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More disturbing news from India.


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
94 die in hosptal fire after doctors flee....that's definitely lacking patient care.

Printed from the Charlotte Observer -

Posted: Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011

94 die from smoke in fire at Indian hospital

By Lydia Polgreen and Hari Kumar

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NEW DELHI To all appearances, the Advanced Medical Research Institute hospital in Kolkata was state of the art. It had some of the latest, most precise radiation-therapy equipment for patients in its cancer center. It offered special deluxe suites for its wealthiest patients. Its trauma surgery unit was said to be one of the best in eastern India, as well as its highly efficient emergency room.

But early Friday the hospital, known as AMRI, confronted an emergency for which it seemed to have no plan: An inferno in its basement transformed the entire hermetically sealed and air-conditioned building into a giant chimney for a searing, smoky fire.

When the smoke cleared, 94 people were dead, scores more were injured and a nation was left asking: Is nowhere, even an expensive, privately run hospital designed for the country's upwardly mobile classes, safe from the disaster that seems to lurk on every railway line, highway on-ramp and festival ground?

There appeared to be many reasons why the fire in the plush 180-bed hospital in Kolkata, formerly Calcutta, which started in the basement, roared out of control for hours. Ineptitude, poor equipment and bad information helped compound what initially seemed like a minor blaze.

The doctors on duty fled the hospital almost immediately, leaving patients stuck in their wards and at the mercy of the billowing black smoke, witnesses and patients told reporters.

Hospital officials were slow to call the fire department, and then fire trucks were slow to arrive, hospital officials said.

In fact, it took firefighters more than 12 hours to subdue the blaze, fire department officials said. The hospital's fire detection and suppression system did not function, fire department officials said.

Six senior hospital officials were charged with culpable homicide in connection with the fire, according to government officials. The blaze is sure to raise fresh questions about safety in India's booming private hospital business, which, like much else in India, is poorly regulated.

The hospital was storing diesel and motor oil in the basement, Firhad Hakim, West Bengal state's minister of urban development, said. Fueled by these volatile elements, the fire sent smoke into the upper floors via the elevator ducts, said Firhad Hakim, West Bengal state's minister of urban development. Patients, many of them bedridden, had no way to escape.

"Whoever they brought out, most of them were dead," Hakim said.

A fire division officer at the scene, A. Banerjee, said: "All the deaths took place because of suffocation. Nobody died because of fire."

Mr. Lucky

♫♫$$ ♥
Apr 19, 2006
The doctors on duty fled the hospital almost immediately, leaving patients stuck in their wards and at the mercy of the billowing black smoke, witnesses and patients told reporters.

I know India is also known for having good doctors but here everyone just saved themselves! This is just terrible :hand:


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
If it were cow's at risk they would've gave their life trying to save them but since it was only sick helpless humans it quickly turned into every man for themselves. Yea, they really cherish life there.:rolleyes:


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
If it were cow's at risk they would've gave their life trying to save them but since it was only sick helpless humans it quickly turned into every man for themselves. Yea, they really cherish life there.:rolleyes:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
By the way Kolkata is one of those weird alternative spellings for Calcutta as is Mumbai for Bombay.

But in any event a major city.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
By the way Kolkata is one of those weird alternative spellings for Calcutta as is Mumbai for Bombay.
Yep, how ourtrageous is it that the indian people decide themselves how to spell the name of their city.

PS: Now Aardie will post that the indians had it so much better under the british rule.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
India has too large a population for the avg Indian to enjoy high living standards. It's really hopeless. I think I read somewhere, India has more infected with AIDS than Africa combined.
Ashley Madison
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