What is the longest strech of being single have you experienced?


New member
Sep 6, 2006
I have been single since 2001. Yeah it's lonely and sad sometimes but it's not all bad. I've gotten used to doing what I want when I want and it would take someone really special to get me to go back to the married lifestyle. Don't forget women can be really tough to live with. Be thankful you can partake of all the wonderful sp's in Canada. The hobby has been really awful south of the border. Turn that frown upside down and party on.


Sep 2, 2004
I have been single since 2001. Yeah it's lonely and sad sometimes but it's not all bad. I've gotten used to doing what I want when I want and it would take someone really special to get me to go back to the married lifestyle. Don't forget women can be really tough to live with. Be thankful you can partake of all the wonderful sp's in Canada. The hobby has been really awful south of the border. Turn that frown upside down and party on.
Been single since 2010. After looking back at my civilian relationships and the civilian ones of others I can honestly attest to that I prefer the SP scene. Got back into things in late 2011 and realized how much I missed this game.

And yes hobbying in the U.S. is horrendous. All that background/reference check nonsense with the DateCheck, Preferred411 and plus you have to constantly review your encounters in TER. Now I know why there are so many highly rated 9 and 10 experiences when they don't deserve them. Plus any reviews over 6 months does not count. WTF???!?!?!?!? It is like looking for a job! Pretty much prefer to hobby in Toronto and especially Montreal. With an agency you just make your phone call or if an indie you shoot her a respectable flirtatious e-mail of where and when and you are done.


Nov 13, 2011
Blackrock13 I googled " Height & male attractiveness. " Wow from the research papers looks VERY grim for guys under 5'9".:frusty:


Govt Designated Pervert
I have been single since 2001. Yeah it's lonely and sad sometimes but it's not all bad. I've gotten used to doing what I want when I want and it would take someone really special to get me to go back to the married lifestyle. Don't forget women can be really tough to live with. Be thankful you can partake of all the wonderful sp's in Canada. The hobby has been really awful south of the border. Turn that frown upside down and party on.
Spot on!


Nov 13, 2011
debris: are you short or horrifically ugly? I expect to reach that mark. Single, not sexually attractive to women & not changing anytime soon.


Jun 6, 2009
Blackrock13 I googled " Height & male attractiveness. " Wow from the research papers looks VERY grim for guys under 5'9".:frusty:
Well then at 5'8.5" you're screwed. Time to invest in some heel lifts. Somehow I and a large number here on TERB think it won't help one bit.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm not sure what you guys hope to achieve by convincing yourselves it's OK to be complete losers. You get one life. This isn't a video game, after you die, you don't get another shot at it.

Yet here you are talking yourself out of doing something about your issues, telling yourselves it's OK to fuck up your lives.

Seems like a really dumb thing to do.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Blackrock13 I googled " Height & male attractiveness. " Wow from the research papers looks VERY grim for guys under 5'9".:frusty:
See, again. You say this thread isn't about you or height, but you always bring it back to this. If you're really just curious (although of all things in this universe to be curious about, why you decided that asking a bunch of guys who dont get laid for free on a escort review board was something to investigate over and over again, I do not know), why do you keep bringing up height. If you're so comfortable with your height and that you're not short, then what the fuck do you about other people being short? I guarantee you, I could do a search on all posts you've ever made on here, and at least 90% would mention height. Honestly, you need to shut the fuck up
Also, I like you don't deny that you're cute-bald, who in addition to being short and a loser, is notorious for pressuring SPs for BBFS


Nov 13, 2011
NO, just keeping it real. For many self delusion helps them face the day. Perhaps that is my failing, I seem to not beable to ignore the stark reality & delude myself. AND the research shows a very different story than your arm chair opinions.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
NO, just keeping it real. For many self delusion helps them face the day. Perhaps that is my failing, I seem to not beable to ignore the stark reality & delude myself. AND the research shows a very different story than your arm chair opinions.
Even if you're right (which you're not) I would take self-delusion over being a miserable, sad, negative piece of shit all the time any day of the week. You are right though, you do fail. At every single level and at every aspect of life
And once again, you do not deny being cute-bald
And yes, this is harsh, but 317 posts (plus the 1000 or so you had under cute-bald) with the most beta, most self-loathing attitude I've ever seen, and your determination to bring everyone else down into the cesspool of your psyche makes me slightly angry and utterly without sympathy for your sorry ass


Jun 6, 2009
NO, just keeping it real. For many self delusion helps them face the day. Perhaps that is my failing, I seem to not beable to ignore the stark reality & delude myself. AND the research shows a very different story than your arm chair opinions.
At 5'8.5" tall, you are so close to being average height, your failure with women must be because of something else? I wonder what it could be, hmmmmmm?


New member
Nov 20, 2005
debris: are you short or horrifically ugly? I expect to reach that mark. Single, not sexually attractive to women & not changing anytime soon.
Partyman: I'm 5'11" which used to be tall but whatever growth hormones are in the milk now-a-day seem to make the kids all taller than me now. Ugly? I'm no Brad Pitt, I'd say average - look younger than my age, fit, healthy, good hair.

I have attractive female friends who are married to men shorter than they are, who make less money than they do, who aren't particularily interesting or exciting, who aren't in super dupper shape - yet they are married to very attractive women (such that I'd marry them!).

I really am not up to date on your posts and such like other posters seem to be so I pass no judgement. I can understand why you have asked (apparently) similar questions - basically asking "what is wrong with me?" Terb is not such a good forum for soul seaching, you will not find too many people who can relate - dating and relationships come very easy for most people (the finding and getting into one part, not so much the making it last part but remember things that come easily rarely last), I've asked myself the same "what is wrong question", I still don't know the answer.
From all outward appearances no one would suspect such a dismal dsr record - a dry spell only surpased by the Leafs. It would be easier if I could point to one thing like you point to height (or maybe someone else got on the hight thing...doesn't matter) that explains everything but I can't and I suspect neither can you. I urge you to check out the wikipedia entry for love shyness, it might provide you with some answers. Some of the posters here are alluding to the c- word that you are lacking (confidence). Pretty common response, the importance of which is not to be overlooked, but it is not the Rosetta Stone that will make everything else fall into place.
Good luck, stay strong.


Jan 31, 2005
NO, just keeping it real. For many self delusion helps them face the day. Perhaps that is my failing, I seem to not beable to ignore the stark reality & delude myself. AND the research shows a very different story than your arm chair opinions.
What's the research say about the prospects of guys with negative attitudes?



Nov 13, 2011
No I am not this cute-bald & were the hell do you get the idea that I pressure s.p.'s to do bbfs. I do not pressure anyone. First off I have rarely seen an s.p. I did once troll craigslist for non-pro gems but that has been shut down. Now not really interested in the professional s.p. No I am not shy & I am not confused as to why I receive no ioi. The mountains of data seem to support why. Blackrock13 why have you yet to Google what I suggested? Because you are not looking for real answers but wish to hold on to unsubstantiated opinions. Debris the research shows in America 1% of couples were the male is shorter than the female: thus an extreemly rare occurance.


Jun 6, 2009
No I am not this cute-bald & were the hell do you get the idea that I pressure s.p.'s to do bbfs. I do not pressure anyone. First off I have rarely seen an s.p. I did once troll craigslist for non-pro gems but that has been shut down. Now not really interested in the professional s.p. No I am not shy & I am not confused as to why I receive no ioi. The mountains of data seem to support why. Blackrock13 why have you yet to Google what I suggested? Because you are not looking for real answers but wish to hold on to unsubstantiated opinions. Debris the research shows in America 1% of couples were the male is shorter than the female: thus an extreemly rare occurance.
I have done what you suggested n ow and in the past with all the arguments that C&B use to argue this, and saw little to explain why a person 5'8.5" in height should use 'he's short' for his failures with women. The research, such as women choosing dates strictly on their height, such a 5 guys in line in a room with one guy short, ignore the other factors, such as personality, interests, work status and such and therefore are unrealistic. you've just taken this research and used it as a n excuse for your failures. Your blind accusation that I didn't google or read the research just show how much of a chip you have on your shoulder. The fact that every one of the lady members on this BB have said your wrong makes one wonder how flawed this research. It's not bogus, but the ones I've read are weak for various reasons as outlined. Height is 'a' factor but not that major as you're trying to make it. Your point you try to make about the 1% is a clear example of you misreading the research to fit your belief. If the average women is 4"shorter than the average, it stands to reason that it would be unusual for an average women to date or marry a shorter guy. This is simple math that you can't/won't understand.

As for you being C&B, it's simply that he was the last member who clung to this research with the fervor that you have, even when all around you save one or two, have told you you're nuts. He even went to Germany to get his legs lengthened, so he would be, get ready for this, 5'8'. He came back and was still the same a-hole he was when he left. Eventually, he went medieval on an SP member(?) and he got banned.


Nov 13, 2011
Blackrock13, you are a lazy man who gets his research from his couch while watching t.v. I know this because you refer to some lame ass experiment done on 20/20. That is not research. There is an abundance of studies done that you can source. PULL YOUR HEAD away from your t.v. type education & google " height and male attractiveness" to get some real solid research. AND are you f'in joking !!!! YOU take the word of any woman who's sole pupose on here is to get biz. Got news for you: have money for an s.p. and AT ANY HEIGHT you are sexy. Sheeesh. I have worked with these girls in the biz. for years...... I know the con.... you are so much the typical client .... that is why it works. I guess cute-bald was a man who respected detailed research that took many years to conclude AND what I see many such studies done which come to the same conclusion. To me those who deny it are simple delusional in their own reality.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Blackrock13, you are a lazy man who gets his research from his couch while watching t.v. I know this because you refer to some lame ass experiment done on 20/20. That is not research. There is an abundance of studies done that you can source. PULL YOUR HEAD away from your t.v. type education & google " height and male attractiveness" to get some real solid research. AND are you f'in joking !!!! YOU take the word of any woman who's sole pupose on here is to get biz. Got news for you: have money for an s.p. and AT ANY HEIGHT you are sexy. Sheeesh. I have worked with these girls in the biz. for years...... I know the con.... you are so much the typical client .... that is why it works. I guess cute-bald was a man who respected detailed research that took many years to conclude AND what I see many such studies done which come to the same conclusion. To me those who deny it are simple delusional in their own reality.
Does refuting research, validating your own beliefs that you will never be happy because you are short, does this really make you feel better? Do you get any sort of satisfaction from what you just posted?


Nov 13, 2011
Yes Jessica how about from that page from searching " height and male attractiveness , you quote ALL the topics about women selecting men first & formost by height & judge a man's attractiveness by height. PLEASE: you might fool the other guys who are too dam lazy to look up the research & want to stay deluded BUT I already told you I looked it up. You won't have any problem finding them. On the first 3 pages there is plenty. Mur11 & balckrock13 you stay delusional. It is good biz. for the escorts. I KEEP IT REAL.
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