How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
How often have I said women DO/DID want me? Do you even read my posts before replying?
pretty sure you said women werent interested in you......if that is bad.....berweeen you and partyman i cant remember who said what.....admit it that is a lot to keep straight.....


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Er....ok...Im done with this thread.

It HAS gotten too long. :thumb:

Frankcastle... lets share a peace cookie.
LOL my phone didn't show the peace cookie.

Look some of the comments might sting but hopefully you'll revisit some of those ideas I honestly think that every guy has a chance to date, that you can change your mind set, you can improve yourself and that you should open yourself to more dating opportunities rather than limiting them by height and race.

Not much has been said regarding being Muslim but it does bear consideration not because theirs anything wrong with it just that much like politics, religion is a big issue for people.

Also, forming theories on why you are not dateable is only useful if you plan on using it to direct change rather than as an excuse to not date.

Finally, hey enjoy being single it does have perks and people don't give it enough credit till they have lost those privledges.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
See I feel like no self-respecting guy, alpha/beta/omega, would ever say #2 to a girl that he wasn't in a relationship with. There's not having game, and then there's being absolutely hopeless. I have very little game, and even I know that the #2 guy is never going to bang that girl, and I would never say to her. I feel like no matter how inexperienced or desperate you are, there's some sort of genetic coding present in every man preventing him from sending out a text like that. Embarrassing shit. Hell most guys in a relationship still wouldn't say that to their SO


Oct 13, 2010
Id rather give up my muslim values for a tall white girl who wants an LTR. But its rather...subconscious, yknow?

I dont know what I am. I dont even know how much I believe of that theory...I was putting it out there.
Dating is not complicated man. Approach a girl you like, talk about her interests, then your interests, and BANG. You got a date for Friday night. If it does not click, then move on... There are plenty of girls out there. Most guys like you think they don't know what they want, so they fuck up and end up without a date. Most girls don't care if you are muslim, jew, hindu, christian, etc... They also don't care if a guy is short, fat, black, yelllow, white, purple, etc... It's all about communication. If a girl can't talk to you because you bring up your own barriers, then that is your fault. If a girl does not like you because you are muslim, or yellow, then that is her fault and her loss.

It's that simple.


Jan 26, 2012
I prefer to stay single and be a part of the Service Provider experiences. I have met many wonderful and beautiful people(SP) along the way, and I stay in touch with a couple of them on regular basis. They make my world go around.


Nov 13, 2011
SORRY: I observe over a few decades: ladies have varried tastes, from liking fat guys, hairy guys, bald guys, nerdy guys, cool guys. I also see something common with basically all women: very scarry/ugly guys & short guys are put in the friend zone. Forever a platonic friend. See it in the body language & style of convo with these guys. I suspect the very ugly or short here on terb are the most likely to be much less motivated to persue dating due to such extreem low odds of success. Never mind the confidence stuff FOR eg: I know a guy that is 6'3" BUT very scarry looking.... I mean scarry. He comes out to these meet-up groups. He HAS confidence but it does squat due to his very scarry looks. I find many of the scarry or short have to have some degree of confidence to come out & face the world despite their years of unpopularity. So NO not even their confidence does much for them.


Jul 2, 2010
Partyman1970 said:
SORRY: I observe over a few decades: ladies have varried tastes, from liking fat guys, hairy guys, bald guys, nerdy guys, cool guys. I also see something common with basically all women: very scarry/ugly guys & short guys are put in the friend zone. Forever a platonic friend. See it in the body language & style of convo with these guys. I suspect the very ugly or short here on terb are the most likely to be much less motivated to persue dating due to such extreem low odds of success. Never mind the confidence stuff FOR eg: I know a guy that is 6'3" BUT very scarry looking.... I mean scarry. He comes out to these meet-up groups. He HAS confidence but it does squat due to his very scarry looks. I find many of the scarry or short have to have some degree of confidence to come out & face the world despite their years of unpopularity. So NO not even their confidence does much for them.
I dont deny the possibility.

Also, see:


Jul 2, 2010
Gosh darnit... I just cant stay away from this thread...

A French buddy of a French Internet buddy. Hes 5'2 - 5'3, shes 5'7-5'8. They have been together for 2 years as of the photo taken (last year). Hes not famous or anything, and is actually scrawny (wearing 3 sweaters here) weighing ~50 KG. In contrast I weigh ~63KG or so if I lost the extra poundage, or ~68KG if I lost the poundage and put on extra muscle at the same time.

Im not that guy, but the IOIs I got makes me assume I could be/could have been. In contrast most of the white girls that came after me were in the 5'5 range.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
Partyman, I am seeing plenty of attractive girls with guys that are shorter, balding, not conventionally attractive, or dressed like dweebs.

I saw two such couples in a Starbuck's today alone.


Nov 13, 2011
Ok, I did not say 100%. :Eek: There is exceptions. But lets not minimize that it is extreemly rare. Thus the odd hugely against them, so they are much more likely to just not be motivated & give up. Micro trends.... give me a brake. What a joke & an excuse to write a book to make some money. " trends" " forecasts" is the most popular pop, junk b.s. books published. Shit I should conjur up some crap & make a fast buck!!! Micro trend= there is a slight up swing in UFO sightings. Aliens are preparing to invade!! Seriously, there is always a % varience from year to year. Foolish to read too much into such swings over a short period of time. Meaning full trends are more so those that are historically of large period of time such as 50 years. The movement: clearly for women selecting men to date based on handsome looks & tall. The priorities have changed radically in the past 50 years.


Jul 2, 2010
Ok, I did not say 100%. :Eek: There is exceptions. But lets not minimize that it is extreemly rare. Thus the odd hugely against them, so they are much more likely to just not be motivated & give up.
Read the link: For marriages and LTRs its 4.2-5%. Parity is 8.5%.
So it happens 50-60% of the time. You take a 40-50% hit if you desire a taller woman. Bad, but not insanely bad. Also, polarized - it happens less in the lower classes and more in the upper classes. So maybe 55-70% if you are a college graduate etc.

Note that its up from a mere 43% in 1986...for reasons unknown.
a) As women make their own money etc, those that, for whatever reason still desire LTRs and are not riding the Alpha Cock Carousel - dont require dominance in a mate.
b) Some unknown X factor (fluoride in the water? :D )


Jul 2, 2010
Ok, I did not say 100%. :Eek: There is exceptions. But lets not minimize that it is extreemly rare. Thus the odd hugely against them, so they are much more likely to just not be motivated & give up. Micro trends.... give me a brake. What a joke & an excuse to write a book to make some money. " trends" " forecasts" is the most popular pop, junk b.s. books published. Shit I should conjur up some crap & make a fast buck!!! Micro trend= there is a slight up swing in UFO sightings. Aliens are preparing to invade!!
Dalton Conoly, Dean of Sociology at NYU analysed the PSID, a nationally representative sample, and found a figure of 4.2% in 2003, up from 3.8% in 1986 (this is only for Marriages though). Thats 50%. Assuming the older groups are still following stricter criteria, projected over the populace into the future, it may well be 4.6-5%

(As you can tell, this topic interests me greatly :D ).


May 22, 2007
Women are just so sub par in Toronto. Compared elsewhere, I've found that there's no place that I have been where the women posess this combination of just plain dumb stupidness. At least women in other places (like Montreal for example) give it a shot. And there the girls are even more attractive and sexually hungry than in Toronto. The girls here are uglier, stupider, and make incredibly self serving choices.

Nowhere on earth will you find a greater proportion of women dating complete douchbags than here in Toronto. And yes, the issue of Black guys on the side is so very true. Normally I wouldn't care, but the Black guys they date seem to be low life drug dealing rapper wannabes. I wouldn't touch a girl that has no respect for herself to do that. But guess what? that's 99% of all white Canadian girls in Toronto. Asian girls seem to have more sense, but are more money hungry, and do the opposite, dropping everything they have to be with the douche equivalent in white guys.

The places that make sense to me also seem to have the best looking girls, and that's not TO by a far laughable shot. I think the frustration guys in Toronto feel is a real phenomenon, based on the reality of dating here. The girls I have met elsewhere are smarter, nicer, fun to be around, sexier and go after quality guys. I don't believe the norm here applies throughout the world, but I do believe Canada is the home of the douche.

The other thing to keep in mind is that girls, especially here, are simply terrible people. Ever look at workplace dynamics? Women are the most phoney, self-serving backstabbing people I have ever met. They will simultaneously backstab each other and be friends with them at the same time. They're phoney to one another and to themselves. Chris Rock put it best when he said "there ain't nothing real about a women...they have fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake boobs, put on makeup to cover up their faces etc."

The only real women are ones where you don't have, or potentially have, a sexual relationship with, i.e. mom, sister, cousin, otherwise, it's just too much bullshit to be with one. A girlfriend is just one girl who is a constant nag and a constant drag, whom you have to watch to make sure she isn't fucking around on the side after you've spent your hard earned money on her.

Women can't even stand each other, I have yet to find girls that are true friends to one another. They continually manipulate each other and those around them. As I said, women aren't even nice people to begin with.

But at least in other places the girls are smarter and have more self respect than to go out with a douche. Canada is the land of the douche. Second to this might be New Jersey, but Toronto takes it by a far margin. So here you have everything that I have said about women, plus they almost exclusively date douches. It's repulsive and defies logic. Absurd. I really think you have to be completely stupid to be in a relationship with a girl in Toronto, or even Canada in general. They have absolutely nothing of value to offer.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If I'm reading this thread correctly I'm seeing a number of issues that guys need to overcome.

Maybe that's the real question here how does one overcome the following problems......

1) defeatist attitudes (i.e. it's hopeless, why bother)
2) personal hang ups (she won't date me because of X,Y,Z)
3) they all suck (there are no good women to date they are a mess)
4) the girl must meet my extremely specific criteria (tall, white whatever)

I guess I count myself lucky that I don't have these issues and I'm realizing that these problems are too deep seeded for these guys to be convinced otherwise.

So what is their next step?


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Women are just so sub par in Toronto. Compared elsewhere, I've found that there's no place that I have been where the women posess this combination of just plain dumb stupidness. At least women in other places (like Montreal for example) give it a shot. And there the girls are even more attractive and sexually hungry than in Toronto. The girls here are uglier, stupider, and make incredibly self serving choices.

Nowhere on earth will you find a greater proportion of women dating complete douchbags than here in Toronto. And yes, the issue of Black guys on the side is so very true. Normally I wouldn't care, but the Black guys they date seem to be low life drug dealing rapper wannabes. I wouldn't touch a girl that has no respect for herself to do that. But guess what? that's 99% of all white Canadian girls in Toronto. Asian girls seem to have more sense, but are more money hungry, and do the opposite, dropping everything they have to be with the douche equivalent in white guys.

The places that make sense to me also seem to have the best looking girls, and that's not TO by a far laughable shot. I think the frustration guys in Toronto feel is a real phenomenon, based on the reality of dating here. The girls I have met elsewhere are smarter, nicer, fun to be around, sexier and go after quality guys. I don't believe the norm here applies throughout the world, but I do believe Canada is the home of the douche.

The other thing to keep in mind is that girls, especially here, are simply terrible people. Ever look at workplace dynamics? Women are the most phoney, self-serving backstabbing people I have ever met. They will simultaneously backstab each other and be friends with them at the same time. They're phoney to one another and to themselves. Chris Rock put it best when he said "there ain't nothing real about a women...they have fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake boobs, put on makeup to cover up their faces etc."

The only real women are ones where you don't have, or potentially have, a sexual relationship with, i.e. mom, sister, cousin, otherwise, it's just too much bullshit to be with one. A girlfriend is just one girl who is a constant nag and a constant drag, whom you have to watch to make sure she isn't fucking around on the side after you've spent your hard earned money on her.

Women can't even stand each other, I have yet to find girls that are true friends to one another. They continually manipulate each other and those around them. As I said, women aren't even nice people to begin with.

But at least in other places the girls are smarter and have more self respect than to go out with a douche. Canada is the land of the douche. Second to this might be New Jersey, but Toronto takes it by a far margin. So here you have everything that I have said about women, plus they almost exclusively date douches. It's repulsive and defies logic. Absurd. I really think you have to be completely stupid to be in a relationship with a girl in Toronto, or even Canada in general. They have absolutely nothing of value to offer.
And with this brilliant and penetrating insight into the battle of the sexes, I think this thread has reached its natural sexist, racist, and bitter end.
Thank you Winstar for showing everyone what kind of man not to become. Anytime you can advance nearly every stereotype you can name, drop several racial slurs and denigrate several races as well as an entire gender, you know you have reached the shallow end of the gene pool
Well done!
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