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Toronto cop charged with murder!!!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i got a red ryder bb gun today and i will be back in canada sunday night. watch the fuck out toronto.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
why is it bullshit?..sorry , i'm not too informed about the case, but i read he was shot 4 times in the back? were they shot at (police)?
i don't think so this is bullshit, somebody died here as a civilian and this not because of bullshit. there are certain laws in criminal law in that covers this especially shooting at the back. siu recommended the case to the crown and we will wait and see what the outcome is.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Can't comment on the actions of the officer himself as I don't know much about the case. But what I do find to be complete bullshit is the fact that officers charged with murder still get suspended with pay (aka vacation).


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Can't comment on the actions of the officer himself as I don't know much about the case. But what I do find to be complete bullshit is the fact that officers charged with murder still get suspended with pay (aka vacation).
Well, there is a presumption of innocence in our society. And the charge of murder is for actions committed in the line of duty. So I think it is reasonable the to pay his salary until he is found guilty....which will never happen in our legal system.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Well, there is a presumption of innocence in our society.
This presumption of innocence thing -- they tell me it applies to everyone, not just police. So I say, if they put police on paid holiday while awaiting trial, they should do the same for everybody.

I might be prepared to commit a crime or two, if they treated us all like they treat the police.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
read an article that pointed out some interesting things like
-people helped usher this guy out the back of court houses so that pictures were tough to get
-times of his court appearances were purposely tough to get making it hard for press to be there
-released on bail no time in custody

a civilian shoots a cop in the back you better bet he stays in jail till his day in court and you can be assured to get the classic cuffs and jacket over head pic.

just seems hypocritical that a police officer should get all this special treatment. some things I could understand like maybe not keeping him confined with other criminals if his safety might be in danger but otherwise it should be the same rules.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
We should probably wait for the evidence.

Just because a guy was shot in the back..does not by itself mean much.

What turns out..he was moving away from the shooter...going for someone else in a menacing or deadly way.

If a guy is running towards my daughter or wife...but away from me.....I pull out my shotgun and blow the back of his head off!
Given the high profile nature of this case I would assume that the prosecution has some pretty strong evidence if they have taken it this far.

John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
I recall a case many years ago in Montreal where a Coroner did some "Quincy" type sluething and determined that a guy shot in the back by police had his HANDS UP. The bullet holes in his jacket and body could only have lined up when his hands were fully raised. Once this evidence came to light, the other police officers changed their stories.

Quincy was a great show.



Jan 31, 2005
How long before blackrock posts to the thread saying that the murderous cop has been hard done by?

The police union--without having seen the evidence--has said it is "insulting" to charge a cop with murder. By default. Insulting.

I am guessing that will be blackrock's line, as he parrots the police union in every other debate.

I can't fathom how it is "insulting"--are we to believe there are no bad cops? Shouldn't the police union, to quote fmvahalovich, "wait for the evidence" before saying it is insulting? But no. He's a cop. Therefore above the law, and it's "insulting" to suggest otherwise.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
It's always nice to see the arm chair quaterbacks come out and bash on a cop. Here is a man who was executing a warrant on a known bad guy, known to have firearms. The officer had to react to what this "model citizen" was doing. Was he going for a weapon? Turning on another officer? These are split second decisions, which, I would hazard to guess, none of you have ever had to make.
It's easy to sit here and bash at what happened. It's also easy to see that you have disdain for the boys/girls in blue.
I guess if it was the other way around and the officer lay dead, you would be all over the cost of a police funeral and would be bashing all that surrounds such happenings.


Oct 26, 2003
What this is, is a good surefire way to ensure that the police become even less useful in the line of duty.

Why would I risk my $100k a year job and pension and benefits and risk being criminally charged with murder to actually do something that would make a difference?

The message is being heard loud and clear through the rank and file, you can bet on that.


Oct 26, 2003
I don't know the details of the case, but would like to make a general point that may apply here.

Cops need to be trained on how to use non-lethal force, hand to hand combat and tasers will do the trick.

The only time a cop should be shooting is if he is being shot at. That is how they are trained.


Jun 6, 2009
What this is, is a good surefire way to ensure that the police become even less useful in the line of duty.

Why would I risk my $100k a year job and pension and benefits and risk being criminally charged with murder to actually do something that would make a difference?

The message is being heard loud and clear through the rank and file, you can bet on that.
I don't know the details of the case, but would like to make a general point that may apply here.

Cops need to be trained on how to use non-lethal force, hand to hand combat and tasers will do the trick.

The only time a cop should be shooting is if he is being shot at. That is how they are trained.
Considering how many officer don't get $100 G's I guess they don't have to think that way.

Then you refer to to Tasers as non lethal, not so. Then you aren't aware that they are taught hand to hand, but you have to be up close to do that. You're right, you don't know much about the case and other aspects of policing as well.


Oct 26, 2003
Considering how many officer don't get $100 G's I guess they don't have to think that way.

Then you refer to to Tasers as non lethal, not so. Then you aren't aware that they are taught hand to hand, but you have to be up close to do that. You're right, you don't know much about the case and other aspects of policing as well.
After 5 years and some overtime they are at $100k, or close to it, at least in Toronto.

Tasers are for the most part non-lethal. There has been a few lethal cases, but they are non-lethal. Much more so than bullets. You are just arguing semantics here.
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