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variety or regular client


Jul 19, 2004
Hi all, I'm sure this topic has had its run in the forum but I wanted to get your current thoughts on the matter nonetheless.

Although I've seen a variety of SPs over the past few years, I've more recently decided to settle on just 1 SP and become a regular client. (I'd rather not say who.) We'll see how it goes.

What in your experience are the pros and cons of doing either?

Happy hobbying!

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Mar 25, 2007
I've always only seen touring/visiting girls, some I really clicked with and wished they were local. For me after a while the touring girls left me feeling kinda empty. I wouldnt mind going with a regular if I can find one.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Ottawa ON
....What in your experience are the pros and cons of doing either?

Happy hobbying!

Generally I won't see a SP more than 3 or 4 times if they are stellar and many I just see once. To me hobbying is about the excitment of meeting new ladies, the variety of different ages, sizes, attitudes, race, etc.

To be blunt, I am just about the sex. To become a regular customer, eventually the lines may get blurred where someone may develop feelings or expectations from the other. If a friendship develops it may complicate things.

Guess what I am saying is I don't want to mix business with pleasure and this is how I accomplish that I don't.

As well, there are so many wonderful ladies out there to see why settle for just one... that is what a wife is for.



$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
I'm trying to work up a couple regulars. I don't like scheduling shit. I want to be able to pick up the phone, and see someone for great sex at a whim. And I want variety, the different sizes breasts, asses, skin colour, texture, kissing.. all of it.. one day in the mood for the crazy tiny spanish chick, another for the italian with the big tits and great ass.. lol FUCK.. I just want a **********. (it's always been the dream) ok terb just starred out the word h@r3m for some reason.. wtf

You know, I gotta be honest. I am looking for a mistress/regular girl. But to mix it up, would have her do duo's with other random chicks so I still get variety. :) That's the plan.. fuck knows if it'll work out..

the real solution to this sort of thing is always money.. Throw money at it, you can fix it. But the logistics get messy, I met one chick.. she's stellar in bed, but has a kid. So I need to arrange a place, another, has a place. But isn't the greatest in bed, gets a C in the effort... another.. a wild dynamo, but out of town.. and have to arrange an in town place.

So the reality is.. you gotta have the $ , A. to pay them, keep it semi exclusive, B. usually pay for a place.. a fuck pad of sorts.. C. add in the other random chicks for the duos now and then. And you're at 1k-2k minimum a month depending on what she's willing to do. That's a pretty big longterm commitment. Plus getting the money outside of the wifes eyeballs is another story lol..

But there's something to be said about having a girl who knows what you like, having great intimate gfe sex, without the chains of laundry, dishes, fucking garbage day lol.. But yea.. lots of men fall for their mistresses.. who then turn into the laundry/dish/garbage monsters we all strove to step outside from lol.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
I like variety also, but I need to spend couple of sessions with a girl that I like, to start really enjoying the whole experience. The benefit of having couple of regular girls is that you know what to expect and can make the right choice that will satisfy your particular needs for that day/hour. At the same time, it's nice to be with a girl that knows what you like and vise versa. That's when the sex becomes even more interesting. But, you don't want to stuck with same girl for long. I get bored quickly so I need to refresh my list of regular ladies every couple of months. I guess once I start to know a girl too much, that's when the dreaming and the excitement disappears and it's time to move on. :)


For me it's always been a combo of a few regulars but the need for variety at times too. Nice thing about this hobby, there's something for everyone's needs. We just need to have the cash to make it happen.

the general

Oct 31, 2010
There is something to be said about variety. I think it is that every lady is different in some way, just like a snowflake. And I will to be all the different snowflakes, which is impossible but worth seeing how many you can find. And the chase too, what is she really going to be like, did I do enough research, etc. So, while I have repeated a few times, I really like the opportunity of meeting a new lady and seeing what she is like. Sometimes this works out great, sometimes not so great. But the good comes with the bad. I will remain a variety guy, even though there are some gems I have seen that I am tempted to see again. I guess if you had all the money in the world, you could enjoy both, the regular and the variety.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Guys guys, we're all forgetting about the best of both worlds.. Riguad! I remember going down with the guys, 1hr or so each way. But fuck was it ever fun, while Rigaud has closed, there is still Frontier and Hilltop. ( I believe) For those who don't know, these are strip clubs, where FS is on the menu. You can get a normal lapdance if you want, or you can fuck .. 120 for 3-4songs. If the girl likes you lol. a couple extra songs.. or its 20bucks more per song.

It's fucking great. Ahh, we'd go. drink party, have a couple girls. Then roll on back home..


Jul 19, 2004
thanks guys for all the thoughts and shared experiences both here in the open forum and through PMs. it's given me lots to think about.


Mar 14, 2004
I like both. I can always resort to one special lady who really puts on a show for me time and again.
Then there's the great room service in Toronto a month ago. Blonde, Cougar with nice large real tits wearing mesh hose fuc king her doggie style with her facing the mirror.
She was loud!


Mar 11, 2012
I like a few regulars and also the opportunity to see some touring girls for variety - so you can say I am in the middle. To me, regulars provide some familiarity and comfort level. When you know and are comfortable with each other, it takes away a lot of awkwardness, suspicions, discomfort etc. I must add though, with touring SPs, you can also find a few whom you can establish as regulars.


Pimp, Player & Hustler
Feb 1, 2005
A Nice Warm and Wet Place
Funny I was at the Hilltop last week, had a great time with a really cute, young hottie. This place is great!!

Guys guys, we're all forgetting about the best of both worlds.. Riguad! I remember going down with the guys, 1hr or so each way. But fuck was it ever fun, while Rigaud has closed, there is still Frontier and Hilltop. ( I believe) For those who don't know, these are strip clubs, where FS is on the menu. You can get a normal lapdance if you want, or you can fuck .. 120 for 3-4songs. If the girl likes you lol. a couple extra songs.. or its 20bucks more per song.

It's fucking great. Ahh, we'd go. drink party, have a couple girls. Then roll on back home..


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Funny I was at the Hilltop last week, had a great time with a really cute, young hottie. This place is great!!
How was the selection? pricing still the same?
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