i wasn't trying to be insulting or accusing. i was just saying, your in a beautiful part of the world on vacation. it's not just another day as you said in an earlier post, cuz not everyday is you in florida
Hi Simon,
I guess I just have not made my life style decisions clear.
We live of income, like everyone else. Our income comes from Loki's pension and from investments. If we just lived on his pension we would be OK but would have to keep an eye on spending. Loki would feel like a failure if we needed to start spending the capital. It is also tied into Loki's ego. Making money makes him feel that he is still alive and useful.
Loki spends a couple of hours every day keeping informed and doing research and updating his financial models. If something changes in the financial world he dives in and spends as much time as it takes to update his models and investments. The nice part is that as long as his tablet can connect to the internet he can work anywhere in the world.
Loki will "work" till the day he dies. Or maybe I should say if he cannot work he will die. I knew that when we got married and accept it.
So you physically leave your wife to go to work. Loki's body stays but his attention leaves me and goes to work. You both go to work. same thing. So the real question is what do I do when Loki is working. I could go out and visit Key West, but I will enjoy that a lot more with him. I have no pressing time table. We can be here as long as we want. I prefer just being close to him. I have been known to sun myself on the balcony, but in general I feel happiest just being close, either on the bed or the couch, to him.
I spent most of my life isolated and alone. Why would I want to be alone now by choice? The only down side is that I get bored just sitting. I do not like TV. I Wander around the internet on the laptop, and leave Terb open and peak in once in a while.
So that is why I am posting often some days, and a few times a day most days

. It works for us.
Oh papers are seldom made of paper in our world. They are E-papers

just in case someone comments.