How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Jun 6, 2009

The Omega(s) is/are called bachelors in most animal societies. If they can't wait their turn, they move on, or get moved on/out.


Jan 31, 2005
i know ioi's are very important cause if a guy doesn't pick up on it and doesn't initiate things..
IOI is PUA nonsense that has nothing to do with real life dating. You're imagining that women are frightened little creatures who drift out of your grasp if any little thing goes wrong. Maybe it's relevant to the case of trying to persuade or trick a woman to fuck you when she isn't really sure or only barely interested and might easily change her mind. It's not relevant to finding a girlfriend or a SO.

In real life women are just as interested as men in establishing relationships and finding someone. Men MAYBE want sex more, and earlier, and for less meaningful reasons, but women sure as hell spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get into a relationship. If you appear to be oblivious to her "ioi" and she is interested in you, she will find a way to make it more obvious. Women want the fantasy of men making the first step, but they will do whatever they need to, to get the guy they're interested in to take that step.

The sort of long-term relationship a guy like Partyman is going to start isn't going to be a hookup at the Swiss Chalet one night. It's going to be a slow building, normal sort of thing where "ioi" is not going to be the deciding factor.

I am convinced that most PUA's are unable to form relationships with women and don't know the first thing about how to find a girlfriend or SO, especially because of nonsense like this. It's not how the real world works. You are not going to trick a girl into being your wife. She is going to be your wife for only one reason--she really wants to, on her own, be your wife.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
"IOI is PUA nonsense that has nothing to do with real life dating. You're imagining that women are frightened little creatures who drift out of your grasp if any little thing goes wrong. Maybe it's relevant to the case of trying to persuade or trick a woman to fuck you when she isn't really sure or only barely interested and might easily change her mind. It's not relevant to finding a girlfriend or a SO.

In real life women are just as interested as men in establishing relationships and finding someone. Men MAYBE want sex more, and earlier, and for less meaningful reasons, but women sure as hell spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get into a relationship. If you appear to be oblivious to her "ioi" and she is interested in you, she will find a way to make it more obvious. Women want the fantasy of men making the first step, but they will do whatever they need to, to get the guy they're interested in to take that step.

The sort of long-term relationship a guy like Partyman is going to start isn't going to be a hookup at the Swiss Chalet one night. It's going to be a slow building, normal sort of thing where "ioi" is not going to be the deciding factor.

I am convinced that most PUA's are unable to form relationships with women and don't know the first thing about how to find a girlfriend or SO, especially because of nonsense like this. It's not how the real world works. You are not going to trick a girl into being your wife. She is going to be your wife for only one reason--she really wants to, on her own, be your wife.
ya. i'm starting to think PUA's are full of sh*t.

some say compliments are bad. some say compliments are good. which is it?

also, looks are just as important to a girl when she chooses a guy. You can't just be confident and tell them stories to impress them and think she's gonna be attracted. Alot of it has to do with CHEMISTRY. Like alot of posters here said, you have to take care of yourself and go to the gym and dress better. that's 50% of your chances right there. Confidence is the other 25% and personality is the other 25%. alot of PUA's don't say this. They say its 100% confidence. which is b.s. They're just trying to sell a product and make money off of b.s.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
It's funny, I've read The Game by Neil Strauss, who was one of the first writers to 'infiltrate" this secret society of PUAs, and while it was interesting reading, and it's true that some of these PUAs (including the author) did manage a decent number of one night stands and purely sexual relationships with women who might have not have looked twice at them under other circumstances, one of the biggest things I took away was just how unhappy so many of them were. Even the head guy, "Mystery" I think was his alias, who allegedly scored with many hotties, and came up withe most of the 'playbook' they used, was one of the most unhappy, twisted people in the whole 'society'. At the end of the book, it seemed like the author had gone from admiring him, to pitying him.

Almost all of them had issues far beyond just having issues with women, and were unable to form social relationships with anyone. Even their shared house in California (I think) was a mess, and they couldn't do simple everyday things like hold down jobs, eat healthy, exercise. It was all about 'sarging' (their term for picking up) and the chase, but as time went on, they become bored with the whole thing, and got no pleasure out of it. Yet they couldn't stop. The few of them who did use it as a springboard to actual fulfilling relationships were mocked, and even sabotaged out of jealousy by the other guys. Actually it reminds a bit of the 'hobby' in terms of the people attracted to it, and how it all became part of the hunt and not about the actual sex. So sure, they picked up little tricks, and ways of manipulation that got some girls into bed with them, but in the end not only was the sex meaningless and empty, but it hurt their abilities to interact with the 90% of women who didn't buy their bullshit


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
It's funny, I've read The Game by Neil Strauss, who was one of the first writers to 'infiltrate" this secret society of PUAs, and while it was interesting reading, and it's true that some of these PUAs (including the author) did manage a decent number of one night stands and purely sexual relationships with women who might have not have looked twice at them under other circumstances, one of the biggest things I took away was just how unhappy so many of them were. Even the head guy, "Mystery" I think was his alias, who allegedly scored with many hotties, and came up withe most of the 'playbook' they used, was one of the most unhappy, twisted people in the whole 'society'. At the end of the book, it seemed like the author had gone from admiring him, to pitying him.

Almost all of them had issues far beyond just having issues with women, and were unable to form social relationships with anyone. Even their shared house in California (I think) was a mess, and they couldn't do simple everyday things like hold down jobs, eat healthy, exercise. It was all about 'sarging' (their term for picking up) and the chase, but as time went on, they become bored with the whole thing, and got no pleasure out of it. Yet they couldn't stop. The few of them who did use it as a springboard to actual fulfilling relationships were mocked, and even sabotaged out of jealousy by the other guys. Actually it reminds a bit of the 'hobby' in terms of the people attracted to it, and how it all became part of the hunt and not about the actual sex. So sure, they picked up little tricks, and ways of manipulation that got some girls into bed with them, but in the end not only was the sex meaningless and empty, but it hurt their abilities to interact with the 90% of women who didn't buy their bullshit
have you seen what Mystery and Neil Strauss looks like? They rely completely on their PUA 'tricks' to get women and totally neglect their physique. Sure, they groom themselves, etc. but they're skinny sticks and haven't been to the gym in years. Even in their book, they never advise that you go to the gym once. I wonder if anyone else noticed that. they don't mention the gym even once in their book. If you find a picture of Neil Strauss and Mystery. you'll see they're the skinniest guys on the face of the earth and haven't set foot in a gym in their entire lives. I could be wrong. but its something I wanted to point out.


I'm not trying to write novels here. I'm just pointing out two things:

1. Looks DO matter.

2. In the end, PUA's are trying to sell a product. Trying to make money off of guys like us. Just like Cosmopolitan magazines that have subheadlines such as, "How to keep your man from cheating" for girls.


Jul 2, 2010
Heres a looks POV...

random dude on another website said:
***** bashes the looks crowd for being focused on a single issue, while at the same time being focused on another single issue, personality. I think focusing on any one thing is ridiculous, but if I had to put money on one thing it would be looks. How do you explain the success of guys like o***e (who is a member here) According to him he never changed his personality, all he did was go from being overweight to having a fitness model body and his success with women went from the basement to through the roof almost overnight. I remember one of his quotes because I think of it everyday, he said "raise your looks to a 7 or above in womens eyes and they will start to treat you differently, I guarantee it". I know the truth of this statement because I have seen it personally. I have a friend who was overweight in high school and never had any success with women. He became addicted, and I do mean addicted, to working out after high school, he's now an amateur bodybuilder and has been in a couple state contests. Believe me, his personality never changed, but he became successful with women once he lost the weight. If he's wearing the right clothes it's obvious he has a lot of muscle and low body fat, his face also looks better because it's leaner. He has the same nice guy personality he always has but he became very successful with women when he got in shape. He's married now but had about a dozen girlfriends before he met his wife. And here's the thing, in every relationship, these women approached him. He's never made the first move.

When I hang out with him I see the reactions he gets from women. They smile as soon as they see him, they lean in when talking to him, they play with their hair and other flirty shit. We were at a restaurant recently and the waitress came to the table to ask how the meal was, she walked up to his side of the table, looked only at him, smiled, and asked in an overly feminine way if he needed anything, he told her he was fine and she told him to call her if there's anything she can do for him, then she walked away without so much as looking at me. The tone of her voice changed when she talked to him, it was more high pitched. He never got this kind of attention when he was overweight, and I assure you he's not a douchebag or bad boy. He plays D&D and is a stereotypical nerd, but he looks like he stepped off the cover of a fitness magazine. His wife has said on several occasions that she was more attracted to him when she found out he was shy and nerdy, because she expected an arrogant nature that would make it hard to develop a close relationship.

I have personally seen someone improve their looks, while keeping the same personality, go from being incel to having the kind of success with women most men dream about.

The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
Put this bullshit thread to sleep already...Casper Smart is reportedly 5'8 and banging Jennifer Lopez, he's a short nobody with one of the hottest women in the world. Just work with what you’ve got and make it happen, if you don’t feel it just act it. Work on your swagger and confidence because that’s the real trick. All this effing moaning because some people don’t look like the life-size Ken Barbie, not many people do.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Whatever man.
okay so then the plan is to hold out for a tall white girl who has muslim values?

or am i wrong to say that youhave muslim values and beliefs? i ask this because i am wondering what your thoughts are on your beliefs and if they would impact compatability.

is it inconcievable that a short spanish girl could be your gf? seems strange to have 2 criteria.....race and being so important.....rather than intellectual and emotional commonalities.

are you an omega? can you chane that? are you doomed on a evolutionary sense.....based on the rheories you believe in?

sorry if i upset you that was not my ontent my hope was that you would acknowledge that perhaps you need tobroaden your search beyond tall and white.


Jul 2, 2010
Id rather give up my muslim values for a tall white girl who wants an LTR. But its rather...subconscious, yknow?

I dont know what I am. I dont even know how much I believe of that theory...I was putting it out there.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Women dont often know what they want...
really because it seems you think the dont want you?!?!? could it be that aside from sperm the modern western woman doesnt need a man for survival? perhaps how women choose dates is changing or becoming more varied?


Jul 2, 2010
really because it seems you think the dont want you?!?!? could it be that aside from sperm the modern western woman doesnt need a man for survival? perhaps how women choose dates is changing or becoming more varied?
How often have I said women DO/DID want me? Do you even read my posts before replying?


Jul 2, 2010
Er....ok...Im done with this thread.

It HAS gotten too long. :thumb:

Frankcastle... lets share a peace cookie.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Id rather give up my muslim values for a tall white girl who wants an LTR. But its rather...subconscious, yknow?

I dont know what I am. I dont even know how much I believe of that theory...I was putting it out there.
yeah that tough...would you consider youself a liberal or conservative muslim? like what is the role of the woman to you? or another waydo you think there will be a culture clash.

id stop reading those theoriesyou tend to put an interpretation on them that is not healthy for your development.

people can change.
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