How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
You are travelling to another country to explore a new culture, look at buildings, with a girl, or possibly two girls you meet at a social and have a really nice time. Sure marriage is a bottom line, but not everyone finds someone on the first trip. Sometimes it takes allot of time. They will advise you to just have fun, talk to as many woman as you can find there.

If you go in there serious to look for a wife, chances are you'll waste your time. If you can't have fun with women in TO, because of what Winstar said, then it just sucks. No man wants to be left in the sidelines while you see other guys have all the women and all the fun that goes along with it. So, the best option when there is no option is to create new options.

Did you see the women on those site? Do you see allot of women like that here? They look like normal women. While I'm neutral on this topic, this site has lots of information, videos, and it does not poo-poo on North American women (as Winstar was doing) would address misconceptions about foreign women. Personally, I love travelling. Excellent singles travel concept.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I watched the piece that Our America with Lisa Ling did on that website. Seemed like normal woem but not as attractive as the ones shown at the top of the website. I would be leary of those types of sites. Things to be concerned about would be women who want to marry to get into the country and then bring the rest of their family.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
To the member who mentioned SELF CONFIDENCE:
your hit the point, dead on my man..
Yes looks, ethinicity, height, body hair are factors considered by women in finding men attractive but in the end self-confidence in men is highly attractive to women. If you lack it ...even your good looks won't get you laid as often as a guy with confidence. For every physical type there is an attraction somewhere ... which explains BBW lovers, foot fetish, gum BBJ lovers ...
Always remember, women in general are themselves very sensitive about their looks (with all society/environmental factors being pushed on them), and the majority are also not confident with their looks/appearance.
Personally, I think guys need to balance this hobby with active healthy dating. What SP services allow us men is to do is to get our pipes along with our brains cleaned out (for a while)... meaning getting the sex out of our system may actually help us by mentally clearing us to have real conversations/dates with women where we won't be only thinking about bedding them (which is also unattractive).
I personally find my dating scene getting laid success rate increases by making sure I get some regularly with SP or freebies:)
Physically, sex also improves complexion (attractive skin/glow), muscle definition and hormone/brain endomorphins in short: getting laid regularly by SP or dating succes both mentally and physically directly leads to getting laid more in the dating scene!

oops ...went off again on what was going to be some quick input :)


Jul 2, 2010
I personally find my dating scene getting laid success rate increases by making sure I get some regularly with SP or freebies:)
This is true. I just found it to be unethical, but its totally true.
After I saw my first escort a year and a half ago... for the next 3 days or so I just...felt different.
I actually sat next to a tall girl and started talking to her about stuff...what books we were reading etc etc. Most guys left us alone because well...many of them are scared shitless about girls as well. (Believe me, I still strongly believe the 20-30% stat).

If I had done this when I was 28 and the 5'5 18 year old was after me...well... who knows.


Jul 2, 2010
Always remember, women in general are themselves very sensitive about their looks (with all society/environmental factors being pushed on them), and the majority are also not confident with their looks/appearance.
I remember a Tom Leykis quote that 92% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies.


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
This is the thread that will not end
It just goes on and on my friend
I started reading it not knowing what it was
And I'll be reading it forever just because
This is the thread that will not end.... :p

Sorry. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head all day.

I've been following this thread and have just a couple thoughts for you guys, from a civilian who is almost 5'11 barefoot.

To those of you who truly believe you are inherently undateable, you are. For no other reason than that's what you believe. Blame your height, blame your grandmother's womb, blame society if you must, but...the blame is yours. Your own self-loathing is what makes you unattractive. If you have physical shortcomings you can more than balance those out with other funny? kind? There are a lot more important things about a man than how he looks. I've known some very handsome men who were ugly as sin on the inside, and they are either alone or attached to shallow women who only care about how a guy looks. Guess what, gentlemen...looks fade, even for men.

I once worked with a guy who was about 5'4 and not particularly handsome. He was one of the sexiest, most attractive men I've ever known, because he was completely charming and at-ease in his own skin. I never dated him because we worked together, but 20+ years later I still wish I had.

Height...if I refused to date men shorter than myself, I'd restrict my dating pool quite a bit. This thread does make me wonder how many men don't approach me because of my height...I have been told I'm intimidating, and I guess that's the height because I'm really perfectly nice.

Maybe you guys should stop looking for excuses, and start thinking about something besides yourselves. Go volunteer somewhere, make your world bigger, and start looking at women in terms of whether she's good enough for you, not the other way around. It's all in the attitude.


Jun 6, 2009
This is the thread that will not end
It just goes on and on my friend
I started reading it not knowing what it was
And I'll be reading it forever just because
This is the thread that will not end.... :p

Sorry. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head all day.

I've been following this thread and have just a couple thoughts for you guys, from a civilian who is almost 5'11 barefoot.

To those of you who truly believe you are inherently undateable, you are. For no other reason than that's what you believe. Blame your height, blame your grandmother's womb, blame society if you must, but...the blame is yours. Your own self-loathing is what makes you unattractive. If you have physical shortcomings you can more than balance those out with other funny? kind? There are a lot more important things about a man than how he looks. I've known some very handsome men who were ugly as sin on the inside, and they are either alone or attached to shallow women who only care about how a guy looks. Guess what, gentlemen...looks fade, even for men.

I once worked with a guy who was about 5'4 and not particularly handsome. He was one of the sexiest, most attractive men I've ever known, because he was completely charming and at-ease in his own skin. I never dated him because we worked together, but 20+ years later I still wish I had.

Height...if I refused to date men shorter than myself, I'd restrict my dating pool quite a bit. This thread does make me wonder how many men don't approach me because of my height...I have been told I'm intimidating, and I guess that's the height because I'm really perfectly nice.

Maybe you guys should stop looking for excuses, and start thinking about something besides yourselves. Go volunteer somewhere, make your world bigger, and start looking at women in terms of whether she's good enough for you, not the other way around. It's all in the attitude.
Once again, the ladies says the same thing, almost unanimously. How many more times does it have to be repeated guys.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Once again, the ladies says the same thing, almost unanimously. How many more times does it have to be repeated guys.
the problem with these guys is that developing confidence has no simple answer. excuses are used by people
to justify their position.

but i can understand that a lot of failure is tough for some people. in datimg you have to accept that you are going to miss sometimes.

finally for many the grass is always greener on the other side but they dont realize that the guy with a girl on his arm was likely turned down by another.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Of course, we need you to point it out to us once again.
it does seem obvious but women and men here stating the importance of confidence have largely been ignored.

much like how one guy pointed out that we can t underdstand what it is like to be dateless....they can t see the value of confidence


Nov 13, 2011
Sillygirl if confidence was so influential as you make it out to be, then we would see more than 1-2% of married couples were the woman is taller than the man. That is currently the accepted statistic on the % of couples in North America with taller wives. I am sure you will not dispute women's overwhelming preference for a taller mate for which confidence will not sway that. Hollywood movies love to do the love story thing were someone overcomes what appears insurmountable odds to find love. Great romance BUT in the real world VERY long odds. Anything is possible. The real question is what is PROBABLE. I guess I am too much dwelling on the probable. I agree, if I dwelled more on the possible, I would be more motivated. HELL .... we did not get to the moon because of what was probable.... BUT because what was possible.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Sillygirl if confidence was so influential as you make it out to be, then we would see more than 1-2% of married couples were the woman is taller than the man. That is currently the accepted statistic on the % of couples in North America with taller wives. I am sure you will not dispute women's overwhelming preference for a taller mate for which confidence will not sway that. Hollywood movies love to do the love story thing were someone overcomes what appears insurmountable odds to find love. Great romance BUT in the real world VERY long odds. Anything is possible. The real question is what is PROBABLE. I guess I am too much dwelling on the probable. I agree, if I dwelled more on the possible, I would be more motivated. HELL .... we did not get to the moon because of what was probable.... BUT because what was possible.
for one thing we are talking dating not marriage.

and another maybe guys prefer their spouse to be shorter. you cannot assume that the woman is the only one deciding on the marriage. there areplenty of women i wouldnt marry even if they asked me.

for the longest time i only sought out shorter women.......till i decided wtf who cares


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
stats are dangerous they can easily be twisted.....take evils aussie suicide stat which he chalked up to the stresses of mating.

if we agree that 20 to 30% of men are undateable shouldnt that ttanslate to roughly a 20 some odd percent difference in suicide rates for the genders.

also what about things like how many suicides were aboriginals.

not to mention other commonly reported differences between the genders for choice of method for suicide
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2009
Sillygirl if confidence was so influential as you make it out to be, then we would see more than 1-2% of married couples were the woman is taller than the man. That is currently the accepted statistic on the % of couples in North America with taller wives. I am sure you will not dispute women's overwhelming preference for a taller mate for which confidence will not sway that. Hollywood movies love to do the love story thing were someone overcomes what appears insurmountable odds to find love. Great romance BUT in the real world VERY long odds. Anything is possible. The real question is what is PROBABLE. I guess I am too much dwelling on the probable. I agree, if I dwelled more on the possible, I would be more motivated. HELL .... we did not get to the moon because of what was probable.... BUT because what was possible.
Considering that the average height of the North American male is taller than the average height of the North American female, DUH!!!! Looking even on the world stage it's much the same. Males are generally taller than females by 4-6 inches.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006


Jul 2, 2010
The currently accepted stat is 3.7-3.8% from official records. Also the parity number due to height differentials is 8.55%

484/12989 =3.7%

You're telling me a nationally representative sample of 10,000+ people is wrong?
Therefore you have to take demographics into account before saying its only 1-2% (even though, at worst its 3+%). 3.7/8.55=43%, not 3.7% (and perhaps higher now as per PSID/Microtrends).

If anything, this shows how much social data humans assume from social norms, rather than reality. Unfortunately, we (I) am human, and have the same biases. And just as unfortunately, other people having the same biases leads to increased social heckling that a taller man/shorter woman will never have had to face. Etc etc.


Jun 6, 2009
The currently accepted stat is 3.7-3.8% from official records. Also the parity number due to height differentials is 8.55%

484/12989 =3.7%

You're telling me a nationally representative sample of 10,000+ people is wrong?
Therefore you have to take demographics into account before saying its only 1-2% (even though, at worst its 3+%). 3.7/8.55=43%, not 3.7% (and perhaps higher now as per PSID/Microtrends).

If anything, this shows how much social data humans assume from social norms, rather than reality. Unfortunately, we (I) am human, and have the same biases. And just as unfortunately, other people having the same biases leads to increased social heckling that a taller man/shorter woman will never have had to face. Etc etc.
If you're responding to my post, I'm not quite sure how your post makes a difference. Women are generally shorter and if they want to socialize with men, the chances are the men will be taller. Get over it, get out there, and work on your personality. If you've got a personality of a slug, the chances are that you'll only attract female slugs.
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