Ashley Madison

For Whom The Bell Tolls Mr. Ford: It Tolls For Thee


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Toronto Star March 12, 2012

Robyn Doolittle Urban Affairs Reporter

Constitutional lawyer Clayton Ruby is launching court proceedings to have Mayor Rob Ford removed from office.

Ruby is initiating the legal application on behalf of Toronto homeowner Paul Magder. Details of the move will be announced Monday at 11 a.m. press conference at City Hall.

An earlier version that stated Etobicoke councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby was also involved were in accurate.

Toronto's long dark nightmare may soon be over. The winds of of justice will soon swoop in and clear this dark pall of idiocy and tomfoolery that has cast a plague and pestilence over our city.

A pox on you Mr. Ford.

We'll get you my and your little dog.


Jan 31, 2005
Ford's clearly failed as a leader, and has lost the support of council. However I can't fathom on what grounds he could be removed from office. You can't turf someone from an elected position just for doing a bad job.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Ford's clearly failed as a leader, and has lost the support of council. However I can't fathom on what grounds he could be removed from office. You can't turf someone from an elected position just for doing a bad job.
1) Tomfoolery
2) Sneakthievery
3) Skullduggery
4) Hornswogglery
5) Feebleminded Foolishery
6) Total Toolery
7) Finger givingery
Last edited:


Mar 21, 2011
March 25 is the court date.
Sounds like Ruby has a valid argument, we'll see if the judge agrees.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
kelly grant — City Hall Bureau Chief

Globe and Mail Update Monday, Mar. 12, 2012 1:18PM EDT

A prominent Toronto lawyer is trying to remove Mayor Rob Ford from office for allegedly breaching a conflict-of-interest law when he voted against paying back $3,150 donated to his football foundation.

If a court finds that Mr. Ford broke the rule knowingly, he would automatically lose his job, said lawyer Clayton Ruby, who filed the legal action on behalf of citizen Paul Magder.

Mr. Ford would need to prove he broke the rule “through inadvertence or by reason of an error in judgment,” to escape that penalty.

“I’m sorry is not enough,” Mr. Ruby told a news conference Monday. “It doesn’t get you off the hook for a minute. I’m sorry doesn’t count.”

The legal case has its roots in the way Mr. Ford solicited donations for the Rob Ford Football Foundation, which has donated tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment to sports programs at underprivileged schools.

Before he was elected mayor, Mr. Ford used his Ward 2 Etobicoke North stationary and the city’s logo and embossed gold seal to seek contributions to the foundation, something the city’s integrity commissioner warned violated council’s code of conduct.

In August 2010, two months before Mr. Ford was elected mayor, Integrity Commissioner Janet Leiper recommended he repay $3,150 in football donations made by 11 lobbyists and one corporation who had business dealings with the city. Council voted to back her up.

Despite six follow-up letters, Mr. Ford refused to reimburse the money.

When Ms. Leiper took the issue back to council last month, council voted 22-12 to rescind its earlier decision and take no action against the mayor.

One of the 22 council members who spoke and voted in favour of that outcome was the mayor himself – and that’s when he broke the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, according to Mr. Ruby.

“It’s not as if Mayor Ford is a novice councillor,” Mr. Ruby said. “He knows the legislation. So that’s an important point.”

Mr. Magder’s legal action, filed Friday, asks the court to ban Mr. Ford from standing for election for seven years. The court would have discretion on that point, but not on whether the mayor be kicked out of office if he’s found to have knowingly breached the act, Mr. Ruby said.

The court would also have to determine Mr. Ford had a financial interest; although he was ordered to pay back $3,150, the reimbursements could have come from the foundation’s coffers, not Mr. Ford’s pocket.

Nobody from the mayor’s office was immediately available to comment.

However, Mr. Ford has said he no longer uses official letterhead or identifies himself as a politician when he solicits donations for his football foundation.

Mr. Magder, 57, said he has no axe to grind when it comes to the mayor.

“I’m fed up with all the stuff I see going on in politics, basically,” he said. “This was just one more thing. For me, municipal politics is the most important politics actually, because that affects us everyday.”

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act violation by speaking and voting on a council motion regarding the mayor's action's. Penalty removal from office.

Plausible defence of “through inadvertence or by reason of an error in judgment,” may be successful given the mayor's total lack of knowledge about anything and everything.

Stumbling, bumbling, doltish dumbness just may hold sway for our lovable stumblebum Ford.

On the otherhand taking into consideration this court case, the upcoming court case regarding the audit of his campaign financing and his total lack of fitness for office maybe he should just resign and save the city from his hellish reign while managing to salvage whatever scrap of dignity he feels he may have left.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Paul Magder,

"....we see a municipal politician voting for his own monetary benefit when he should have excused himself from the debate and the vote because of a conflict of interest. I cannot stand by and do nothing while our councillors ignore their duties for whatever reasons. I believe that respect for the taxpayers means respect for the law.”

Unilaterally cancelling Transit City without council approval.
Burying the TTC report.
"Without just cause" firing of Gary Webster.
Shady campaign financing.
Closed door meetings with developers.
RFQ on waste contracts......

....and now this.
Toronto Escorts