The new trivia thread.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The USA spent $20,200,000,000. on what in Iraq?
Answer : Air conditioning.

The United States spends more money on AIR CONDITIONING in Iraq and Afghanistan than on the entire budget of NASA!!
$20,200,000,000. That’s more money than BP has paid back for damage caused from the Gulf oil spill. That’s as much cash as the G-8 (eight of the world’s most prosperous industrialized democracies) have pledged to support democratic ideals in Egypt and Tunisia over the next two years! The thought of temperature control costing so much seems ridiculous, and it is. But when you think about the effort to safely transport fuel to some of the most remote and dangerous places in the world, it’s understandable. For example, to power an AC unit at an isolated Afghan outpost (where temperatures can reach 125ºF!), a gallon of fuel has to be shipped into Karachi, Pakistan and then driven on 800 miles of potentially shoddy roads over the next 18 days! And that’s not to mention the fact that these sorts of motorcades are typically prime targets for insurgent attacks.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
How did Jimi Hendrix get discharged from the Army?
Answer : Jimi Hendrix pretended he was gay to get out of the army.

This is according to the Hendrix biography Room Full of Mirrors by Charles R. Cross. Jimi himself claimed to have left the military in 1962 due to a parachute jumping injury. Cross, on the other hand, says that army records show that Hendrix had been discharged for ‘homosexual tendencies’ after telling a base psychiatrist that he had fallen in love with a fellow soldier! The guitar god is even said to have originally enlisted for less-than-admirable reasons. Cross states that Jimi only joined the service to avoid jail time for stealing a car back in Seattle!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Are there living things 3 Kms. below the earths surface?


A species of worm has been discovered living 2.2 miles below ground! 3.5km
The worm, a species of nematode, has been named Halicephalobus mephisto after Mephistopheles, the demon from Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. This is a fairly appropriate name because this ‘devil worm’ lives at hellish depths compared to all its known brethren. Before this species was found, nematodes were not known to inhabit depths beyond dozens of feet! Perhaps even more amazing, the worms live on microbes that are a million times smaller than its own body! These bacteria are the only other known organisms able to survive at such incredible depths.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Name a single body part of an creature that weighs more than most elephants.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What is Donald Ducks middle name.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What did stalone do at his Zoo job before he became famous?


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What is the highest temperature of a fart ever recorded?



New member
Jul 12, 2003
Answer : Jimi Hendrix pretended he was gay to get out of the army.

This is according to the Hendrix biography Room Full of Mirrors by Charles R. Cross. Jimi himself claimed to have left the military in 1962 due to a parachute jumping injury. Cross, on the other hand, says that army records show that Hendrix had been discharged for ‘homosexual tendencies’ after telling a base psychiatrist that he had fallen in love with a fellow soldier! The guitar god is even said to have originally enlisted for less-than-admirable reasons. Cross states that Jimi only joined the service to avoid jail time for stealing a car back in Seattle!
Actually, the psychiatrist was a little hard of hearing. He thought Jimi said:

"'scuse me, while I kiss this guy".

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The US Government rounded up all the American money in Hawaii 6 months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Why did they do this and what did they replace it with.

Answer :

.The U.S. Government was affraid that the Japanese would invade Hawaii after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The American Government exchanged all the U.S. currency on Hawaii with new money that were almost identical to regular currency except that Hawaii was printed on the back of the bill. If the Japanese were to invade the Hawaiian Isalands they would have access to large amounts of American currency that they could buy war supplies with around the world. When the Philipines were invaded by the Japanese, all the currency was confiscated and replaced with Japanese script.


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
What would happen if a scuba diver attempted to fart at a depth of 33 ft?

Answer : Nothing.

At 33 feet below the surface of the water the pressure would be 2 atmosphers. It would be humanly impossible to fart due to the water pressure pressing up aginast your rectum. At lower depths were the water pressure is greater divers have even had the experience of water pressure invading their body orifices.

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