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Will we ever find a cure for Cancer?


May 12, 2008
It as basal cell carcinoma, which I believe is non-malignant
H2O2 ain't curing melanoma or squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancers with malignant potential)....yeah, it may have killed off an itty bitty focus of basal cell carcinoma (the pussiest of all cancers there ever was), but that doesn't mean much. People have BCC's removed for aesthetic reasons or to control local pain symptoms - it's a benign growth for all intents and purposes. BTW, your BCC has a high risk of recurring, regardless of whether it was excised or burned away with H2O2.


Well-known member
Speaking as a survivor.....myself...sometimes the best medicine is the same medicine that was used 25 years ago.....my treatment was the same as was used back then....and it did the trick...15 years and counting..for me in remission.....do I worry about it coming back( hell ya)... do I let it consume me?.... sorry ....will not let it!..... both sets of grandparents died of various forms of it....both parents have had forms of it....so the chances of me carrying the gene....about 87.5%..... and sure enough...I did....I live my life...I go on...and I get regular checkups.....all I can add is...fight until you decide....its enough...and hope everyone understands...when you tell them ..its time to stop....fighting!
I believe that it all depends on how progressed the cancer is....my mother passed away from cancer as it had not been detected in time and no form of treatment would have saved her (just prolonged the agony)...a few years later my brother was diagnosed with it and after surgery and chemo he survived and is now in remission....

i am a homeopath and do not take (or believe in) any form of prescription or non-natural remedies...i do believe that the doctors are "in bed with" the pharmaceutical companies and there are financial kickbacks floating around between the drug companies, doctors and government...so therefore it is in there best interests to push the non natural medication (and possible cures") as they are padding their pockets by doing so...

our bodies are very complex and i dont think anyone has really figured out cancer or how to possibly cure it...different people react to the treatment in different ways...what may "cure" one person doesnt mean it will "cure " another...

there is always some new hysteria about what is awful for you and may kill you or what wiill make you healthier...at the end of the day, the only one that knows your body is you and with that knowledge you find the things that work for you and keep you feeling good and healthy...

[I]“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”[/I] Buddha

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
i am a homeopath and do not take (or believe in) any form of prescription or non-natural remedies...i do believe that the doctors are "in bed with" the pharmaceutical companies and there are financial kickbacks floating around between the drug companies, doctors and government...so therefore it is in there best interests to push the non natural medication (and possible cures") as they are padding their pockets by doing so
This post is absolutely spot on.

The reason so many people in this thread and in the overall population have such a hard time accepting there's natural cures for almost any disease, is because they have been brainwashed by society into believing that only a doctor with a prescription pad can cure their disease, and any other natural remedy therefore must be quackery.

Unfortunately a large amount of people pay the ultimate price for this and die each year from cancer


Nov 23, 2010
This post is absolutely spot on.

The reason so many people in this thread and in the overall population have such a hard time accepting there's natural cures for almost any disease, is because they have been brainwashed by society into believing that only a doctor with a prescription pad can cure their disease, and any other natural remedy therefore must be quackery.

Unfortunately a large amount of people pay the ultimate price for this and die each year from cancer
Steve Jobs chose homeopathic treatment instead of surgery in the very early stages of his treatment. Had he relied on Science/Evidence based medicine, he would (statistically) likely still be here.


May 12, 2008
This post is absolutely spot on.

The reason so many people in this thread and in the overall population have such a hard time accepting there's natural cures for almost any disease, is because they have been brainwashed by society into believing that only a doctor with a prescription pad can cure their disease, and any other natural remedy therefore must be quackery.

Unfortunately a large amount of people pay the ultimate price for this and die each year from cancer
No, that post is not spot on. That post is ridiculous. The majority of MDs do not discount all natural treatments for various things - they just require evidence. If there is evidence, hey, great.
I will say however, that heomeopathy is on par with belief in magic beans.


Jun 6, 2009
This post is absolutely spot on.

The reason so many people in this thread and in the overall population have such a hard time accepting there's natural cures for almost any disease, is because they have been brainwashed by society into believing that only a doctor with a prescription pad can cure their disease, and any other natural remedy therefore must be quackery.

Unfortunately a large amount of people pay the ultimate price for this and die each year from cancer
Phil, I really hope you or someone you care about doesn't a serious get cancer. Especially considering what you've shown you knowledge about such things to be in this thread. If someone in a doctors family gets sick, I'll bet the farm he goes to the drug store and not the local homeopath. If the array of natural or the homeopathic remedies were better, don't you think they'd use them? If it was a conspiracy why would the use the useless traditional regimes. I'm saying all natural remedies don't work. Some are great, remember ASA, digitalis, or quinone?

I'm sorry Victoria, but homeopathic medicine is nothing, but sugar water and snake oil placebos, pure and simple. It's been shown over and over to be the case. The amount of active ingredient in the various potion are so minute that they can't even be measured by scierntific machines that measure those kinds of things. Most of the liquid is sugar water.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
So how did I manage to cure my skin cancer with H2O2 then??

Was it luck?? Was it placebo effect?? What was it??


I dont believe in 9/11 or fake moon landing conspiracy either. But that doesnt mean all conspiracy theories are wrong
a dr once made a joke to me about why did a certain
non traditional remedy work. basically he said just about anything has a certain percent chance of working and the trick is to show that it consistantly works. could be placebo or some other unexpected factor.


Jan 5, 2007

Watch this documentary and then ask yourself if there is a serious,serious problem with corruption in the cancer biz.This is really worth watching.

Here is another.


Watch the burzynski movie,and then tell me there is no conspiracy to conceal effective cancer treatments that have no side effects.

It is more of a documentary with actual courtroom footage.I would not have beleived it if it would have been a re-creation

Check it out,it will change the way you think.It will piss you off.And it will end all arguments.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Curing Cancer..... I'd much prefer they identify what exactly is causing cancer in the first place, then learn how to prevent it.


Sep 12, 2007
poker said:
Curing Cancer..... I'd much prefer they identify what exactly is causing cancer in the first place, then learn how to prevent it.
Yeah. Been covered. Cancer is a transcription error in the copying of geenes while your cells reproduce. There are environmental factors which increase the incidence of cancer annd even specific cancers caused by specific environmental factors, but even in a 100% perfect environment with no carcinogens, people will still get cancer because you can't have TRILLIONS of cells multiplying hundreds of times for decades without a transcription error.


Jun 6, 2009
Watch the burzynski movie,and then tell me there is no conspiracy to conceal effective cancer treatments that have no side effects.

It is more of a documentary with actual courtroom footage.I would not have beleived it if it would have been a re-creation

Check it out,it will change the way you think.It will piss you off.And it will end all arguments.
I really had to look up the 'Burynzki movie'' as I'd never heard of it and found this discription;


The 2010 film, Burzynski, Cancer is Serious Business, directed, written, edited, and narrated by Eric Merola, an art director of television commercials, describes Burzynski's use of antineoplastons and his legal clashes with government agencies and regulators.[SUP][22][/SUP] The Village Voice commented that the movie "violates every basic rule of ethical filmmaking" and that by interviewing only Burzynski's supporters, the film’s producer "is either unusually credulous, or doesn't understand the difference between a documentary and an advertisement".[SUP][23][/SUP] Variety described the film as having the qualities of a "paranoid conspiracy theory" and likened it to the National Enquirer, adding that the film’s explanatory diagrams are "simplistic to the point of idiocy". The review concluded that "despite its infotainment look, Burzynski ultimately proves convincing."[SUP][24][/SUP] Prior to the debut of "Burzynski",Houston Press correspondent Cory Malisow reviewed the pre-release press kit and, after being refused an interview with Merola, mocked the film’s lack of objectivity, calling it "a puff-piece paean that cherrypicks facts and ignores any criticism", and criticized it for presenting only Burzynski's side of the story.[SUP][25]

The rest of the page is an interesting read, but I'll leaver it for you.

Then we have http://www.quackometer.net/blog/2011/11/the-burzynski-clinic-threatens-17-year-old-blogger.html

followed by;

Stanislaw Burzynski claims to have cured cancer, but hasn’t published verifiable results of his tests in 30 years. He charges patients vast quantities of money to take part in these tests, and claims that many are fully cured.



Nov 20, 2006
I was Pancreatic cancer in the final stages and cured it by rubbing raw gorilla uterus on my dick and then violently fucking a duck every day and then eating the uterus for a week. I must emphasis that you must do both parts. I`ve known people who just rubbed the raw gorilla uterus on the dick, others who just did the duck fucking and others who did everything but made sweet love to the duck, or skipped the eating and they are all dead.

I am sure all you smart asses will spout off nonsense about how I am full of shit but how can you explain that my cancer went away. Docs said I was weeks from death.

Here is evidence from the internet that my story is true, it is on the internet so it much be true.



Jun 6, 2009
I was Pancreatic cancer in the final stages and cured it by rubbing raw gorilla uterus on my dick and then violently fucking a duck every day and then eating the uterus for a week. I must emphasis that you must do both parts. I`ve known people who just rubbed the raw gorilla uterus on the dick, others who just did the duck fucking and others who did everything but made sweet love to the duck, or skipped the eating and they are all dead.

I am sure all you smart asses will spout off nonsense about how I am full of shit but how can you explain that my cancer went away. Docs said I was weeks from death.

Here is evidence from the internet that my story is true, it is on the internet so it much be true.


Your post does explain a lot.
I wasnt stating that natural or homoepathic remedies are the answer nor a cure...i was stating that it is an option and because everyones body is different, each persons reaction to things would be different...its just an OPTION if you feel that it works for you...

i have treated many things with natural remedies, which arent just placebos or sugar water...the native americans have used herbs, plants and healed many afflictions (not all) successfully...

as cancer does run in my family, i have a high risk of getting it...i have thought about the path i would take if i did get diagnosed with it...i would try the natural path (as there has been cases of people curing it naturally) first...if that didnt work then i would re-assess things and research pharmaceutical options...which isnt crazy, it just is the right choice for me....

my statement was basically to state that there are other natural options, it is good to research and check the validity of pharmaceutical treatments and drugs and ultimately choose what is right for you as an individual...

this is a very touchy subject in the same realm as talking politics and religion and it comes down to each persons opinion and view...

knowledge is the ultimate power one has as an individual to make the best choices possible for themselves...and this thread has given all of us the opportunity to view other theories, opinions and views...


Jun 6, 2009
I wasnt stating that natural or homoepathic remedies are the answer nor a cure...i was stating that it is an option and because everyones body is different, each persons reaction to things would be different...its just an OPTION if you feel that it works for you...

i have treated many things with natural remedies, which arent just placebos or sugar water...the native americans have used herbs, plants and healed many afflictions (not all) successfully...

as cancer does run in my family, i have a high risk of getting it...i have thought about the path i would take if i did get diagnosed with it...i would try the natural path (as there has been cases of people curing it naturally) first...if that didnt work then i would re-assess things and research pharmaceutical options...which isnt crazy, it just is the right choice for me....

my statement was basically to state that there are other natural options, it is good to research and check the validity of pharmaceutical treatments and drugs and ultimately choose what is right for you as an individual...

this is a very touchy subject in the same realm as talking politics and religion and it comes down to each persons opinion and view...

knowledge is the ultimate power one has as an individual to make the best choices possible for themselves...and this thread has given all of us the opportunity to view other theories, opinions and views...
Homeopathy is not an option, it's quackery. As for naturopathy, I know there are good things that come of it. Having spent time in many native communities around the world,, i've seen it and experienced it first hand, as I said ASA is probably the best example, but they past the test of time.

'If you feel it works' is a nice way of saying the power of positive think ing and again there is something to it. Positive thinking and visualization plays a large part in the treatment regime of fighting cancer and many other diseases.

The 'cancer man' is a perfect example of a fraud. Have you ever wondered of why in 30 years he's never had the results/process critically examined successfully or reproduced by others? That's 30 years.

Knowledge is one thing, but it has to be tempered with skill. I can read how to land a DC-3, but I wouldn't consider myself a pilot able to do it. I use vinegar to help deal with occasional kidney problems, but I understand the science behind it and it is also accepted by the medical world. I also don't blindly take any meds offered by MDs and that based on 40+ of biology study and hands on experience with others who know more about those things than I will ever do, not all of whom are traditional doctors.

The knowledge shown by Phil in this thread is clearly flawed and scary in that others may believe him.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You can't teach a pig how to sing & dance. All your attempts to do so will be futile, and you'll just make the pig miserable
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