Only two, the Blue Jays and the Vancouver Canadians, the Jays short season Class A team in the Northwest League. At various times, there have been Class A or higher minor league affiliated teams in Montreal, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivieres, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, and Medicine Hat, but only the Canadians remain.How many Professional* baseball teams are located in Canada?
*I'm defining Professional as Major League, or Minor League teams that are part of the farm system of a Major League team; semi-pro teams like those in the Inter-County League don't count.
Tinker Bell, The Simpsons, Shrek, Snow White, Winnie-The-Pooh, The Muppets, Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Frog, Godzilla, Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny all have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Kermit the Frog has an individual star, in addition to being part of The Muppets.There are eleven stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for fictional characters who were never alive, (ie: excludes animal stars like Lassie and Rin TinTin. Who are they?
(includes two groups of characters. One from a group has his own individual star).
Greg made "The coconut phone" on season one of Survivor. He was that blonde guy that seemed unusually close to his sister when they got messages from home from loved ones. Their relationship appeared to be almost incestuous.What unusual means of verbal communication did Greg Buis fabricate in Borneo, 2000?
Evie, Parts I, II, and III, by Stevie Wright:What three part song is about a woman who dies during childbirth?
In order to scare away predators, Giant petrels, a type of seabird, throw up all over the intruder. Intruders into their territory are dive bombed and the stomach contents of half digested fish is regurgitated ( barfed ) on to unwelcome guest. Imagine several dozen of these 34 - 39 inch tall birds barfing 3 or 4 cups on you?How does this bird protect itself against intruders?
The state in which most people are struck by lightning is Florida. Having been to Florida a number of times, I can tell you thunder storms can come out of nowhere and turn the skies dark in minutes, this can happen more than once a day. No wonder this is where most people are struck by lightning.Name the state where there are the most people struck by lightning.