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Forgotten in a cell, no food and water for four days How much should he get?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

On the third day, he began to hallucinate. He urinated on a metal bench to be able to drink his urine. He stacked a blanket, his pants and shoes on the bench and tried to reach an overhead fire sprinkler, futilely swatting at it with his cuffed hands to set it off.

Help came after four days, when agents on a fluke opened the door and found him covered in his own feces. He says a bewildered agent asked: "Where'd you come from?"

Chong was treated in the hospital for dehydration, kidney failure, cramps and a perforated esophagus. He had lost 15 pounds.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
10 million... he's mentally scarred and fucked for life. Get him a book and movie deal too.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
$500,000 if no lasting damage.
$1.5M + medical expenses if he has long-lasting medical issues.

These amounts should be garnished from the pay of the officer who forgot him in there.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
10 million... he's mentally scarred and fucked for life. Get him a book and movie deal too.
This happened in the USA, probably he will get the full 20 million. Maybe an outraged jury will give him 72 million punitive damages. Probably no movie deal, but a made for TV movie is just as good.

The career of the agent that forgot him is sheiss, he will probably be doing prisoner transport for the rest of his 30. ( 30 years is the amount of years that a cop has to do to collect a fat pension. )


New member
Jan 19, 2006
He isn't going to get $20 million but he is going to recieve a sizable compensation package.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
He isn't going to get $20 million but he is going to recieve a sizable compensation package.
As he certainly should. The only question that should occupy thinking citizens is finding out how and why this happened, why a system that allowed it to hadn't been fixed long ago, and how everyone responsible is being retrained. All of that should have been part of the public record as part of the open review to determine whether the resignation of the local DEA agent-in-charge—which of course was submitted as soon as the poor guy was discovered—should be accepted.


good standing member
Jun 23, 2002
This happened in the USA, probably he will get the full 20 million. Maybe an outraged jury will give him 72 million punitive damages. Probably no movie deal, but a made for TV movie is just as good.

The career of the agent that forgot him is sheiss, he will probably be doing prisoner transport for the rest of his 30. ( 30 years is the amount of years that a cop has to do to collect a fat pension. )
Depends on the state. Many have passed tort law 'reforms' that limit settlements.

Although it deals strictly with American law if you haven't seen the documentary Hot Coffee, you should.

Can't guess what he deserves financially but agree with everyone that he should at least have the transparency of knowing what disciplinary action was taken against the people that forgot him.
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