1) 40-60% of all new condo units purchased by individual and group investors/speculators.100K people per year immigration to GTA + sprawl restrictive Green Belt Act + people wanting to live downtown + lack of purpose built rental stock = continuation of demand for condos
2) Current rental(vicinity of downtown core) = $2 to 2.10 per sq ft.
3) Avg. shoebox 700sq ft unit renting for $1400month or $16,800
4) Yearly carrying costs avg(400K purchase: Maint: $5000, Property Tax: $2800, utilities: $2500, Financing/or lost rate of return on 400K: $16,000
5) Yearly loss of about $10,000.
6) As you can see what is driving the investor/speculator market is not rate of return on rental but, unbridled greed on future value.
7) Not all 100k immigration is to the City of Toronto. How many of the migrants to Toronto can actually afford to puchase a condo?
8) When interest rates rise, which they eventually will, watch spooked investors/speculators dump as what happens in all bubbles.
9) Financial instruments in the sky....financial weapons of mass destruction.