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V1ctoria Victoria is where???


New member
Sep 25, 2005
Right here in KW. Yes gentlemen I kid you not. The beautiful, sexy lady has returned. We have quite a few Victorias but only one V1ctoria.

For those who are familiar with V1ctoria you don't need to read my review. She has only improved.

For you newbies - well never mind. V1ctoria has always been one of KW's favorites and you won't likely claw your way to the front of the line to meet her but if you should be so lucky then just picture the nicest smile, the bluest eyes, and the finest soft blond hair. I have always found Victoria to be prompt and on time. Best reached via phone.


Don't mind the "Available Sept 1st" she is getting that updated.

So having said all the above, you're probably getting ready to start..... I can hear it coming............ Oh well I had a good time............Cheers !!!


New member
Nov 7, 2009
k/w area
I had a session last year with Victoria that was absolutely amazing. She is quite beautiful, loads of fun, and gave me one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had! I quickly booked a second session, but thanks to a deer that decided it hated Toyotas, I was forced to cancel. Sadly, she let me know she was retiring before I could see her again. I wished her the best, and held onto the memory of that one meeting.
Obviously, I'll be making contact very soon to visit the beautiful Victoria again. I still smile thinking of that one encounter, then realize how much I hate deers for screwing up that second meeting!


Senior Member
Yes Victoria is a Gem IMO. Only saw here twice back in the days. But her smokin body and very nice nature ( Just like Miss Jolee ) made her tops in my books.
Those two ladies put me at ease and made the session more relaxed than some other guys know. Jolee and Victoria are true Professionals and know how to please. I consider both to be sweet and patient and HOT.
Being nice to them makes all the difference and the response is worth it.
Love those two Gals
So enjoy the ride boys and be a Gentleman and you'll be a happy SOB :)


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I had a session last year with Victoria that was absolutely amazing. She is quite beautiful, loads of fun, and gave me one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had! I quickly booked a second session, but thanks to a deer that decided it hated Toyotas, I was forced to cancel. Sadly, she let me know she was retiring before I could see her again. I wished her the best, and held onto the memory of that one meeting.
Obviously, I'll be making contact very soon to visit the beautiful Victoria again. I still smile thinking of that one encounter, then realize how much I hate deers for screwing up that second meeting!
Had a similar experience... last year myself. Miss Victoria is fantastic! She really puts forth an effort! Nice to see her back in the saddle!


Apr 7, 2005
She's back because someone named "peregrine" with a dead link says so?


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Yes Victoria is a Gem IMO. Only saw here twice back in the days. But her smokin body and very nice nature ( Just like Miss Jolee ) made her tops in my books.
Those two ladies put me at ease and made the session more relaxed than some other guys know. Jolee and Victoria are true Professionals and know how to please. I consider both to be sweet and patient and HOT.
Being nice to them makes all the difference and the response is worth it.
Love those two Gals
So enjoy the ride boys and be a Gentleman and you'll be a happy SOB :)

Wow thank you very much stash!!! I am extremely honored to be mentioned in comparision with such a top shelf women!!! I have heard nothing but positive about v1ctoria and welcome her back to the board and kw scene!!!
Kisses and licks


Feb 28, 2007
Her website have problem with DNS. If it is not working for you, reload page couple times and it will show up.


Senior Member
Wow thank you very much stash!!! I am extremely honored to be mentioned in comparision with such a top shelf women!!! I have heard nothing but positive about v1ctoria and welcome her back to the board and kw scene!!!
Kisses and licks
Well just being honest. Yes Jolee you already are a local legend! Sweet like maple syrup and hot like fire.
Tops in my books and a al time fav of mine. Like to keep you all to my self...but can't be so greedy.
Jolee I'd love to have you on a small cracker......mmmmmm tasty baby. Teasing your thighs is my mission. Just very lite kisses and licks Yum


she drives me crazy
Mar 9, 2003
I spoke with her the other day and she has been working with Anika in London - she was in fact working there when I spoke to her last week. Her plan is to be back in KW next week (let's all keep our fingers crossed).

This sexy lady has been on my TDL for a while and I was sorry to have missed her the first time she was here.

The lesson I have learned is that if you have a list - get moving on it because many of the great providers don't stay around long. I missed Mariah, Mariah too and always regretted it.

Happy hunting.

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