Do short men make you want to avoid all other short men?


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
FACT: Post industrial Western society & also many for past 3 thousand years are the exception. SINCE we are talking about genetics & evolution: FACT: females did not choose A mate but in fact mated with most of the men in the tribal structure .... for millions of years. the findings are man lived in commune groups. Our genes & hormonal complex prove we were a permiscuious species ( male & female). Not genetically , hormonally evolved as a monogamous, single family unit. Some of you are really having a hard time accepting that 1) the traditional family unit & selecting 1 mate has not been the norm for human for most of their existance 2) females mated with most of the males with no height preference. I will not discuss this further Human Hstorory finds. those that want to hold onto pop-culture concepts of Human history .... enjoy , oh & there is the perfect show for you ... The Flintstones, lmao :)
More ramblings from a short, sad man. Cite your FACTs using peer-reviewed articles or else it's just another misinformed wrong opinion.


Nov 13, 2011
esoterica: First of I am 5'9" , never been called short except by some women who only date guys 6'+. Second, this is not an academic site or thread so not going to dig up specific academic articles. Like most people having a general conversation , one imputs knowledge they aquired .... sometimes from the past in a field of academic study in University. If we were discussing economics I or somone may apply a certain theory to their discusion & normally the rest would not ask the person to go dig up articles. I am thinking a scenario like a group of buddies chatting at the coffee shop. We are a group of buddies chatting, not a serious academic symposium here. P.S. MrsLorki I seriously suspected was a guy. The profile, writtings etc all scream that. Certainly not ( and I have known 8 ) somone who married a client who can then leave the biz. Oh & that she had no other clients that could vouch for her legitimacy, nor the Mr. who escorts could vouch for his ........ IS SOOOO F'in transparent. The guy is so pathetic & needs to get a life!!!


Jul 27, 2011
So why is it that when a "normal" height or tall man acts confident and demonstrates self respect no one bats an eye, but when a short man acts confident, is opinionated and has respect for himself he's an "angry little man" with issues that need fixing? Why is it when a short man is pointing out heightism facts or anecdotes and not complaining he has issues that need fixing? This is some bizarre reasoning by some functionally comatose people .
That is an interesting observation. We recently adopted a puppy and I have been spending a lot of time at dog parks. I wonder if the small yappy dogs that nip at people think they are displaying confidence and self respect. My, and I believe most, reactions are not to confidence or self respect. The reaction is to self centred belligerent pushy annoying attitude. In the dog park I have never had concern with most large dogs, but I have had often with small dogs.

I only had one short lover and it was a disaster. I know there must be great short men, but the ones that make an impression are not. The message is clear in my mind, short men who act like the stereotype short man reinforce the stereotype. We seem to have a lot of men here who do that.


Jul 27, 2011
I mean this entire thread is basically an entire troll thread created by an unabashed gold digger, who decided against applying her skills to help people in one of the few fields where one can actually make a difference , and decided instead to sell her education, youth and pussy for a few gold bricks.
mur, I lost a lot of faith in medicine when I was in oncology rotation. I do not want to shake your faith in western medicine, but I was having issues. I pretty much lost all faith when I was told I had to use multi-dose vials of vaccine because it was "cost effective" and to just ignore all the studies proving single dose vials were safer (no preservatives). I do not like how medicine is practised in North America. do not wish to discuss it with laymen, nor do I have the courage to try and battle the existing system.

Many people quit the field. Some before their boards, some after. I got married and decided to be a stay at home wife. How I met my future husband and our courtship have certainly not been typical. The entire SP / client thing was a mine field. Yes Loki gave me 4 bars of gold after we were married. I thought and think of it as a romantic symbolic gift. I LOVE the idea he thinks I am worth more than my weight in gold. I have him a key to the safety deposit the next day, and had him sign the access card. I think that is romantic as well.

It has been very difficult to find a path that avoids all the SP/client mines, and the May/September romance mines. There are very few places to discuss these kinds of issues. The only one I found was PMs and a few friends here. To get the PMs I needed, I made waves in posts.


I was Op to this thread because the men here who are short did not seem to get it. Confident is not rude, nor it it whining about life not being fair. If they are anything like their persona is here, they will never be happy.


Jul 27, 2011
esoterica: First of I am 5'9" , never been called short except by some women who only date guys 6'+. Second, this is not an academic site or thread so not going to dig up specific academic articles. Like most people having a general conversation , one imputs knowledge they aquired .... sometimes from the past in a field of academic study in University. If we were discussing economics I or somone may apply a certain theory to their discusion & normally the rest would not ask the person to go dig up articles. I am thinking a scenario like a group of buddies chatting at the coffee shop. We are a group of buddies chatting, not a serious academic symposium here. P.S. MrsLorki I seriously suspected was a guy. The profile, writtings etc all scream that. Certainly not ( and I have known 8 ) somone who married a client who can then leave the biz. Oh & that she had no other clients that could vouch for her legitimacy, nor the Mr. who escorts could vouch for his ........ IS SOOOO F'in transparent. The guy is so pathetic & needs to get a life!!!
People are just questioning your "facts" they are just not credible. You seem to just make up the most amazing things. So instead of validating your 'facts' by references you just attack me?

I write like a man? What profile? I guess that might be considered a compliment. I did attend a gender neutral school in London, they would be be proud of me. I however just consider you a misogynist :)

If you had been here a year ago you could have seen my pic in chat PMs, and even talked to me on MSN. LordLoki does not exist? He is famous for taking SPs away on trips. Before I met him I even asked a few of them about him.

And even if I am a man, or a pre-op TV, or whatever, how does that make your comments any more credible? You cannot just make up "facts" well you can if you are obsessive compulsive. But you cannot expect people to accept your "facts" without a reference. They are just too easy to verify and too rooted in fantasy.


Jul 27, 2011
Three obsessives in one thread, if we count frankcastle. :thumb:
Do we have a percentile figure for that?
Five if we accept the dissociative identity disorder vision :hippie:


Jun 6, 2009
People are just questioning your "facts" they are just not credible. You seem to just make up the most amazing things. So instead of validating your 'facts' by references you just attack me?

I write like a man? What profile? I guess that might be considered a compliment. I did attend a gender neutral school in London, they would be be proud of me. I however just consider you a misogynist :)

If you had been here a year ago you could have seen my pic in chat PMs, and even talked to me on MSN. LordLoki does not exist? He is famous for taking SPs away on trips. Before I met him I even asked a few of them about him.

And even if I am a man, or a pre-op TV, or whatever, how does that make your comments any more credible? You cannot just make up "facts" well you can if you are obsessive compulsive. But you cannot expect people to accept your "facts" without a reference. They are just too easy to verify and too rooted in fantasy.
Just let PM know that your spoken for and maybe he'll move on, or not.


Jul 5, 2011
I have been reading posts here from people like short men and they remind me of him. The insecurity and the whining and the bullying and the anger that life is unfair to them are so similar.

If I have a daughter, I think I may have to instill in her a prejudice against short men :)
Ya, well if I run into you I am going to grab a chair to stand on and bitch slap some respect into you.


Jul 27, 2011
Putting aside the obvious problems with your post, you do realize the smart money is on Mrs. L. kicking your ass.
You are so sweat :) thank you :) at 5 5 and 127, I might even have a weight advantage?


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
Heightism is not going away any time soon. Check any dating site, no woman is going to date shorter, they all want 4" to 5" taller which wipes out a shit-ton of women from a short man's options. And most of them with the same braindead, bullshit excuse...because they like to wear heels and because short men have issues with a taller woman.
Very few men on dating sites indicate a willingness to date taller than themselves. What do you suppose is the braindead, bullshit excuse for that? :confused:


Jul 27, 2011
Very few men on dating sites indicate a willingness to date taller than themselves. What do you suppose is the braindead, bullshit excuse for that? :confused:
At my university, short girls, tall girls, round girls, very bright girls, and girls younger or older than the norm were all in the problem group.

Being average has a lot of advantages


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Three obsessives in one thread, if we count frankcastle. :thumb:
Do we have a percentile figure for that?
leave me out of it. i am not obsessed although i admit mr loki pisses me off. we exchanged a few lines in this thrrad but if you take a look i let him have the last word rather than keep bickering with him.


Jul 27, 2011
leave me out of it. i am not obsessed although i admit mr loki pisses me off. we exchanged a few lines in this thrrad but if you take a look i let him have the last word rather than keep bickering with him.
You just being nice because your gay and I turn you on. ;)
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