What is the longest strech of being single have you experienced?


New member
Jan 13, 2012
Partyman, maybe you're just aimming too high (no pun intended). Sure we all like the hotties, but sometimes, you just gotta think.. I ain't getting her. Aim lower. Find an ugly woman. Treat her like gold. Sweep her off her feet. Woo her. We can't all date supermodels and movie stars, and you can only date the SP's till the money runs out. Unless they 'really' like you.. which, in your case, who are we kidding.. you can only date em till the money runs out. It's a bitch being a short dude with a chip on your shoulder. But for all your shortcomings (ok, that one I meant) even some ugly chick might date you. Good Luck!


Nov 13, 2011
Well I guess 5'8.5" is considered short now a days BUT sorry, I think it very insulting to say I should " go for ugly women". True I have got a couple of ugly women that showed interest. And I don't mean they were just g.n.d. types. That would be nice. Nor do I go for the extreem of super models. YES I spent many years chilling with hot guys & can see very clearly , iou's in action .... thank you very much. Sounds like what 39ajaxmale is saying.... if you are " short" you are s.o.l.'d.... screwed!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Ok, I did not mean only married or a few dates. I mean to the level that you would tell people she is your girlfriend. It is pathetic when even your family, nieces, nephews accept casually that I am single. They never even ask or consider that I might be dating someone. It would be news of the century ... not sure for who... me or the girl!!!
That's because they've concluded that you are gay.


New member
Jan 13, 2012
Well I guess 5'8.5" is considered short now a days BUT sorry, I think it very insulting to say I should " go for ugly women". True I have got a couple of ugly women that showed interest. And I don't mean they were just g.n.d. types. That would be nice. Nor do I go for the extreem of super models. YES I spent many years chilling with hot guys & can see very clearly , iou's in action .... thank you very much. Sounds like what 39ajaxmale is saying.... if you are " short" you are s.o.l.'d.... screwed!
Clearly your current approach isn't working. I only mention the short thing because clearly it's an issue with you. You've posted a BILLION times about your issues with lack of height. I'm only mocking you now.

What's wrong with ugly women? I mean, if that's what you can get.. then I guess that's what you get. The cute ones pass on you, the gnd types pass on you. The ugly ones are what's left for you! Maybe start with an ugly one, and maybe a gnd type may think.. hmmm, he's not gay, he hasn't gotten dumped, maybe he has something going for him. Voila, you work your way up the chain..

Then again.. in all that time you spend with the HOT guys, maybe you are gay. You give off the gaydar and the ladies sense it and just avoid you. Just a question.. were those hot guys also tall? Do you prefer the hot tall blond guys or are you more for the dark hair? Since you're about 5'8, which is about average height for a woman, maybe you've started to feel all feminine?


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Dude, in addition to the stench of self-loathing you give off in every post you make, you also spend inordinate amount of time talking about how hot and tall your male friends are and what 'alphas' they are, and how women are all over them whenever you go out. Now, personally I doubt you have such friends, because potential mates, friends, acquaintances, generally do not enjoy hanging with a bitter social reject like you, but if you are telling the truth, then you're either actually gay, which is cool, or you give out a massive gay vibe, which is one reason why you're not knee-deep in pussy right now. The other is the fact that you're a terrible person. But no other straight guy spends the time you do talking about how hot his male friends are. Sorry.
If you are gay, by all means, live your life and come out of the closet. Maybe you'll find the happiness you need


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
if he had a gay vibe some women might enjoy hanging with him.

he is probably the gopher or lackey or bitch for these hot guys. if they were his friend they probably couldve helped him get a plain jane.

his sights are probably too high.

if all that are left are uglies either learn to appreciate inner beauty and learn to appreciate himself.

no girl will date a guy who hates himself.

counselling is not a bad thing.


Jan 31, 2005
no girl will date a guy who hates himself.
Bingo. Women want a leader. If they can't get that, they at least want a guy other people like. If they can't even get that, they want ruggedly independent, or close enough that they can fantasize about it in the sack.

No woman wants a guy who can't even convince himself he's alright.


Nov 13, 2011
fuji. I completely agree. BUT I do not think it is as simple as that as to why some guys stay chronically single , not by choice but failure to even attract a P.J. As to the other guys.... are you serious? You cannot even to begin to advise anyone specifically that you have never met. Such as the hot guys I speak of were part of the group I hung out with in University. Was just used as an example that I witnessed close up & personal the guys that got iou's. Yes they tried to hook me up. Even with sisters friends. Always: " nice guy, but no attraction.... friend material.


Jun 6, 2009
fuji. I completely agree. BUT I do not think it is as simple as that as to why some guys stay chronically single , not by choice but failure to even attract a P.J. As to the other guys.... are you serious? You cannot even to begin to advise anyone specifically that you have never met. Such as the hot guys I speak of were part of the group I hung out with in University. Was just used as an example that I witnessed close up & personal the guys that got iou's. Yes they tried to hook me up. Even with sisters friends. Always: " nice guy, but no attraction.... friend material.
It's simple, your aura sucks big time. You give off bad vibes and other pick it up big time. You might as well pack the van and head up north. You won't be having any kids so no one will miss you. We've met you through your posts and it's almost unanimous, you're really sad.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
fuji. I completely agree. BUT I do not think it is as simple as that as to why some guys stay chronically single , not by choice but failure to even attract a P.J. As to the other guys.... are you serious? You cannot even to begin to advise anyone specifically that you have never met. Such as the hot guys I speak of were part of the group I hung out with in University. Was just used as an example that I witnessed close up & personal the guys that got iou's. Yes they tried to hook me up. Even with sisters friends. Always: " nice guy, but no attraction.... friend material.
if we cant advise you then what are you doing here?!?

it comes down to fixing your inner and outer appearance.....if you can get medium build, dress presentably, and get confidence you ll be okay. first two are easy. third needs professional help. after that it is all about practicing dating skills. unless you r the elephantman you have hope. i see awful loojking people with kids or a partner.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
your other option is to embrace being single and enjoy life.

again if you cant have fun on your own you cant expect girls to line up.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
I think most of us have problems with attracting women. That's at least part of the reason we are in this hobby. I'm not as successful as I would like to be women, Hell, by some standards, I'm quite unsuccessful. And yeah, after getting shot down a few times in a night, or by a woman that you were interested in, it's tough. It really is, and I understand the self-pity and the misdirected anger. But, honestly, Partyman (and for this post I'm not insulting you, or assuming you're gay), why are you doing this? How is what you're doing, which is spewing bitterness and anger, and self-pity, helping you? Do you honestly feel better about yourself? Are you receiving feedback either here, or through PMs from other people here, that validates you, or makes you feel less alone? It takes a bit of effort to write your posts and click the submit button. You are consciously choosing to post these threads, when you could be doing so much else with your time. I know it doesn't take all that much time, especially when you're basically reitarating things that you've posted hundreds of times before, but it still takes some time. In the time (and I'm also not assuming you're cute-bald, although there's strong evidence that you are) that you've been here, have you gained any real understanding of why you're alone? Do you feel better about your life? Or are you simply caught in a feedback loop where you post your bitterness, look at one or two replies that confirm your biases, ignore the vast quantities of good replies that do offer legitimate advice, and then feel the need to validate your worldview and take the heat off yourself and put it on the height fairy, or on "shallow" woman by posting even more of your crap? Is it some giant self-flagellation mission that you're on?

I'm honestly curious why you keep doing this to yourself and to us? I can't imagine anything more depressing than to keeping whining about my insecurities and faults to a bunch of anonymous people on the interwebs and to keep doing it, not changing any arguments or complaints.


Nov 13, 2011
mur11, I agree with you AND my thread was just one of curiosity if there is many guys on this board/ in the hobby who have had long, very long streches. You will notice as I did tell of my legnth of time I did NOT explain/ complain as to why. It was not my intent to make it about me or reasons there of & solutions. Although I do say the last few posts have been positive & good advice. THANKS Guys :)


Jun 6, 2009
mur11, I agree with you AND my thread was just one of curiosity if there is many guys on this board/ in the hobby who have had long, very long streches. You will notice as I did tell of my legnth of time I did NOT explain/ complain as to why. It was not my intent to make it about me or reasons there of & solutions. Although I do say the last few posts have been positive & good advice. THANKS Guys :)

If this was your only thread about things pertaining to being short, unpopular, and single, you might have something, but this has been a crusade with you that almost matches andabrandy's chubby for Ford..


New member
Jan 13, 2012
fuji. I completely agree. BUT I do not think it is as simple as that as to why some guys stay chronically single , not by choice but failure to even attract a P.J. As to the other guys.... are you serious? You cannot even to begin to advise anyone specifically that you have never met. Such as the hot guys I speak of were part of the group I hung out with in University. Was just used as an example that I witnessed close up & personal the guys that got iou's. Yes they tried to hook me up. Even with sisters friends. Always: " nice guy, but no attraction.... friend material.
I hung out with other guys in high school.. and in college. Not once, EVER did I call any of them 'hot'. There's a difference between hanging out with guys.. being friends.. and referring to them CONSTANTLY as 'hot' and 'tall'. Face facts. You'll hate yourself a lot less. Maybe you can find yourself a nice short guy who's into you.


Nov 13, 2011
Blackrock13 were is it that I called myelf short = nowere. These guys in University that I hung out with were constantly called hot by girls. They got massive attention anywere they went from women without even opening their mouths. P.S. considering there is guys on here that have spent many years & time hobbying I had a genuine interest ( curiosity) IF many have spent a large number of years in no sexual relationship. IT SEEMS to offend some. Would be nice to hear from any who have in fact spend many years out of a relationship. TOO BAD the thread started taking another direction.


Oct 1, 2011
Well I guess 5'8.5" is considered short now a days BUT sorry, I think it very insulting to say I should " go for ugly women".
Cute-Bald said that his ideal goal from leg lengthening was to go from 5'5" to 5'9", the full 4 inches of maximum possible gain. It looks like he fell half an inch short of his goal. Not bad.


Jun 6, 2009
Blackrock13 were is it that I called myelf short = nowere. These guys in University that I hung out with were constantly called hot by girls. They got massive attention anywere they went from women without even opening their mouths. P.S. considering there is guys on here that have spent many years & time hobbying I had a genuine interest ( curiosity) IF many have spent a large number of years in no sexual relationship. IT SEEMS to offend some. Would be nice to hear from any who have in fact spend many years out of a relationship. TOO BAD the thread started taking another direction.
Your whole schtick is about being short. Did you 'actually' say your short? Well, you've been at this sooooooo long I'm not going to search all your posts to track the one you clearly stated that, but it's clear you think you have a thing about your height relative to others.

Offend us, not really. It's just that this is the 5th, 7th or 10th thread, whatever, you started about why guys of certain physical, emotional, or social characteristics, are unlucky, lonely, or downtrodden.

So, tell us, how tall/short are you?
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