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Do short men make you want to avoid all other short men?


Nov 13, 2011
FACT: Post industrial Western society & also many for past 3 thousand years are the exception. SINCE we are talking about genetics & evolution: FACT: females did not choose A mate but in fact mated with most of the men in the tribal structure .... for millions of years. the findings are man lived in commune groups. Our genes & hormonal complex prove we were a permiscuious species ( male & female). Not genetically , hormonally evolved as a monogamous, single family unit. Some of you are really having a hard time accepting that 1) the traditional family unit & selecting 1 mate has not been the norm for human for most of their existance 2) females mated with most of the males with no height preference. I will not discuss this further Human Hstorory finds. those that want to hold onto pop-culture concepts of Human history .... enjoy , oh & there is the perfect show for you ... The Flintstones, lmao :)


Jul 27, 2011
Did not say the women's height is the average of the men & if you really want to know google the tribe & learn more. Perhaps since you seem to have so much time on your hands with your lengthy threads you got time to do some looking into anthropomology & socialogy findings. They just shatter that Western Christian & Hollywood paradime. P.S. It was interesting in the 1940's & 50's when findings suggested that man live in commune communities & sexual behaviour was more orgie like, these findings were greatly resisted & held back from publication due to how contrversal to the strong pervailing Christian values of the time. By the 1970's not only was there more evidence but social, sexual values loosened up since the 60's hippy ( sexual ) revolution. Interesting how the street knowledge still holds a view as if ancient man lived just like us & held our values.
Why would I care? Saying that taller husband / taller wife is 50/50 is just silly. That would mean the average hight of women and men would have to be the same. where did the nice tall men go? Cut off at the knees so their legs can be grafted on short women?

For the record, women never mated with all the men in a tribe. Like any other animal, they mated with the best they could mate with. Obviously very ugly desperate neanderthals females must have had to settle for the males at the shallower end of the gene pool. :) nothing ever changes I guess.

Ockham's razor supports that this is all an off shoot of your obsessive behaviour, and not based on science.


Nov 13, 2011
Really?? because you looked into it or is that another one of your expertise, degrees: Anthropomology & Prehistory Man? :O You simply show your lack of education in the field & your limited view based on pop-culture concepts of human evolution & societies. Our genes evolved for millions of years, not just the past 3 thousand & even that time period there is many examples of societies holding a different sexual attraction standard than post Industrial Western Society.


Jul 27, 2011
Really?? because you looked into it or is that another one of your expertise, degrees: Anthropomology & Prehistory Man. You simply show your lack of education in the field & your limited view based on pop-culture concepts of human evolution & socities. Our genes evolved for millions of years, not just the past 3 thousand & even that time period there is many examples of societies holding a different sexual attraction standard than post Industrial Western Society.
Oh so, like, in a species you often see the size ratios between males and females flipping back and forth? And those science guys would not assume the flip influenced the entire sociology thing?

Or is this like even if the 50/5- ratio you talk about was true, it might just be a tribe where all the women are taller and 50% have to accept sub sized men? If you can pretend the men there are the same height as the women, why can I not pretend the women are taller than the men?

Anyone with any university biology and math see a lot of holes in your "facts". I am not an expert, you are just obsessed about a topic and seeking straws.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Hi Hanky,

Did you get a chance to read Jane's post about you before the Mod deleted it? The chat guys mentioned it to me and I got to read it before it was deleted.
not hank HATTE when people make that mistake

99th percentile my ass it is frank not hank and hating not hatting


Jul 27, 2011
not hank HATTE when people make that mistake

99th percentile my ass it is frank not hank and hating not hatting
What are you going on about now? Oh I did not respond to you directly, sorry did I hurt your little ego?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
What are you going on about now? Oh I did not respond to you directly, sorry did I hurt your little ego?
dont care if you reply just confused why you would quote me to talk to hank.

and i am just making fun of your spelling mistake where you said man hatting instead of hating


Jul 27, 2011
dont care if you reply just confused why you would quote me to talk to hank.

and i am just making fun of your spelling mistake where you said man hatting instead of hating
3 possibilities:

1 I made a mistake
2 You are often hard to tell apart
3 As a super troll looking for more pages on my posts, I did it to get you to ask



Nov 13, 2011
So let me get this clear. It seems from threads I read there is 2 groups of opinion. When a guy posts a thread about his concern about his height & attractiveness, Group A comes on to post that he is a whiner, got no self confidence & women do not worry about height that much. There is group B that seemes to be coming out to counter argue this & state women do worry about & prefer the taller guys. Seems like 2 opposing strong opinions on the matter. Dealmaker your examples are those of 21 Century Post Industrial societies. Ok, not Western but not ancient or pre historic. My case was about genetic evolution. For those answers Genetisits & Anthropomologists look back into the Millions of years , not just 10k years. They have proven the genetic theory of height preference wrong ..... if there really was one. That theory mostly came from pop culture type ideas.


Jul 27, 2011
So let me get this clear. It seems from threads I read there is 2 groups of opinion. When a guy posts a thread about his concern about his height & attractiveness, Group A comes on to post that he is a whiner, got no self confidence & women do not worry about height that much. There is group B that seemes to be coming out to counter argue this & state women do worry about & prefer the taller guys. Seems like 2 opposing strong opinions on the matter.
I was convinced by the threads.

Short men are often whiners, bullies, self absorbed, rude, lack self confidence, etc. You guys proved it.

I dislike those things. So I dislike short men. Seems it is a universal truth.

except for some weird tribe you should go live with.



Jul 27, 2011
4clearly not the med student you claimed to be
Are you starting with that again you whiny little guy? Seems the other people who actually got accepted also told you that you were so far from the facts that you could not even see daylight?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Are you starting with that again you whiny little guy? Seems the other people who actually got accepted also told you that you were so far from the facts that you could not even see daylight?
only thing they disputed is remembering their scores. the rest are your words.

whining is the wrong word btw but being so smart i will let you figure that out.

still never explained how 8 years of uni and no md but whatever.


Jul 27, 2011
only thing they disputed is remembering their scores. the rest are your words.

whining is the wrong word btw but being so smart i will let you figure that out.

still never explained how 8 years of uni and no md but whatever.
To focus more on reality, they also told you that Mcat score are just one number as I mentioned. People who only have one or two sections in the top decile are rejected and go off bragging they almost made it.

And I passed my boards. You just do not seem to be able to grasp and maintain information. As per your scores, good at arguing. Not good enough to get in the door.


Nov 13, 2011
I am 5'9", pretty much average, but hey you may be saying that is short nevertheless :p As for your descriptions so are many other people that way including females. Non of those traits are unique to any group: race, age, religion, height. Such comments only reflect your own biggotry :O


Jul 27, 2011
I am 5'9", pretty much average, but hey you may be saying that is short nevertheless :p As for your descriptions so are many other people that way including females. Non of those traits are unique to any group: race, age, religion, height. Such comments only reflect your own biggotry :O
I wish I had done my psych rotation before quitting but none the less I will risk saying you have a tiny bit of a compulsive personality behaviour. Hard to believe you are 5' 9". But whatever, no one cares. Your soul is short. :hippie:


New member
Dec 22, 2007
So why is it that when a "normal" height or tall man acts confident and demonstrates self respect no one bats an eye, but when a short man acts confident, is opinionated and has respect for himself he's an "angry little man" with issues that need fixing? Why is it when a short man is pointing out heightism facts or anecdotes and not complaining he has issues that need fixing? This is some bizarre reasoning by some functionally comatose people here.

Heightism is not going away any time soon. Check any dating site, no woman is going to date shorter, they all want 4" to 5" taller which wipes out a shit-ton of women from a short man's options. And most of them with the same braindead, bullshit excuse...because they like to wear heels and because short men have issues with a taller woman.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
So why is it that when a "normal" height or tall man acts confident and demonstrates self respect no one bats an eye, but when a short man acts confident, is opinionated and has respect for himself he's an "angry little man" with issues that need fixing? Why is it when a short man is pointing out heightism facts or anecdotes and not complaining he has issues that need fixing? This is some bizarre reasoning by some functionally comatose people here.

Heightism is not going away any time soon. Check any dating site, no woman is going to date shorter, they all want 4" to 5" taller which wipes out a shit-ton of women from a short man's options. And most of them with the same braindead, bullshit excuse...because they like to wear heels and because short men have issues with a taller woman.
You have good points.
It's dumb how, while I wouldn't say every time, but most times a short guy who is assertive, or maybe a little pushy, ends up being branded as having a Napoleon complex and over-compensating. Same thing if a short guy drives either a big car, or a really nice luxury sports car. Never mind the fact he might enjoy driving the car, no he's automatically branded as over-compensating. When a tall guy, or an average guy drives that same car, or has that same personality, he's just being 'assertive' or 'take-charge'. The other thing that people ignore is that some short guys who have achieved success in whatever they do, did so because they needed to be more aggressive, or take that extra step to get noticed ahead of their taller counterparts. They could be completely secure with themselves, and be perfectly nice and laid-back privately, but they feel like they have to be more aggressive to get noticed in the work place and then they get stuck with the insecure label. It's the same concept to when women who are take-charge are automatically dismissed as bitchy or man-eating. It's an unfortunate part of our society. It's pretty easy to take shots at the short guys. I mean this entire thread is basically an entire troll thread created by an unabashed gold digger, who decided against applying her skills to help people in one of the few fields where one can actually make a difference , and decided instead to sell her education, youth and pussy for a few gold bricks. Or a psychotic liar. Or a man who has nothing better to do than to fuck with a bunch of guys on an escort review board. Pick one, but the point is, she has no credibility whatsoever, but even she feels like she can take a few swipes at short guys, and apparently, in the unlikely event her senior citizen sugar daddy can slip one past the goalie, will advance this anti-midget stance to her daughter

However, that being said, the short guys on here make it easy. They never shut up about being short, and they blame everything bad that happens to them on their height. They have negative attitudes (which is understandable to a degree) but they don't understand that a positive attitude and confidence are exactly what's needed to make up for their lack of height. No confidence+Shortness= Unhappiness and much rejection. They blame everyone else and 'society' for their lot, and even when it is pointed out that, while perhaps unusual, there are plenty of cases with short guys and taller women, they ignore it or blame it on other factors. It's pretty easy to see that because they have been rejected so many times, they hate women. They don't realize they are acting exactly like the stereotypes they rail against. It doesn't help that some of them actually come across as having severe psychiatric issues beyond insecurity.
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