Ashley Madison

Almost didn't post.....


May 18, 2006
I almost didn't post the review that I just posted (ie Kelly aka Ga Ga). Why? My reason is linked to my previous posting, back a month or two ago, where I reviewed a particular west-end studio and a particular highly-rated MP who practices at that studio.

In that review I made some fairly critical comments, and concluded that the particular MP I had reviewed was not for me. I felt that my comments were justified based on my experience the evening of my visit. But then the studio and also the MP posted such a blast of venom at me, making claims of fact that were sometimes only partly true, sometimes not true at all, and sometimes totally out of context. I didn't even see these postings for about a week, and when I did, the moderator had already closed the thread leaving me in a position where I could not respond at all. So I let it go but spent the next few weeks pretty frustrated and not wanting to participate in the Terb world anymore. What upset me the most was, I felt that the the replies by the studio and MP made me look like a jerk. Well, if anyone wants to read what I think are a long list of well-balanced reviews, they will see that this is not the case, but the replies sure left a bad impression of me. So I was fairly ticked off to say the least. I felt that if this is part of the Terb experience, then it is not for me.

Anyway, time has passed, and I recognize that the majority of Terbies are a more balanced group, with more balanced views than was expressed that night by the studio and MP. I will continue to be part of the Terb forum. And I encourage everyone to be restrained with negative comments; if things need to be said then for sure, say what needs to be said, but do so in a manner that is calm and objective, thus being helpful without needlessly ticking people off.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2004
Telywho you can not stop because you make a review either good or bad. Studio and Agency owners will not like negativity but it is part of the bussiness.
You can write what you want with in the guildlines of Terb.

Yes they will say you should have came to us and told us that is because they dont want negative reviews.
If it was because you didnt hit it off or was not your type. If it was something with the Club or Agency then it maybe be different. When it comes to reviewing a particular MP or SP what ever your review good or bad you should write what your expierence was don't let some people tell you or keep you away from writing how you fely or about your expierence

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
I'm glad to see you posting again. I seemed to remember some "active thread" in the past so went and took a look... and yes your thread did give you an "ass-whooping" LOL. Glad to see you took the upper hand and ignored it (albeit the thread was closed) and post again. And yes the thread was closed but you could have started another but didn't.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Telywho, keep on posting. Don't worry about it. fuck the monkeys who bash in response. 99% of the members here can read through the bullshit and know when a agency or provider is attempting to cover their own ass.. vs doing real damage control. attacking the person doing the review is usually indicative of a fucked up provider or agency.

Don't worry about defending your opinion. Your money. your time. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise. Everything is relative and we all have different taste. That's a given everyone should understand.


Thanks for posting Telywho! You are a long time repected member here. Terbites posting honest reviews is what the board is supposed to be about. There are now review boards for many different types of goods & services. All work in a similar fashion but the common denominator is to give other board members an idea of what your experience was like & what they could also expect, should they decide to patronize said establishment.

I just read the thread in question & I'm glad to see you took the high road. (thread closed or not) The thread says more about the providers in question than it does about you.


Oct 13, 2010
I've had similar experience to that of Telywho. I was just supporting a fellow terb member who had a bad experience. Next thing I know, things were getting nasty and out of control. Is it a crime to write something negative about a spa or agency? Any business who hires people who don't give a shit about customer service, professionalism, etc... should realize one day that they will get a poor review. What is the point of attacking the reviewers, and those who back-up the victims of poor customer service? And then getting the post knocked off due to some heated discussion. If someone wants to rant and rave about a particular agency, the moderators should just leave it alone, and let it be. This will teach the delinquent agency to hire someone who cares about the business and display a better representation of the agency. I've been told many times that this industry is a buyers beware type of business. So if a fellow terb member gets scammed, or gets crappy service, just brush it under the rug and move on. I guess I should only post positive reviews and negative ones will get deleted buy more powerful agencies.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
I've had similar experience to that of Telywho. I was just supporting a fellow terb member who had a bad experience. Next thing I know, things were getting nasty and out of control. Is it a crime to write something negative about a spa or agency? Any business who hires people who don't give a shit about customer service, professionalism, etc... should realize one day that they will get a poor review. What is the point of attacking the reviewers, and those who back-up the victims of poor customer service? And then getting the post knocked off due to some heated discussion. If someone wants to rant and rave about a particular agency, the moderators should just leave it alone, and let it be. This will teach the delinquent agency to hire someone who cares about the business and display a better representation of the agency. I've been told many times that this industry is a buyers beware type of business. So if a fellow terb member gets scammed, or gets crappy service, just brush it under the rug and move on. I guess I should only post positive reviews and negative ones will get deleted buy more powerful agencies.
i'd still post it. didn't think that they could get them deleted.....


Feb 14, 2004
We need guys like you here Tely and kenp. As long as reviews are honest, fair and respectful, I encourage posting the bad along with the good on this board. We need to hear it; even if just to offset the distorted view on the other board. Also, be mindful that the coziness and sheltered environment of cerb may be contributing to some of it's members overreacting here. You need a thick skin to compensate for their thin underexposed skin.

In fact, now apparently it's not enough to write a positive "recommendation" on cerb, you are strongly encouraged to write many positive recommendations. Why? Because some are concerned that a provider not having many recommendations (and current ones at that), might be perceived negatively by prospective clients. Now excuse me, I have a toothache to tend.
In fact, now apparently it`s not enough to write a positive "recommendation" on cerb, you are strongly encouraged to write many positive recommendations. Why? Because some are concerned that a provider not having many recommendations (and current ones at that), might be perceived negatively by prospective clients. Now excuse me, I have a toothache to tend.
Sir, I am not quite certain if your comment is referring to a post I made on the other board but I would like to bring up the following thread
to your attention (here). When a lady hasn`t been reviewed/recommended in a while it does bring up concerns/questions.

I hope you feel better soon :) xox


In fact, now apparently it's not enough to write a positive "recommendation" on cerb, you are strongly encouraged to write many positive recommendations. Why? Because some are concerned that a provider not having many recommendations (and current ones at that), might be perceived negatively by prospective clients. Now excuse me, I have a toothache to tend.
Maybe you are referring to my post about lack of recos. My point is that many guys PM me thanking me for recommending an SP (in this case Yoko) but don't post themselves. So the SP misses out on some good feedback and doesn't get as much business. She either leaves early or doesn't return in some cases.

I should have posted the same here but get tired of beating a dead horse. I convinced more than one top notch SP to visit based on feedback on Terb (mostly via PM) only to see her not return due to lack of clients. Yet my inbox would have several PMs from guys thanking me and saying she was amazing. While we may not want our gems to be too busy that we can't see them, if they aren't busy enough we will NEVER see them.

My apologies if it wasn't my post that got under your skin. But I thank you for the chance to once more vent my frustrations over trying to get and retain great talent here. I am sure my reputation would preclude any sane person from including me as a Cerb suck up. I just want the really good SPs to get their due so we get to see them again.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Bottom line that we all need to remember! It's just the internet. It is not real life. If someone disses u, relax.


Feb 14, 2004
Maybe you are referring to my post about lack of recos. My point is that many guys PM me thanking me for recommending an SP (in this case Yoko) but don't post themselves. So the SP misses out on some good feedback and doesn't get as much business. She either leaves early or doesn't return in some cases.
Actually slurp I agreed with the original premise of your post. You raise some very important points, especially with respect to visiting SPs. If guys are genuinely enthusiastic about an SP they've seen, they should add their voices to the choir. It's good for the girls and it's good for the guys.

What I didn't like was the tone and sentiments of some of the follow-on comments to your post. I don't like feeling obliged to write a recommendation just because I didn't have a bad time with a lady. Or because it will boost her ego or her visibility to potential new clients. I prefer to write when I'm truly enthusiastic about a great time and I feel inspired to say something meaningful and unique about it and her.

My apologies to the Telywho, if my comments have taken this thread off topic.


What I didn't like was the tone and sentiments of some of the follow-on comments to your post. I don't like feeling obliged to write a recommendation just because I didn't have a bad time with a lady. Or because it will boost her ego or her visibility to potential new clients. I prefer to write when I'm truly enthusiastic about a great time and I feel inspired to say something meaningful and unique about it and her.

My apologies to the Telywho, if my comments have taken this thread off topic.
I agree 100% that only girls worthy of a good review should get one. Thought that was your point but just wanted to practice my typing skills ... or lack thereof.


Boss in Luxury MP
Dec 26, 2009
Club Alpha
I almost didn't post the review that I just posted (ie Kelly aka Ga Ga). Why? My reason is linked to my previous posting, back a month or two ago, where I reviewed a particular west-end studio and a particular highly-rated MP who practices at that studio.

In that review I made some fairly critical comments, and concluded that the particular MP I had reviewed was not for me. I felt that my comments were justified based on my experience the evening of my visit. But then the studio and also the MP posted such a blast of venom at me, making claims of fact that were sometimes only partly true, sometimes not true at all, and sometimes totally out of context. I didn't even see these postings for about a week, and when I did, the moderator had already closed the thread leaving me in a position where I could not respond at all. So I let it go but spent the next few weeks pretty frustrated and not wanting to participate in the Terb world anymore. What upset me the most was, I felt that the the replies by the studio and MP made me look like a jerk. Well, if anyone wants to read what I think are a long list of well-balanced reviews, they will see that this is not the case, but the replies sure left a bad impression of me. So I was fairly ticked off to say the least. I felt that if this is part of the Terb experience, then it is not for me.

Anyway, time has passed, and I recognize that the majority of Terbies are a more balanced group, with more balanced views than was expressed that night by the studio and MP. I will continue to be part of the Terb forum. And I encourage everyone to be restrained with negative comments; if things need to be said then for sure, say what needs to be said, but do so in a manner that is calm and objective, thus being helpful without needlessly ticking people off.
It's atrocious that you felt this way. In any business whether it be adult or anything else, comments will come up that are negative or positive.
Of course, positive remarks are always welcomed but negative or subjective comments should be taken as an opportunity to improve one self and the business, given that the negativity deserves merit.
I agree that the situation could have been dealt with a more proper etiquette and everyone, including yourself would have been happy. Even perhaps you would have enjoyed the ladies company the second time around and posted a second more positive review of her, if you had chosen to do so.

I'm glad that you have decided to keep on posting!

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Has Jessica ever gotten a bad review? LOL She has always been "the best" anytime I have seen her. Opps... am I hijacking the thread? Sorry, my ADD is acting up, LOL.


Aug 29, 2005
Telywho, I am glad that you decided not to leave the community. We should not be discouraged by one bad experience. Sharing the good with the bad helps us to keep informed.

Agreed herelooking!! Jessica has mastered the art of the seductive massage!!


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
I'm one of the older generation who learned by observation from his parents not to "make a scene" or to complain about things, in particular regarding poor-quality meals and service in restaurants, impertinence, etc. However, my son is at the other end of the spectrum and he will make a strong protest if he feels that he's not being treated properly when he spends his hard-earned money (and he does work very hard). I still find it difficult to complain publicly about less-than-satisfactory service, it's just the way I am and it's too late for me to change. In the present context, if I felt that a lady had made a genuine effort but had failed to provide top-class service for some reason I would be very reluctant to complain publicly. However, if I felt she had premeditatingly ripped me off I would have no problem complaining, and I have in fact posted negative reviews in the past in this type of situation (although one was deleted by the authorities).

There's no doubt that these ladies are working in a very difficult profession and we should be very careful when we post a negative review because it could affect their livelihoods. Even if they say in their ads something like "I enjoy this just as much as you do" we all know that that's probably not entirely true (especially when the client is 75 years old lol) and many of them have kids and SO's at home to worry about. One way to get round this situation in a review is to say something like "During my visit things did not work out quite as well as expected", or something to that effect, and to invite interested members to respond via PM for further details. To put a lady down in public because the BJ was second-rate, or because there was a hygiene issue, is not entirely gentlemanly in my opinion, although others may disagree. The hygiene issue is a very difficult one to address because it's often tied up with the time of the month and just because there might be a problem one day doesn't mean that it's always like that. Having said that, however, the lady herself should realize that if she's not entirely fresh then she should take a day or two off.

P.S. I'm not 75 yet!
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