Discreet Dolls

Tv warranty


New member
Jan 19, 2004
from the Open University:

2.2 The bathtub curve
A characteristic of many products is illustrated in Figure 11, where failure rate is plotted against product lifetime. The so-called bathtub curve shows an early, high mortality (known sometimes as infant mortality), followed by a stable mid-life of random failures, followed by a rise in failures as critical components wear out.



Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
So you're saying an Apple would allow you to use a mouse in free air? Amazing!!!!
I've been using macs for about 6 years now. Never had the issue mentioned above.

I had the issue with my Windows laptops.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
200 bucks for an extended warranty on a tv that is probably less than a grand. Do you think there is a>20% chance it will completely die within the timeframe of the warranty if so, but the warranty, or better yet, avoid buying a piece of shit tv that will be dead in a couple years.

The only time I've bought an extended warranty was on something where a) the warranty was like 10-30 bucks, and b) I knew there was a VERY high likelihood I would break it (eg those pos plastic guitar hero /rock band guitars - I sat on it, and they replaced it!) otherwise save your $. The odds are in your favor for the tv to outlast the even extended warranty without a problem, if they were breaking down left and right, nobody would buy one.

Quite humorously, a cashier at the source the other day tried to sell me an extended warranty on a pair of $9 wire strippers. After I declined she said "I don't even know how you could break these!" I said yeas, you could probably throw them off your roof or drive over them with the car and they would be fine.
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