Toronto Cab Driver Charged with Murder (Running over a Skateboarder)


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Speaking of head up their ass...

Really, Bryant never got charged?

It took him hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to hire the best lawyers, detectives etc over eight months to prove to the Special Prosecutor brought in from BC that there was no reasonable probability of conviction.

So you are saying he used a lawyer outside the scope of a trial to influence his colleague in the prosecution to drop the charges and avoid a trial behind doors? Yeah right.. that is really fair.. BTW how long did he spend in jail? lol... ok ok he was charged but not even a careless driving charge stuck.. and btw who did Byron Sonne kill? Anyone? Did the cab drive get out of jail in 24 hours? (don't know the answer to that on myself).


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Predictably you ignore the fact that your facts you base your arguments on are wrong, and you doggedly hang on to your premise and dig yourself in deeper.

Your spin is laughable to anyone with a modicum of knowledge of law. Influence his colleague?!? LOL!

It is ROUTINE for your lawyer to investigate the Crown's case in advance of a trial so that you can offer an answer and defence to the charges. It is wrong to NOT do that.

Prior to the trial there are often pre-trial conferences to discuss issues that may have already been resolved so that the trial may go smoother. During that time, the Crown will often offer a plea bargain if their case is weak. And if it is weak enough, or there is a strong enough defence that will be presented, they are duty bound to withdraw the charges if they believe there is not a reasonable probability of conviction. A trial is not a punishment.

I know this does not jive with your world view of how law works but it is the reality.

As to influencing his colleague! You have no clue what you are talking about because your tinfoil hat is pulled down over your eyes too. The Special Prosecutor who was brought in from BC just to avoid such claims, is highly regarded for his integrity. And he had to get the decision vetted by many others above to withdraw the charges. And NONE of them are going to throw their careers away over this has-been former politician.

Again, this will not have any influence on your world view but it fun picking on your retarded arguments! Thanks!
Oh come on, sure I got some facts wrong about Bryant being charged.. I just forgot as it was a while ago. But even a retard like you can see there was no reasonable chance of conviction for the G20 the reality is, the prosecution system was simply abused to send a message. So was the cab driver released from custody 24 hours later like Bryant? Why was the G20 geek prosecuted when even a retard like you can see his reasonable doubt was almost overwhelming in every facet of his case?


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
i don't know anything about the cabbie case, so it's easy for me to speculate that the charge is so EXTREME! he will get off.


Nov 20, 2006
Cabbie did nothing wrong. He was just expressing himself in a non violent democratic way.

I guess you all need to go back to university and get yourself some learning.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
If the guy got bail, he is likely on the first carpet outta here
And any jury member who even dares to question the cabbies motives is automatically either a racist or a bigot.

Or perhaps a racist bigot :biggrin1:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As for the Cabbie, I suspect he'd have been released in 24 hours ....
Unfortunately(?) I believe that unless there is a flight risk or a risk to the public, that's what happens.

I saw this first hand with a kid I had worked with who was caught dead to rights committing a crime with a gun (he was 20 at the time) and he was out the next day until his trial a year later. At the time I though that a crime involving guns, drugs, and gangs might have resulted in remand until trial but what do I know?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Look at all the cabbies who are suddenly now playing the victim-card:

What they dont tell you is most of them drive like maniacs downtown Toronto
I still agree that cops need to do something about cyclists downtown. The number of times I've seen a bike blow through a red light downtown in front of cops is absurd. The bikers are also right to advocate for more bike lanes so their stupidity can be separated from stupid drivers and stupid pedestrians.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts