Toronto Sun - City could hire prosecutors to go after body rub parlours


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I wish I can find a way to take some of the (male) members of the city council
to some of the excellent Asian holistic places in town for the usual
therapeutic treatment they provide. Or if I can at least show them the
pictures of the attendants from SRM and Allure my problem with having fear of
getting caught in any MP will be solved. Someone has to convince our
politicians in the city local massage parlors is what make TO the world's
best place to live in.


Mar 21, 2011
Why do I feel that they're probably like those right wing rebublican wingnuts who are trying not to admit that they're in the closet.
Maybe he has to be taken to church street instead....


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Right. One day after Ford loses his bid to kill hiring outside professionals for OMB appeals, he's going to back outsourcing bylaw enforcement?

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Another great use for tax payers money.

How long does it take for these geniuses to come up with these novel ideas that involves very little if any work on their part.

But a whole lots of spending tax payer dollars.
The Sun just likes to put Body Rub and Stripper in their headlines. (Seriously. The fact that they pulled out of the Canadian Press pretty much tells you about their commitment to actual quality news.) From the sound of the story this councillor just wants to hire some outside lawyers and pay them astronomically. Maybe he has a friend who needs work? It'll be a hard sell in an environment of fiscal constraint when they're mostly talking about the lowly handjob...


Nov 5, 2005
A justice of the Superior Court of Ontario ruled 8 years ago that it is ultra vires (i.e not within the purview of a municipality) to regulate what actually happens in a massage parlour room. It is criminal law which is the sole responsibility of the federal government. The struck down parts of a Brampton bylaw including the following:

21. No owner operator shall permit a Body Rub Parlour to operate other
than between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (149-2003)

22. Every body rub attendant, every customer and every other person at
a body rub parlour shall be clothed in a manner by which such
person’s pubic area and in the case of a woman, her breasts, are
fully covered by opaque material. (149-2003) [br][br]

23. No body rub attendant shall allow any person to touch, kiss, or make
any physical contact with their breasts, buttocks, genital or pubic
areas or have sexual contact with any person. (149-2003)

Section 21 of the by-law, which prescribes the hours of operation, is
unfairly discriminatory having regard to the hours of operation
prescribed for other adult entertainment establishments and must be

Section 22 of the by-law is ultra vires the City in that it legislates
morality and criminal law in prescribing dress, which is within the
scope of the of the Criminal Code. It is quashed.
(d) Section 23 of the by-law is ultra vires as it legislates physical contact,
which is also within the scope of the Criminal Code. It is quashed


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
Like I said in another thread, our councilors have too much time on their hands. They avoid the important issues, and start dealing with things they shouldn't be dealing with anyway.
Jun 11, 2007
Like I said in another thread, our councilors have too much time on their hands. They avoid the important issues, and start dealing with things they shouldn't be dealing with anyway.
How many people do you know give a rats ass about the things that councillors should be dealing with? After the TTC ans taxes, the drop-off to sewer replacement is pretty steep. These councillors have to keep their names in the paper somehow. Remember, an elected politicians first job is getting re-elected.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
There have to be a few city councillors who are TERB members and dedicated hobbiests. You know who you are, you pieces of shit.

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
Why do I feel that they're probably like those right wing rebublican wingnuts who are trying not to admit that they're in the closet.
Maybe he has to be taken to church street instead....
Or the infamous dear departed Dipper who claimed he thought they were just for massages.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
A justice of the Superior Court of Ontario ruled 8 years ago that it is ultra vires (i.e not within the purview of a municipality) to regulate what actually happens in a massage parlour room. It is criminal law which is the sole responsibility of the federal government. The struck down parts of a Brampton bylaw including the following:

21. No owner operator shall permit a Body Rub Parlour to operate other
than between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (149-2003)

22. Every body rub attendant, every customer and every other person at
a body rub parlour shall be clothed in a manner by which such
person’s pubic area and in the case of a woman, her breasts, are
fully covered by opaque material. (149-2003) [br][br]

23. No body rub attendant shall allow any person to touch, kiss, or make
any physical contact with their breasts, buttocks, genital or pubic
areas or have sexual contact with any person. (149-2003)

Section 21 of the by-law, which prescribes the hours of operation, is
unfairly discriminatory having regard to the hours of operation
prescribed for other adult entertainment establishments and must be

Section 22 of the by-law is ultra vires the City in that it legislates
morality and criminal law in prescribing dress, which is within the
scope of the of the Criminal Code. It is quashed.
(d) Section 23 of the by-law is ultra vires as it legislates physical contact,
which is also within the scope of the Criminal Code. It is quashed

Thanks for this!

I wonder why the issue of closing times is still being litigated in Toronto?
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