Then we should leave right away LOL. If we don't then they will be encouraged to continue with the lies if they profit from them. If it is YMMV, then she doesn't like what she sees then even more reasons to leave as we don't wish them do things they don't like. If she is from an agency and the agency falsely advertises them similary good reasons to leave and we should stop calling that agency, especially if they point the fault at the hobbyist lol. My 2 cents.
Yes the word "Freaky" LOL. It freaks me out.
I understand where you are coming from, but I have to say this one thing. When we get a new girl starting, and she tells us that she provides service A, B, C. And she is good looking and alot of clients see her. 2 days later, we read about how crappy the service is, and what she did and didn't do, and then the agency is the bad guy. Unless we are sitting in the room conducting the action, its extremely hard to control. What WE do, is if a client is a regular that we know, I will ask them to call us back and give us some feedback on how things went. This helps alot, but only if it is a client that we know.
There is no easy fix that will solve the problem, all the time. Sometimes the problem IS with the client too, but when it's a new girl, we look closely at the situation. In reference to Francheska, we were able to nip it in the bud as one of our clients called us right away. Same as that Maria girl, she was gone in a day because she was prejudiced and refused to see dark skinned gentleman. (absolutely no place in this industry for discrimination)
WE do what we can, sometimes it works.