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Netenyahu the ignorant zionist


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Netenyahu is trying to get support from the U.S on Iran with spreading half truths about Persians to the world.
On his visit to the U.S he provided a gift to Obama which is called the Scroll of Esther (which is a tale about a Jewish beauty charming a Persian king into foiling a plot of a Kings Advisor genecidal plans against the Jews) but what he forgot to tell Obama and the world is that the existence of the Jews is somewhat owed to the great Persian king Cyrus The Great and the Cylinder of Cyrus The Great which is also known as the Declaration of Human Rights which is over 2500 years old.

Anyone who knows a little bit about history of the Persian empire or Judaism should know this.
Cyrus the Great is mentioned 23 times by name in the hebrew bible (old testament). Cyrust The Great the king of Persia was the king under whom the captivity of the Jews ended, in his first year of his reign he set a decree that the Temple of Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that the Jews should return to their land for this purpose.
Cyrus The Great after capturing Babylon freed the Jews and gave them safe passage to return to Jerusalem.

Israel is trying to maintain its nuclear hegemony in the region by attacking Iran and also trying to make this a war of cultures and people what a shame.



Apr 14, 2011
Netenyahu is trying to get support from the U.S on Iran with spreading half truths about Persians to the world.
On his visit to the U.S he provided a gift to Obama which is called the Scroll of Esther (which is a tale about a Jewish beauty charming a Persian king into foiling a plot of a Kings Advisor genecidal plans against the Jews) but what he forgot to tell Obama and the world is that the existence of the Jews is somewhat owed to the great Persian king Cyrus The Great and the Cylinder of Cyrus The Great which is also known as the Declaration of Human Rights which is over 2500 years old.

Anyone who knows a little bit about history of the Persian empire or Judaism should know this.
Cyrus the Great is mentioned 23 times by name in the hebrew bible (old testament). Cyrust The Great the king of Persia was the king under whom the captivity of the Jews ended, in his first year of his reign he set a decree that the Temple of Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that the Jews should return to their land for this purpose.
Cyrus The Great after capturing Babylon freed the Jews and gave them safe passage to return to Jerusalem.

Israel is trying to maintain its nuclear hegemony in the region by attacking Iran and also trying to make this a war of cultures and people what a shame.

agreeed...this whole Iran thing is getting outta hand...i think it's all about those nuclear reactors though..scary shit if in the wrong hands.

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
Since the 1979 Iranian revolution and the downfall of the US Puppet Ruler the Shah, Iran has been an Islamic state. In that interval of time, 1979 to the present, Iran has not invaded anyone. Not once. People of all religions live in peace in Iran, even Jews, who find life so comfortable in Iran they refused an offer by the government of Israel to emigrate!
In the same period of time, Israel, a self-declared Jewish state, attacked Iraq in 1981, bombing the power station at Osirik, claiming it was a clandestine weapons factory. Subsequent examination of the ruins following the 2003 invasion proved Israel had lied. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon. This led to the Massacres at Sabra and Shatilla. In February 2003 Israel staged incursions into Gaza and Nablus. In September 2007 Israel bombed Syria, again insisting they were destroying a clandestine weapons laboratory. Again there was no evidence to support Israel's claims. In 2006, Israel attacked Lebanon, killing 1200, mostly civilians, several UN observers, and littering the landscape with land mines on their way out. In February 2008 Israel again raided Gaza, killing over 100. HAMAS agreed to a cease fire and kept it for 6 months until November 4, when Israel again attacked without warning, killing 6 HAMAS members, and launching operation CAST LEAD. 1300 Gazans, mostly civilians, were killed. Israel lost 13 soldiers. Violations of international law included the use of White Phosphorus incendiary bombs against civilians and non-military targets. The United Nations investigated, but Israel refused to cooperate. In May 2010, Israel attacked an international aid flotilla bringing food and medical supplies to Gaza in international waters. 9 people were murdered including an American from New York.
In the same period of time, the United States, officially a secular nation but predominantly Christian, attacked El Salvador (1980), Libya (1981), Sinai (1982), Lebanon (1982 1983), Egypt (1983), Grenada (1983), Honduras (1983), Chad (1983), Persian Gulf (1984), Libya (1986) , Bolivia (1986), Iran (1987), Persian Gulf (1987), Kuwait (1987), Iran (1988), Honduras (1988), Panama (1988), Libya (1989), Panama (1989), Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru (1989), Philippines (1989), Panama (1989-1990), Liberia (1990), Saudi Arabia (1990), Iraq (1991), Zaire (1991), Sierra Leone (1992), Somalia (1992), Bosnia-Herzegovina (1993 to present), Macedonia (1993), Haiti (1994), Macedonia (1994), Bosnia (1995), Liberia (1996), Central African Republic (1996), Albania (1997), Congo/Gabon (1997), Sierra Leon (1997), Cambodia (1997), Iraq (1998), Guinea/Bissau (1998), Kenya/Tanzania (1998 to 1999), Afghanistan/Sudan (1998), Liberia (1998), East Timor (1999), Serbia (1999), Sierra Leon (2000), Yemen (2000), East Timor (2000), Afghanistan (2001 to present), Yemen (2002), Philippines (2002) , Cote d'Ivoire (2002), Iraq (2003 to present), Liberia (2003), Georgia/Djibouti (2003), Haiti (2004), Georgia/Djibouti/Kenya/Ethiopia/Yemen/Eritrea War on Terror (2004), Pakistan drone attacks (2004 to present), Somalia (2007), South Ossetia/Georgia (2008), Syria (2008), Yemen (2009), Haiti (2010), etc. etc. etc. etc.
So, who is the danger to world peace?



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
He may be an ignorant Zionist but he is knowledgeable Jew. The scroll commemorated the Jewish Holiday of Purim which is about to begin.

I always find it hilariously funny the lengths that people will go to manifest their hatred of Israel even to the point of attempting to defend Iran. Too funny. In a pathetic way of course.

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
He may be an ignorant Zionist but he is knowledgeable Jew. The scroll commemorated the Jewish Holiday of Purim which is about to begin.

I always find it hilariously funny the lengths that people will go to manifest their hatred of Israel even to the point of attempting to defend Iran. Too funny. In a pathetic way of course.
It's not the hatred of Israel. Most people in the West have no issues with the Jews. It's those Zioterds that everybody hates. And Netenyahoo is a Zioterd.

As well as the US Congress and White House etc...

What Israel has done to the Palestinians while the World sits on it's hands is disgusting. That's why people rage against the Zioterds. And that's why Israel is going to be isolated by the rest of the World. They don't play well in the Worlds sandbox.



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
He may be an ignorant Zionist but he is knowledgeable Jew. The scroll commemorated the Jewish Holiday of Purim which is about to begin.

I always find it hilariously funny the lengths that people will go to manifest their hatred of Israel even to the point of attempting to defend Iran. Too funny. In a pathetic way of course.
Unfortunately you haven't taken the time to read my post as it is in no way defending the Iranian regime.
My post is just showing that Netenyahu is speaking of half truths about Persians and how he is not referring to the good that the Persian empire provided to the Jews at a time when the majority of the known world wanted to anahilate the Jews exept the Persians.
It is your type of thinking that is pathetic as you believe anyone that speaks ill of Israel has hatred towards them regardless if it is the truth.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
He may be an ignorant Zionist but he is knowledgeable Jew. The scroll commemorated the Jewish Holiday of Purim which is about to begin.

I always find it hilariously funny the lengths that people will go to manifest their hatred of Israel even to the point of attempting to defend Iran. Too funny. In a pathetic way of course.
To defend Zionism you are defending hate towards anyone who is not a Jew and who does not share the Zionist point of view.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
This thread is about Netenyahu the Zionist clown spreading half truths about Persians.
What Obama should have done is he should have taken Netenyahu over to the U.N and shown him the Cylinder of Cyrus The Great also known as the Declaration of Human Rights and reminded him what Cyrus The Great did for the Jews.


Apr 14, 2011
Unfortunately you haven't taken the time to read my post as it is in no way defending the Iranian regime.
My post is just showing that Netenyahu is speaking of half truths about Persians and how he is not referring to the good that the Persian empire provided to the Jews at a time when the majority of the known world wanted to anahilate the Jews exept the Persians.
It is your type of thinking that is pathetic as you believe anyone that speaks ill of Israel has hatred towards them regardless if it is the truth.
nothing to do with politics, but a friend of mine(close) is Persian, and he tells me the majority of Persians do not hold the same cuckoo idealogy of the Ayatollah and mullahs...instead most have very western beliefs and view the jews more like Canadians view americans...a little rivalry but nothing extreme..he pointed out if they did, you would see murders here in Canada daily between jews and persians/muslims... it's the nuts out in the small towns and villages that vote en masse and are much like the religious right in the midwest/southern USA...hence idiots like Amenjinidad( i have no idea how to spell that)..loll


Mar 21, 2011
nothing to do with politics, but a friend of mine(close) is Persian, and he tells me the majority of Persians do not hold the same cuckoo idealogy of the Ayatollah and mullahs...instead most have very western beliefs and view the jews more like Canadians view americans...a little rivalry but nothing extreme..he pointed out if they did, you would see murders here in Canada daily between jews and persians/muslims... it's the nuts out in the small towns and villages that vote en masse and are much like the religious right in the midwest/southern USA...hence idiots like Amenjinidad( i have no idea how to spell that)..loll
That's the same as I've heard from the Persians I know as well. Its been said here before, but one of the things that's keeping the shah and his gang in power is the constant threat of invasion or bombing by Israel, and the assorted sanctions that go with that. Without that pressure the Green movement would be out on the streets again working for change.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
To defend Zionism you are defending hate towards anyone who is not a Jew and who does not share the Zionist point of view.
And you are showing complete ignorance of Zionism. I can say with very little doubt that if you were to ask the Muslims and/or Christians and/or members of other faiths who live in Israel if they would rather live in any other country in the mid-east of if they would have greater rights and/or religious freedom the answer would be no.

I have been to Israel many times and that is undoubtedly the case. Except perhaps in the minds of pepole who have never been there and simply buy into the party line spouted by the clown brothers and their ilk including you.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
It's not the hatred of Israel. Most people in the West have no issues with the Jews. It's those Zioterds that everybody hates. And Netenyahoo is a Zioterd.

As well as the US Congress and White House etc...

What Israel has done to the Palestinians while the World sits on it's hands is disgusting. That's why people rage against the Zioterds. And that's why Israel is going to be isolated by the rest of the World. They don't play well in the Worlds sandbox.

I did not say Jews I said Israel which is synonymous with Zionism. I agree that there is much that Israel could have and should have done differently with respect to the Palestinians but if you are looking for the real villains you are looking in the wrong place. You should look in the palaces of the PLO and the other despots in the surrounding countries who have used the Palestinian people as pawns for their own purposes. I do not include Abbas in that group.

The time has come to sit down and negotiate and until that happens the Palestinian people will not achieve there legitimate sovereign aspirations. That is simply a fact which cannot and should not be ignored. in.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Israel doesn't need to negotiate.They have all the power and call all the shots, so why would they want to negotiate? For peace?? LOL!! They don't know that word. They were founded on war and seek their identity through it. If you took violence out of the Torah, it would be a pamphlet.
Last edited:


Apr 14, 2011
Israel doesn't need to negotiate.They have all the power and call all the shots, so why would they want to negotiate? For peace?? LOL!! They don't know that word. They were founded on war and seek their identity through it.
see this is what i'm talking about...seems the extremists are in control on both sides...eventhough the majority of peoples from both nations seek peace..(no offence wigglee, but this is what i meant by cuckoo villagers/crazy zionists)


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
When are ignorant people going to wake up and realize that humans regardless of if they are Jews, Muslims, Christians, Bhuddist and every other religion there is are all the same.
To put the interests of one religion (Judaism) ahead of all others while maintaining others are being extremists towards the Jews in itself is being an extremist and the problem.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Israel doesn't need to negotiate.They have all the power and call all the shots, so why would they want to negotiate? For peace?? LOL!! They don't know that word. They were founded on war and seek their identity through it.
I guess that is why they have been calling for negotiations with all their neighbors including the Palestinians for over 40 years. They concluded negotiations and treaties with Egypt and Jordan. They negotiated ends to the incursions into Lebanon etc. Your right. they don't know the word. You may be aiming to be the third clown brother. You should try and set your sights a little higher.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Back to the original topic:

Netenyahu is trying to get support from the U.S on Iran with spreading half truths about Persians to the world.
On his visit to the U.S he provided a gift to Obama which is called the Scroll of Esther (which is a tale about a Jewish beauty charming a Persian king into foiling a plot of a Kings Advisor genecidal plans against the Jews) but what he forgot to tell Obama and the world is that the existence of the Jews is somewhat owed to the great Persian king Cyrus The Great and the Cylinder of Cyrus The Great which is also known as the Declaration of Human Rights which is over 2500 years old.

Anyone who knows a little bit about history of the Persian empire or Judaism should know this.
Cyrus the Great is mentioned 23 times by name in the hebrew bible (old testament). Cyrust The Great the king of Persia was the king under whom the captivity of the Jews ended, in his first year of his reign he set a decree that the Temple of Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that the Jews should return to their land for this purpose.
Cyrus The Great after capturing Babylon freed the Jews and gave them safe passage to return to Jerusalem.

Israel is trying to maintain its nuclear hegemony in the region by attacking Iran and also trying to make this a war of cultures and people what a shame.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
He may be an ignorant Zionist but he is knowledgeable Jew. The scroll commemorated the Jewish Holiday of Purim which is about to begin.

I always find it hilariously funny the lengths that people will go to manifest their hatred of Israel even to the point of attempting to defend Iran. Too funny. In a pathetic way of course.
Don't you know that the holiday of Purim is just a centuries old plot that the Jews came up with because they knew that at some time, Iran would be working on nuclear weapons?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's not the hatred of Israel. Most people in the West have no issues with the Jews. It's those Zioterds that everybody hates. And Netenyahoo is a Zioterd.

As well as the US Congress and White House etc...

What Israel has done to the Palestinians while the World sits on it's hands is disgusting. ...
Don't forget what the Arab world has done to the Palestinians and what the Palestinians have done to themselves.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
When are ignorant people going to wake up and realize that humans regardless of if they are Jews, Muslims, Christians, Bhuddist and every other religion there is are all the same.
To put the interests of one religion (Judaism) ahead of all others while maintaining others are being extremists towards the Jews in itself is being an extremist and the problem.
I guess Palestinian groups like Hamas who were founded on the principle of an Islamic state in all of the region are not a problem for you (or for peace)?
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