Scam Company Direct Energy moving to Texas from Toronto


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Direct Energy is moving its head office from Toronto to Houston, citing “thriving” and competitive energy markets in Texas and the northeastern United States and the failure of Ontario to open up.

The company, which has been based in Toronto for more than a decade, said it will take a year to 18 months to complete the move. About 500 jobs will be affected, said spokeswoman Hillary Marshall. About 300 of those jobs will be recreated in Texas, and some Canadians will be asked to relocate but “that will be limited.”

Many of Direct Energy’s operations are already based in Texas, where the company now employs more than 2,000 people.

“The relocation of our corporate head office to Houston will allow us to focus our attention on growth opportunities in the U.S. where competitive energy markets are thriving, particularly in Texas and the U.S. northeast region,” chief executive officer Chris Weston said in a statement.

“Over the last decade, Direct Energy has successfully pursued both acquisitive and organic growth in the U.S., entering more than 20 new markets in the last 12 months, and we will continue this strategy into 2012.”

Ms. Marshall did not mince words in an interview Friday, saying the company has advocated for change in Ontario for a decade.

Direct Energy wants the wholesale market opened fully to competition, and consumers allowed to make a choice, she said.

“The rates are regulated and the market still is utility-dominated,” Ms. Marshall said.

“We've invested over $1-billion in acquisitions over the past 18 months, and that's capital that's going to continue to follow competitive energy markets,” she added.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
at least Canada Man will no longer have to tele-commute


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
How was the company a scam?
Canada Man knows about it................How else?

After all with his I hate America stance....................How can he be wrong?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Texass has a more Enronesque fuzzy numbers way of doing things that is more to their liking!....:eyebrows:


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The gas marketeers will induce you to sign at a fixed rate which they claim will save you money, but after you sign, that contract does NOT guarantee that you'll save (gas prices reduced due to new shale extraction techniques, for example). They will argue that they are eliminating price volatility but who the fuck cares about that as a consumer - in the long run, you wanna save. They are rip-off artists.


New member
Mar 11, 2007
Direct Energy is a well know scam. DO NOT SIGN ANY GAS OR ELECTRICITY CONTRACT WITH THEM. Don't show your bill to their agents on door. I made that mistake and they forged my signature on the contract.


Jun 6, 2009
Yes, they're bent, but people all they are doing is moving their head office. They'll still be doing business here, but this makes litigation more difficult that's all.


Jun 6, 2009
If you read the contract, you see that they are able to raise the rate if prices go way up, but aren't required to lower it if price go way down. Proof most people don't read.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
If you read the contract, you see that they are able to raise the rate if prices go way up, but aren't required to lower it if price go way down. Proof most people don't read.
They also wouldn't let you read the contract before you sign it.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
The gas marketeers will induce you to sign at a fixed rate which they claim will save you money, but after you sign, that contract does NOT guarantee that you'll save (gas prices reduced due to new shale extraction techniques, for example). They will argue that they are eliminating price volatility but who the fuck cares about that as a consumer - in the long run, you wanna save. They are rip-off artists.
You are absolutely correct. I signed up many years ago, and was promised cash just for signing up. Never happened. And while I was with them I couldn't see what Enbridge was charging. Gas kept going down, but my costs stayed the same. After a number of years I cancelled, paid a penalty, and started saving more money that the penalty I paid. I think I signed up twice - my wife signed me up after the 1st 5 year term expired, without me knowing about it. But, NEVER AGAIN.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm not even sure what they do to be honest.

I signed a gas contract once way back, but it expired and I've just stuck with Enbridge since then. With Enbridge, I pay the market rate. Kind of like having an open mortgage where the rate is free to float. It's been proven that consumers are best to have open mortgages and will save in the long run. I figure Natural Gas is a lot like that, so I stick with the floating rate.

Canadians by and large will stick with what they know. We figure that switching will only cause grief and will probably cost more in the end (some mouse print on some contract combined with some weasel clause will get us.) So I stick with Enbridge and I stick with Toronto Hydro and hell, I even stick with Bell. I'm good with the service I'm getting from all of the above (though Bell runs dangerously close sometimes).

If it aint broke, don't fix it.
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