Rodney King dead at 47


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I agree that the guy was a scumbag loser. There are many out there. None deserve to be beaten the way Rodney King was beaten.
His beating was excessive but let's not forget that he ignored direct orders to stay on the ground, even after being shot twice with tasers, and hit with batons.


Dec 11, 2011
king has been a drug abuser for years, just like when he was drunk and on drugs that night in 1992 when he resisted arrest


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
As someone hinted at. The riots were about more than rodney king. If it wasn't him some incident of police brutality would have eventually sparked a riot.

Yeah he definitely wasn't an agenl but in his death is it really necessary to point it out?

And arguing whether or not he desrved the beating?!!!??? There's a difference between subduing someone and the all out beating he took. Once on the ground why not work in unison to slap in the cuffs?

The way I see it. It was an important event in US society the was inevitable if things didn't change.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Things didn't change much. Its more or less the same way, but this time people aren't showing a blind eye to it.
It was important because it got people talking. You're right that problems still exist.

But like i said it was the beating and not king that was important. He just happened to be there. IF another black guy was caught on tape being beaten by 4 white cops there would have been the same outrage.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Early life

King was born in Sacramento, California, to Odessa King, who had four other children. His father, Ronald, died at age 42. King grew up in Pasadena, California.[4]

In November 1989, King robbed a store in Monterey Park, California. He threatened to hit the Korean store owner with an iron bar he was carrying, then hit him with a pole. King stole US$200 in the robbery. He was convicted, sentenced to two years imprisonment and released after serving a year.[4]

At the time of the beating, King was twice divorced and had three children.[4] His ex-wives were (firstly) Crystal Waters and Danetta.[5]


Officer Tim Singer ordered King and his two passengers to exit the vehicle and lie face down on the ground. The two passengers complied and were taken into custody without incident.[6] King initially remained in the car. When he finally did emerge, he acted bizarrely: giggling; patting the ground; and waving to the police helicopter overhead.[12] King then grabbed his buttocks. Officer Melanie Singer momentarily thought he was reaching for a gun.[13] She drew her gun and pointed it at King, ordering him to lie on the ground. King complied. Singer approached King with her gun drawn, preparing to make the arrest.

Post-arrest events

King sued the city over the beating, settling for $3.8 million.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
king has been a drug abuser for years, just like when he was drunk and on drugs that night in 1992 when he resisted arrest
and your point being? wondering if you would say the same thing about Brian Jones..?.....if you never heard of jones then your too young to get my point..


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Referencing a drug fiend that died in '69 does not make you superior in any way. Perhaps you're too old to understand that either, or that your contribution to this thread was non-existent.

Anyway, Rodney King was a dickhead.

But the officers involved should have been punished for what they've done, sadly, stuff like this still occurs in the present.
sanctimonious claptrap does not impress me....and calling a dead man a dickhead. of course, lifts the discourse to a new level....


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Yawn. Go talk about the "good 'ol days," somewhere else, old fart.
i called a guy out on a nonsensical post..and for some reason, a useless newbie turns on me..lay off the red bull and fuck off.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Officer Tim Singer ordered King and his two passengers to exit the vehicle and lie face down on the ground. The two passengers complied and were taken into custody without incident.[6]
If you asked many people about the incident, they wouldn't know that there were two passengers in the car with King that night and that neither of them were beaten.


Apr 24, 2005
they wouldn't know that there were two passengers in the car with King that night and that neither of them were beaten.
That was because they were complying with reasonable police requests to get out of the car.

Regarding the riot, the images of the Korean storekeepers with their long guns on the rooftops defending their businesses from looters are still vivid in my mind.


retiring run @ 6 months
Mar 6, 2012
If this happened today, sadly I think there would have been more camera angles from cell phones and no one to jump in or at the very least try to get the cops to take it easy. Sad that he died? Not really as I didn't know him but to hear a human being die from drowning is somewhat sad as that's a tough way to go I imagine (if he was conscious at the time).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Not to beat up on RK again, but it's been said in certain circles that the best thing that ever happened to Rodney King was that beating.

Unfortunately, even with the mean$ to make a new life for himself, he still had his demons and died in an ironic and tragic way.
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