

Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

I am beginning to despise IPOD's. To me IPODs have become the equivalent to cigarettes and smoking.

IPODS should stand for Idiot Personal Obsessive Devices.
My reason is this my co-workers and some other people I have talked do agree with my statement. That people with PODs go to the washroom on purposely, sit on the toilet, and just play games on their POD's.

Last week I almost screamed at loud in the bathroom “ Downloading a toilet Apps “
Sometimes I noticed they forget to flush the toiler then I say “ are you downloading bathroom freshener for the smell in here?”

This is getting ridiculous and out of hand, Now I see why some companies that are trying to survive, mainly family business, are taking in retired people back to work. The young generation don't know how to work. They seems to lack simple social skills such as:
ask for help
greet people, hello, thank you, please etc
take only the amount of time given for them to have a break. ( one takes more than it is given to us)
they are shallow, low self-esteem.

One thing I have learned last year is this.
There are four types of people you will always meet, in this statement out does any psychologist out there. It does not discriminated against gender, race religion, or money.

4 Kinds of People:
1. Self
2. Ego
3. Medication / Medicated :
This one means either people are getting prescriptions drugs from their doctors ( ie Oxycotin I called it OxyColon”) or downers. Or they are Self-Medicating themselves with Alcohol, and Illegal Drugs. ( they start with marijuana, then cocaine and they just work their way up, don't ask me because I am not into that, nor ask a cop)
4. Other : Rednecks, idiots, ass, etc which in a way fall into #2 ( you can fill in here what ever you want)

For 1 and 2 please go on the net and search for “self vs ego” and just read a few blogs ,and some mental websites.

If my boss asks me where is Joe I say" he is at the IPOD docking full service Station" after a week he asked me where is that, I pointed towards the bathroom. He never asked me again.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
You could say the same thing about Blackberrys and smartphone.Seems like everyone is walking around wwith their head down staring at their phone.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
You could say the same thing about Blackberrys and smartphone.Seems like everyone is walking around wwith their head down staring at their phone.
I call them zombies. They seem zoned out and unaware of their surroundings.

There's a still-appropriate line near the beginning of Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy:
Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How dare these damn kids. Back in my day, we had to zone out listening to walkmen with only 1 cassette in it and silly yellow headphones. Damn them for doing the same thing with a higher capacity for songs.
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