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How many of you GAVE UP on dating figuring your just too undesirable to women?


Nov 13, 2011
HEY, Leprocy!!! Some will tell you, just have confidence & you will find a woman that finds you attractive with leprocy!! I am sure there is some percentage of woman that find guys with leprocy sexy. Just be confident, get out there & find her. Big mistake spraggamuffin. Always follow up on looks you get. That is what we are talking about when it comes to confidence!! So you get the no..... so what. Maybe you might get a yes. Not like you end up with an arm chopped off. But many guys just don't get any looks or attention ever.... or like once every 5 years or more, so they give up.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Personally for me it was the fact that I had other important priorities than chasing women around. Career, education, self-growth etc were more important than finding a woman. Fact is it often takes up a lot of time, money and energy to chase around women, who in most cases aren't interested. There are guys whose main goal in life seems to be finding a girl, getting married, having kids, working in a boring 9-5 job under someone...

I have higher expectations and goals in my life


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
For the most part, nothing more than an outlet to act on sexual fantasies/fetishes, and pure no-strings sex with any number of attractive women.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
For the most part, nothing more than an outlet to act on sexual fantasies/fetishes, and pure no-strings sex with any number of attractive women.
hahahah hate to say it ladies, but if it wasn't for sex, I probably wouldn't care as much to date, get a girlfriend or even marry :p added baggage that I don't really need.


Nov 20, 2006
What ? You need to open your eyes and look around. There are many fat guys who are married, same with short guys, same with ugly guys.

Some chicks like Nerds ! They do, not every chick wants a he-man for a hubby.
Looks, charm, money and or status. You can make up for the lack of some with another. If you lack off of it, a few people just plain luck out, but one shouldn't count on that.

As I am an fugly chud, utterly lack charm, am so broke that I have not hobbies in several years and have no status either, whores it is.
There are some people, and if you face to face roleplayed for as long as I have [D&D, Hero System, Twilight 2000, CoC etc] you will know a few of them for whom if they were to act with confidence, they would just look stupid and deluded.
Any confidence, asking someone to show confidence is a bit like telling someone to fake sincerity. Except worse, you can fake sincerity all you need are great acting skills and no soul like Jack Layton. Trying to pretend to be confident and people will see right through it. Not as if you can buy confidence at the confidence store.

Sadly some people are so damaged that they should do everyone a favor and just stay in the house or at least avoid any personal contact beyond what is needed for supplies [food, porn etc]. Sadly I am an extrovert so doing the ethical thing is just too damn hard.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Honestly, I have dated and had girlfriends. I think I am reasonably attractive and fit.. but I don't date much because I always get bored of relationships and I HATE breaking up with women... because I do like women and hate rejecting them when it's over. Also relationships are a lot of work + divorce is insanely destructive+ I have too much to lose financially.. so I just rather pay younger women for sex...and keep my relationships with women light.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Looks, charm, money and or status. You can make up for the lack of some with another. If you lack off of it, a few people just plain luck out, but one shouldn't count on that.

As I am an fugly chud, utterly lack charm, am so broke that I have not hobbies in several years and have no status either, whores it is.
There are some people, and if you face to face roleplayed for as long as I have [D&D, Hero System, Twilight 2000, CoC etc] you will know a few of them for whom if they were to act with confidence, they would just look stupid and deluded.
Any confidence, asking someone to show confidence is a bit like telling someone to fake sincerity. Except worse, you can fake sincerity all you need are great acting skills and no soul like Jack Layton. Trying to pretend to be confident and people will see right through it. Not as if you can buy confidence at the confidence store.

Sadly some people are so damaged that they should do everyone a favor and just stay in the house or at least avoid any personal contact beyond what is needed for supplies [food, porn etc]. Sadly I am an extrovert so doing the ethical thing is just too damn hard.

You can't buy confidence but you can rent it...its called


Tree Molester
Jan 9, 2006
I would argue that many men give up on dating since the women are chasing after bad boys and putting everyone else on hold in the friend zone. It's only when they want to have babies that they change their tune and go after someone more stable...aka walking wallets.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I stopped dating when I realized that I want my GF to be smart and beautiful but at the same time she needs to be 25 years younger than me. That seems to limit the pool of candidates too much.


Nov 13, 2011
Nah, I am just a white Canadian guy. I was just using it as one of a few examples. Don't over read anything into any one particular. Shish!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Funny, I'm Black and I like Brown girls but Brown chicks seem to be only into white guys. Well, most Brown chicks, my GF is East Indian.

Regarding the chicks you're not into--- Here's what you should probably do.

Pump and dump them, pretend that you like them. The more girls you're seen with the better. Another person above mentioned this. Why do Brown people assume chicks aren't into them? Some of you just give up and not try. OP is probably Indian too.
Hey hey. Yep I know the Indian chicks like the white dick.

I am a brown guy of West Indian descent and should be more confident with most chicks digging the accent and all. I suppose giving up comes natural to me because of performance anxiety because of PE, fear of rejection and low self esteem.

I'm too sensitive and soft to be the pump and dump kinda guy too, plus Mommy dearest put lots of words in my head from a tender age to the effect that it was forbidden to do so.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Men who reek of low confidence and low self-esteem are not sexy --- they give off such a depressing aura that women don't wanna deal with. Women want a man, not a self-pitying crybaby. Do men see a woman who just "gave up" as an attractive person? probably not, because it's not sexy. "oh...i'm so sad. I'm fat and hairy, women don't like me, blah blah blah." Then do something about it.

if it's gotten to the point where you said "fuck it", you're only thinking of yourself, and women HATE that.


Jul 2, 2010
Im short. 5'2. South Asian.

Yet I have had 5'4.5 - 6'0 tall women wanting me for a boyfriend (believe me, when a woman wants you, you know it).
Unfortunately I was too neurotic about the social heckling/mateguarding/jealousy etc to do anything about it.

Chances are Im going to spend my life alone. : Sigh :


Jul 2, 2010
What ? You need to open your eyes and look around. There are many fat guys who are married, same with short guys, same with ugly guys.

Some chicks like Nerds ! They do, not every chick wants a he-man for a hubby.
Seeing that this is a point of (theoretical) interest to me... heres a posting I made about it elsewhere a while ago...


In the U.K only 3.7% of marriages are with a taller female/shorter male.


1 in friggin 27 marriages!

Give up?

Not exactly.

You see, because of average height differentials between males and females - if randomly paired up - only 8.5% of male/female couples would be with a shorter male/taller female.

So 3.7/8.5 = 43% of average. That makes it rarer than average (100%) but far from totally weird.

(For the source of this statistic:

or google "hadza height" and to try and find the paper if the link doesn't work anymore)

Also I read an article by Katie Bolick called "All the single Ladies"

recently - heres a link, but it might not stay active forever -

which stated that a study found that there had been a 40% increase in the number of shorter male/taller female marriages. I cannot state whether that 40% is after or before the 3.7% stat above. If its before, the calculation stands.

If not, that means its actually 5.2/8.5 = 60%.

Actually Dalton Conoly, a sociologist at NYU did the statistical analysis of a nationally representative sample (in the USA) and found the number to be 4.2% in 2003, up from 3.8% in 1986. So where did the 5.2 number come from? Hard to say (till he publishes his paper, probably in mid 2012). I figure its 4.2 now, but thats only among the young age group due to changing norms... and it will increase to 5.2% if projected to future trends... hard to say...but even 4.2/8.5=50%

Another reason to believe the 5.2% statistic comes from the 2009 edition (NOT the older 2007 edition) of the book "Microtrends" which did an online survey in 2008 and found just over 5% of couples were "Interspatial", meaning boy shorter than girl. As we dont have access to the raw data, once again... wait for Dalton Conoly's paper. You can read the relevant 3 pages of the "Microtrends" book by googling "Microtrends Interspatial Couples" and reading it on Google books (at the time of this writing anyway).

In any case, however you look at it, its far from zero. It just seems way rarer than it is because of demographics where only ~ 1 in 12 couples would be interspatial due to average height differentials. (And there certainly is a lot of discrimination, maybe even instinct against it)?

So, to summarize, it happens either 43% or 50% or 60% of the time. And according to Microtrends, it happens a lot more among richer better educated people.

Personally Ive had quite a few taller girls wanting to make me their boyfriend (Im quite short). But I could never do it. It was horrible to see those hot girls give up and get a taller boyfriend... so I have a huge interest in these statistics and how they are changing over time.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
I am not attractive to women either. The trick is to date women in your own league. I know it's a cliche but look for the beauty inside. Then go out and fuck hot escorts!
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