It's unfortunate that some have had difficulty connecting with her by no fault of their own because your missing out on a great time, but that's just one opinion, mine. Others may think differently as they are well entitled to.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Oh, absolutely CK. Timing is everything! I was looking forward to the visit, but it was enough to put me off (of course, there is no true to relate the goings on and it sounds lame, but it was enough to turn me off completely).


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
And, btw, I only jumped in once I saw several similar stories and felt I should include mine as it was not an isolated incident (which I initially thought it was). I am NOT trashing her, just telling my experience. I was pumped to see her!!


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Given the effort taken to get out to a sps location etc.. I have waited a little while before.. sometimes 20min or so. Because realistically finding another sp to goto.. That I actually want to see, is going to take hours to figure out.

While disappointing and a pita.. its usually better to wait it out.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Sorry, but to me, given the lead up, I find that to be totally disrespectful and, at the time, felt if the SP would do that, then the service would be a reflection of that. Plus, I do not wait well. Anyway, it's old news now and I only raised it given the other comments. Don't shoot me. It's happened, it's done. She could be good; she could be bad; it does seem that she can be both. Let's all just move on. lol


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I think this thread has served it purpose. Seems like pretty complete picture of the SP has been painted. Time for mods to lock it up.
i agree like guy's give it up don't always go from what it written or said about girls i went from what was written before about a girl waste of money she was a druggy but had good reviews on the other board and now she's gone but cindy give her a try she looks awesome never had the chance to meet her yet but looking forward to it i'll judge after i see her not what's written about her not like some guy's who have been on the other board for years and pipe in who i bet don't see to many and don't have to many post on the other board guy's like him must jerk off at the computer


i agree like guy's give it up don't always go from what it written or said about girls i went from what was written before about a girl waste of money she was a druggy but had good reviews on the other board and now she's gone but cindy give her a try she looks awesome never had the chance to meet her yet but looking forward to it i'll judge after i see her not what's written about her not like some guy's who have been on the other board for years and pipe in who i bet don't see to many and don't have to many post on the other board guy's like him must jerk off at the computer
WTF did all this say? Dude, make like a girl and find a period. Or 6.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
WTF did all this say? Dude, make like a girl and find a period. Or 6.
lol only because of your comment did I read his jibberish. My eyes just glazed over and skipped it. I think what Mr.Hunter is trying to say is she's worth trying.
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