Oh why bother, how about we all just start posting aircraft videos instead.Sue him.
Oh why bother, how about we all just start posting aircraft videos instead.Sue him.
This is your evidence that Palin is a racist? C'mon man.Palin: "So Sambo beat the bitch"
Sarah Palin commenting after hearing that Obama won the nomination and beat Hillary.
So you are going to paint everyone there as vile and racist because we heard some yahoo say "kill em" or "nigger"? BTW wasn't even clear who kill em referred to. Ever been to a union rally Cobster? And why do you completely ignore the hate rhetoric coming from the left from idiots like Bill Maher or Janine Garofalo or Maxine Waters? You're truly a joke.It's a fact, the President's health is important. McCain is no spring chicken and has some health issues.
Speaking of wishing someone dead...and incredibly vile shit at the rallies in 2008.
Yes GOPers never do that.Ever been to a union rally Cobster? And why do you completely ignore the hate rhetoric coming from the left from idiots like Bill Maher or Janine Garofalo or Maxine Waters? You're truly a joke.
She certainly didn't seem appalled or denounce it right on the spot now did she? There are certain lines you don't cross, NIGGER or KILL HIM would be definitely one of them.So you are going to paint everyone there as vile and racist because we heard some yahoo say "kill em" or "nigger"? BTW wasn't even clear who kill em referred to. Ever been to a union rally Cobster? And why do you completely ignore the hate rhetoric coming from the left from idiots like Bill Maher or Janine Garofalo or Maxine Waters? You're truly a joke.
Hmm, I recall that the President sat right there on the platform while another Democratic politician used those words (albeit in the plural), the President didn't bat an eyelid, nor did he utter a word of reproof.There are certain lines you don't cross. . . KILL HIM would be definitely one of them.
Who, and speaking about what?Hmm, I recall that the President sat right there on the platform while another Democratic politician used those words (albeit in the plural), the President didn't bat an eyelid, nor did he utter a word of reproof.
Yes, who and speaking about what?Who, and speaking about what?
So whether the statement is appropriate in a domestic political setting depends upon who you say deserves to be "eliminated?"Who, and speaking about what?
History would tend to agree with you so not a big claim. Very few governments have lasted three terms.Sarah Palin to run in 2016, I seriously don't think so. But the Democrats will not retain The Presidency in 2016 anyway.
"Let's take these sons of bitches out"? That one?Gee amazingly enough I have other priorities than this thread.
I was mistaken, it was not technically a fellow politician it was the President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters who made the remark, with the President on the platform.
Union rally, no. I work for myself, so never been with a union.So you are going to paint everyone there as vile and racist because we heard some yahoo say "kill em" or "nigger"? BTW wasn't even clear who kill em referred to. Ever been to a union rally Cobster? And why do you completely ignore the hate rhetoric coming from the left from idiots like Bill Maher or Janine Garofalo or Maxine Waters? You're truly a joke.
If so I will be shocked -her negatives far outweigh her benefits to the ticket.She'll be at the convention.Do not be surprised if she is in the running for VP...and do not be surprised if she gets it.