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Mega Upload Shut Down!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
has anyone here heard of i heard these guys were untouchables. any info?
they are not untouchable by any means. pirate bay is a second rate torrent site that is bogged down with viruses. they are wide open and anyone can be tracked. ifyou want a good torrent site you need to find the more hidden ones. dark web is a good place to start looking but that is only for the serious downloaders. easier to hide if you use main stream stuff by using downloaders engines like vuze. piratebay is a joke site amoung people that know what they are doing online.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
The big sites are moving offshore, if they haven't already, to try to avoid US laws.

The proposed US laws would enable the courts to force IP's to restrict access to the offshore sites. For now it looks like the legislators are backing down but time will tell.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
The big sites are moving offshore, if they haven't already, to try to avoid US laws.

The proposed US laws would enable the courts to force IP's to restrict access to the offshore sites. For now it looks like the legislators are backing down but time will tell.
it's forcing companies to terminate jobs in the u.s in the only industry that is not affected by the recession they are having and moving even more jobs to other countries.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You GO Anonymous GO!....

Frankly no, it is that a bunch of spoiled brats with technical skills don't believe that they should have to pay to watch movies or suffer through ads that take the place of payment.
Spoken like a typical bought & sold Corporate lawyer and tool of the RIAA and Hollywood!.....:eyebrows:

You don't mess with Hackers!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Saw an article the other day that said, basically, that the under 30 crowd has grown up with the internet and file sharing as a part of life. We older folks (the over 30 crowd) have not, so we still operate on the basis of 'want to see a movie? But the DVD, watch the MovieNetwork/HBO or go to a movie theater'. While the under 30-crowd still go to movie theaters, it is mainly to see either hot must-see films or films that just look better on the big screen (SciFi, 3D, etc).

The idea of taking away the free movie content they have grown up with is like, well, the government shutting down all lending libraries and saying 'it violates copyright to lend books out - if you want to read a book, go to a bookstore and buy it'. Obviously if they did that, us older folks would protest (not that I use lending libraries anymore, but I did when I was in my teens and 20s).

So Hollywood has responded by making more 'big screen films' on one hand, and pursuing file-sharing sites on the other. They want to roll back the clock to a time when everyone was happy to go to the movies or buy a DVD (like 1990). Of course they have always wanted to stop progress, and didn't like TV or VCRs, etc back in the day. They need to adapt their business model to have an easy way to sell downloads for like $1., but they don't want to cut into their DVD sales. However the people buying DVDs are not for the mostpart the people who do downloads.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i am still under the opinion that netflix was on the right path, but fucked it up horribly. with the size of t.v growing and people being more comfortable at home, they should have it so a movie is released but directly to your home cutting out the theater all together. charge a fair price, say 10$ to watch the new hollywood block buster at home on your big screen in HD. you can pause so you don't miss anything and you can relax as you want to.

then they are back to making money again, people are back to paying for it and the pirate issue gets a little smaller since now people ain't going out and buying a shitty copy on the street that are buying it right from the company that made it. you can set it up so you can't record it which will still give them dvd sales later on. just add channels to your existing cable box. yes the cable companies will try to gouge you for more but the movie companies could stop that by giving it to the cable companies for free.

better yet they could just have a website that streams it and new t.v's are internet ready so it's right there waiting for you. so may options for them to start making money again, censoring the internet is the worst.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Megaupload was apparently knowingly infringing copyrights and rewarding people for it. They were in violation of DMCA.

Exec emails taken from the indictment:

On or about April 10, 2006, VAN DER KOLK sent an e-mail toORTMANN asking “Do we have a server available to continue downloading of the Youtube’s vids? … Kim just mentioned again that this has really priority.”

"It was further part of the Conspiracy that members of the Conspiracy deliberatelymisrepresented to copyright holders that they had removed copyright infringing content fromtheir servers, while, in fact, they only removed certain links to the content file, which could stillbe illegally downloaded through numerous redundant links. Redundant links were sometimescreated by members of the Conspiracy"

"In approximately April 2006, members of the Mega Conspiracy copiedvideos directly from to make them available on"

On or about February 21, 2007, VAN DER KOLK sent an e-mail toORTMANN entitled “2 reward payment files.” Attached to the e-mail was a file users’ e-mail addresses and reward payments for that time period, whichranged from $100 to $500. For one user that was paid $300, VAN DER KOLK wrote, “30849files, mainly Mp3z, some copyrighted but most of them have a very small number of downloadsper file.” For other users, all of which were selected for reward payments of $100 by the MegaConspiracy, he wrote the following: “Our old famous number one on MU, still some illegal files 33but I think he deserves a payment”; “Loads


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
This shows the power of protests. The creators of music and movies are not enjoying the fruits of their creativity and labour, but that's ok because we all want everything for free. BTW: The protestors also killed Keystone. We are now ruled by protestors and not reason or logic.
I agree. Let us return to the days of paying $20 per CD to listen to that one single we really only wanted. Technology disrupts. Sure, megavideo was involved in some unsavory practices but PIPA/SOPA would allow sites to be shut down with no due process. You know those Youtube vids guys here link to showing some hot girl dancing to music in the background? Under SOPA, those would be considered copyright violations and YouTube would be censored. You can't see the forest for the trees.

SOPA/PIPA is about stopping progress and protecting outdated business models.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Another great example of Hollywood treating their paying customers like peasants.



Mar 3, 2011
Fuck Hollywierd, itunes/Apple and the Gov't. I use sites for all my music, tv, movies. No commercials. No filler bullshit. Any song on YouTube I can download as a stereo quality Mp3 thereby bypassing iTunes. Fuck em!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Any song on YouTube I can download as a stereo quality Mp3 thereby bypassing iTunes. Fuck em!!
RIAA Record Nazis have been hard at work removing many stereo quality sounding videos to prevent this. RIAA may leave the crappy sounding songs on YouTube. Some artists have been completely removed from YouTube to keep you from saving any of their tunes.

Years ago YouTube was just as good as Napster, Kazaa, WinMX, Limewire, et al. Found a couple good quality tunes on YouTube I couldn't find anywhere else. Today many on those songs have been removed and sound quality of many of those remaining is not as good as it used to be...:frown:


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Mar 8, 2010
I was thinking about SOPA and PIPA a bit (in terms of it being taken to extremes, like what happens in China). If you post something critical of government on a blog or online forum, your offending post gets deleted or site taken down. You then get arrested and jailed (without trial), for sedition. Sounds like something straight from Orwell's 1984...


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Perhaps they could move to some place like Tahiti then thumb their nose at RIAA and Hollywood ....;)
Dec 28, 2006
It's a fascinating story that's unfolding around the whole question of copywrite and information sharing. Both sides are going to have to comprimise. It's seems to me that the current positions taken up by each side is unworkable. On the one hand you have folks who don't want to pay for anything and on the other the industry insists there's nothing wrong with the old business model. Illegal file sharing is never going to stop unless a legal solution that is convenient and fairly priced is put in place. Today, the contradictions that are in place are crazy, such as...

  • You can take a collection of illegally downloaded music, pay Apple for iTunes match, and have it all made legitimate for one low fee. (Why should video be any different?)
  • If what megaupload was doing was illegal, what about Youtube? Aren't they doing the same thing?


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Everyone likes to get paid for the work that they do, and so from that perspective I'm sympathetic towards efforts to stop piracy. It is no excuse that movies/music/etc. are "too expensive" etc... if you don't want to pay, you don't have the right to watch/listen to it (I can't say I'm a saint in this area.. but I know I shouldn't be doing it, and don't try to justify it).

Imagine "piracy" in this industry.. this SP charges too much for FS.. so I'm going to have sex with her, and then not pay!! Would anyone find that acceptable? Of course not - it's rape. Same principle applies..


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
Imagine "piracy" in this industry.. this SP charges too much for FS.. so I'm going to have sex with her, and then not pay!! Would anyone find that acceptable? Of course not - it's rape. Same principle applies..

worst analogy ever.

almost as bad as people who call copyright infringement 'stealing'
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