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Octomom Nadya Suleman says she is open to doing porn film if the price is right


New member
Dec 27, 2004

Despite professing she never would, Octomom last month had to go on welfare in order to support her 14 children.

But even that couldn't help Nadya Suleman's situation and it has been reported that she has now filed for bankruptcy.

The debt-ridden mother-of-14 allegedly filed for chapter seven in federal court today - the most serious form of bankruptcy.

According to TMZ, legal documents to not specify how much Octomom owes but it is clear she has a mountain of debt.

Today it has emerged that the auction of Suleman's house in La Habra has been postponed until May 7 according to

The home, which came under scrutiny recently because of its dilapidated state, was supposed to be auction off today after Nadya stopped making payments more than a year ago.

Amir Haddadin, who loaned Suleman more than $450k to buy the house, was told by Indy-Mac bank Monday morning that the auction had been postponed.

He told the website: 'The bank told me that the auction had been postponed until May 7 and I told them that Nadya had filed for bankruptcy, which I think they already knew.'

And filing for bankruptcy is not the only measures Octomom is willing to take, as she has also confessed she would be willing to star in a porn film if the offer was good enough.

Suleman has turned down offers in the past but has now told HLN: 'If the opportunity comes up I'll be the first to admit: I'm going to eat my words. Because all that matters is that I can take care of my family.'

She added: 'If it's a job, and it's a well-paying job, and it's going to allow me to get out of here and move in a very safe, huge home that they deserve, I'm going to do it.'

Last week Suleman came under fire after images of her squalid home emerged and she was accused of child neglect.

Now she says she regrets having such a large brood, also The Sun newspaper that she is not a 'maternal person'.

'If I knew then what I know now they wouldn’t be here,' she said of her octuplets to the the British paper.

'What was I thinking? I’m not a maternal person. It’s hard for me to be attached to anyone which is why I’ve been celibate for 13 years. I’m asexual and have no desires at all.

'So all that energy goes on the kids.'

The brunette said that despite being implanted with six embryos, she only ever wanted one more child after already being a mother-of-six.

'I wanted one more baby after the six. I thought "I’m on a roll, what’s one more?" she said.

'I refused selective reduction before they were born but I didn’t choose to have all these.'

Last week Octomom’s hairdresser lodged claims she was neglecting her children at La Habra Police Department, which prompted an investigation.

The woman called Stephanie said she had spent $520 on two cuts and chemical straightening for herself.

But Octomom insists that the amount was a payment in advance for 29 haircuts, all for her entire brood.

After her hairstylist lodged the claims against Suleman, images of her squalid home then emerged.

Graffiti was seen on the walls, clothes and mess was strewn everywhere and the children were using portable potties in the backgarden in images that emerged.

Suleman now claims that the damage done to the house was by her elder children.

She told The Sun that they suffer from autism, but are usually well behaved, due to her amazing skills as a parent.

'The eight are the easiest of all the kids,' she told the paper.

'I am very strict and implement a lot of structure and discipline.

'They are all potty-trained now and when no-one is around they talk in sentences.'

Since her visit by child services last week, Octomom has claimed to TMZ she has been given 'a full bill of health'.

She added that the Orange County Department of Children and Family Services claimed her home was 'a very suitable environment for these children'.

She also said: 'They can't even believe that I can do what I've been doing.'

Last week Octomom’s hairdresser lodged claims she was neglecting her children at La Habra Police Department, which prompted an investigation.

A team from California social services inspected the 36-year-old's home after being told there was only one working toilet.

The children were also said to be malnourished and unclean.

It was said some of the children were using portable training toilets located in their bedrooms and in the backyard, and that her brood appear malnourished and unbathed.

The stylist, called Stephanie, claimed to have observed Suleman locking her kids in a bedroom using a chair propped up against the door while she tended to personal matters.

Stephanie said: 'The kids are in desperate need of help, and I tried to help and she's not open to anyone helping her.'

She said the boys were wearing girls’ clothes, were neglected, and Suleman was incapable of caring for them.

Suleman became known worldwide three years ago when she gave birth to eight babies. She already had six children.

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New member
Sep 5, 2005
I don't want to see this. Not even for free on one of the tube sites.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
she said last week she wouldn't do porn with another person but that she has a solo vid in the works.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Her life raises troubling questions. The ones to really feel sorry for are her children who certainly had no say in being raised in a 14 child single parent household.


Aug 19, 2001
In a living hell
I would have thought by now someone would have created another stupid reality show for her to star in.


New member
Jan 14, 2011

Forgetting for a second that she is an awful human being (which I think she is, btw... almost as bad as the 'doctor' that did the IVF)...

She's not horrible - whoever did the work putting that mid-section back together earned his or her paycheck...
Very true, but I wonder if the same surgeon has put everything back together. She has squeezed out 14 kids remember. Maybe she would star in a monster of cock video?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
can you just look at her hands? what does she do? It looks like someone who works the farms or so


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Some well placed make up, a shower, fresh decent cloths and a rag to gag her mouth so I cant hear her speak and I'd :confused:do her. She has nice dik sucking lips. Her box might be as loose as Babe Ruths glove tho:Eek:
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Active member
Aug 6, 2006
There's something weird about her eyebrows i can't get past.they are very "groucho Marx"....
i'm more concerned about her manly hands/fingers.

On another note, why doesn't she fucking give some of her children for adoption. Its almost downright impossible for anyone to take care of 14 or whatever kids like she has, let alone without a job, single and little loose in the head.
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