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Ending Violence Against Women: Remembering Ecole Polytechnique


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
If it's anywhere near 1 in 10 women who are living with chronic violence that is a fucking enormous problem, and from the statistics, it appears to be something like that.
Perhaps, but 1 in 10 men and women have screws loose, so I wouldn't bank on that 7% rate of chronic domestic violence ever decreasing dramatically. When people live together, they inevitably argue. That 7% are the few that take it to another level because one or both parties are rotten to the core, leading multiple lives cheating, have an aggressive temperament, are chronic liars, have an uncontrollable lust for control, enjoy drama, or lack the IQ to express themselves in any other way but through physical abuse. So cry me a river.


New member
May 10, 2011
The homicide statistic, because it is so accurately reported, corroborates that the ratio of domestic violence is 3 to 1 against women.

I think this is a very poor inference.

The domestic homicide rate could be highly correlated to the domestic violence rate, It could also be not at all correlated(as I believe it is) furthermore it could be inversely correlated (a very distinct possibility). The more women who beat there husbands could increase the number of women who ended up murdered by their husbands. Such a small sample size to infer on a much larger population I think is simply poor statistics. I don’t think it can be construed at all as being a representative sample.
One would always expect a much larger domestic homicide rate for women simply based on the built in economic incentive. Women don’t generally have any economic incentive to kill their spouses where as men have an economic incentive. if we somehow normalized income incentive how would those stats look?


Jan 31, 2005
Sisyphus, we have BOTH the homicide stat AND the domestic violence stat. They corroborate one another. Both statistics indicate that women are three times more likely to be the victims of serious domestic violence than men are. Arguing against it is a futile act that indicates a certain level of desperation, a desire to avoid acknowledging the problem exists.

What are you doing now, really? You don't like the reported stat, so you are making up random suppositions about how it might not be correct. Why are you so reluctant to accept it?

If you are correct that it is an "economic incentive" then we should see it changing soon, as under 30 the women are the breadwinners and generally out-earn the men.


Jan 31, 2005
it was reported in a Toronto Star series on spousal violence a couple of years ago.
I suspect you are misquoting it or misinterpreting it or just misremembering it. We need to see the data and the original source. It's simply unbelievable that 90% of cases of domestic violence are instigated by the party which is 3x as likely to be seriously hurt or murdered...


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
another day another thread filled with privileged angry white men using the murders of women in Montreal claiming that their kind(who controls everything the economy, politics, media, etc) are being oppressed


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
About men’s rights:
• Of the 1.3 billion people living in extreme poverty worldwide, more than two-thirds of them are women and girls.
• Women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours, and produce half of the world’s food, yet earn only 10 per cent of the world’s income, and own less than one per cent of the world’s property.
• Two-thirds of all children denied school are girls, and 75 per cent of the world’s 876 million illiterate adults are women
• Women hold only 14 per cent of the world’s parliamentary seats.
• Gender-based violence kills one in three women across the world.
• Gender-based violence is the biggest cause of injury and death to women worldwide, causing more deaths and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war.
• As a result of violence and neglect, there are 50 million fewer women in South Asia today than there should be.
• Women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours, and produce half of the world’s food, yet earn only 10 percent of the world’s income, and own less than one per cent of the world’s property.
• Two-thirds of children denied primary education are girls, and 75 percent of the world’s 876 million illiterate adults are women.
• Every extra year a girl spends at school could reduce child mortality by ten percent.
• More than half a million women die in pregnancy and childbirth every year: of these deaths, 99 percent are in developing countries. In parts of Africa, maternal mortality rates are 1 in 16.
• Women hold only 14 percent of parliamentary seats worldwide, and only 8 percent of the world’s cabinet ministers are women.
• Only eleven countries have met the UN target of 30 percent female decision-makers.
• In New Zealand, 20 percent of women will be physically abused by a male partner and one in five women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime.
• In Samoa, 46 percent of women have been abused by their partner
• In Fiji 41 percent of women who experienced violence reported being hit while pregnant.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
another day another thread filled with privileged angry white men using the murders of women in Montreal claiming that their kind(who controls everything the economy, politics, media, etc) are being oppressed
I think black males are better off on a dating market than white males


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Correction, 1 in 10 men, and 1 in 28 women.
If domestic violence is your only barometer, then your conclusion might have some validity but it's not the only factor and that barometer is a poor one. I've been in enough situations where I've been assaulted by women and wanted to slap them in return but I haven't. I've been in enough situations where women have verbally abused me and accused me of doing things I did not do. I'm one of millions of men that have experienced this.

The 70 domestic violence murders in total (both men and women) killed in Canada each year shows that men aren't nearly as homicidal toward women as one would be led to believe and that women are much more violent toward men than one would imagine. And to put it all into perspective let's have a look at overall homicide rates and death by traffic accidents each year.

"Statistics show that 2,730 Canadians died in traffic accidents in 2004, compared to 622 who were the victims of homicides, The Globe and Mail reports." -


Jan 31, 2005
So according to your statistic 1 in 10 women in Canada live with chronic domestic violence. That's roughly 1.7 million women. Assuming your numbers are true, GG2--even if it's ten times less than you suggest--that absolutely and completely eclipses traffic accidents.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I think black males are better off on a dating market than white males
wrong black men are at the bottom of the racial hierarchy.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
So according to your statistic 1 in 10 women in Canada live with chronic domestic violence. That's roughly 1.5 million women. Assuming your numbers are true, GG2, that absolutely and completely eclipses traffic accidents.
I'd have to look at the stats again, but I believe it states that 6% of marriages suffer from chronic domestic violence, and that figure includes BOTH men and women who are victims. Many people are not married, so the number is not going to be anywhere near 1 in 10 women.


Jan 31, 2005
I'd have to look at the stats again, but I believe it states that 6% of marriages suffer from chronic domestic violence, and that figure includes BOTH men and women who are victims.
Right, and since we know that women are 3x more likely the victim as men, when you lump them together and average it, the 7% winds up being lower than the number of women and higher than the number of men. Simple math (done for you up thread) reveals this means it's 10.5% of women and 3.5% of men.

In any case, 10.5% of all married women is a huge fucking number of women.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011

"There were 8.4 million families in Canada in 2001.

The majority of Canadian families are married households. In 2001, 70.4% of families were married couples, 13.8% were common-law relationships, and the remaining 15.6% were lone-parent families.

So there were 5,913,600 married people in Canada in 2001.

Half that would be women giving us 2,956,800 married women.

10.5% of married women gives us is 310,464 women.

In conclusion 300k women and 100k men experience chronic domestic violence in Canada in 2001. Who would have thought that 100k men were the victims of chronic domestic violence?


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
So according to your statistic 1 in 10 women in Canada live with chronic domestic violence. That's roughly 1.7 million women. Assuming your numbers are true, GG2--even if it's ten times less than you suggest--that absolutely and completely eclipses traffic accidents.
Domestic violence can mean anything from a tap on the wrist to getting beat up. I specifically compared DEATHS. There are 70 domestic violence DEATHS in total (includes men and women) in Canada each year, and 2700 DEATHS by car accident each year. In other words FORTY TIMES more people die driving than by domestic violence.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
another day another thread filled with privileged angry white men using the murders of women in Montreal claiming that their kind(who controls everything the economy, politics, media, etc) are being oppressed
Agree 100%. I think most telling would to be to survey these individuals and ask them if, in todays world, grven thr choice they would rather be born a man or a woman.


Jan 31, 2005
I wonder why people here are so determined to deny there is a problem. The stat up thread was serious assault, not a tap on the shoulder.


New member
May 10, 2011
Sisyphus, we have BOTH the homicide stat AND the domestic violence stat. They corroborate one another. Both statistics indicate that women are three times more likely to be the victims of serious domestic violence than men are. Arguing against it is a futile act that indicates a certain level of desperation, a desire to avoid acknowledging the problem exists.

What are you doing now, really? You don't like the reported stat, so you are making up random suppositions about how it might not be correct. Why are you so reluctant to accept it?

If you are correct that it is an "economic incentive" then we should see it changing soon, as under 30 the women are the breadwinners and generally out-earn the men.
As I said I don't think the two stats corroborate each other. My claim is that the homacide rate is too small to offer much in the way of inference. Second I don't think the reported domestic assault stats are at all indicative of the real state of affairs with respect to domestic assault.
I use to think as you do that women are more likely to be the victims of domestic violence. We all have this steriotypical gender bias. Over time however I know many many men who have been the victims of serious violence. I know no women who have been the victims of domestic violence.
It is also not uncommon for a man to be beaten by his wife and charged with domestic assualt.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
fuji you cling to a heretofore unchallenged life-long committment to gender-war dogma. Your reaction is entirely predictable. It is the reaction one must expect from most people, since most people are uncritical of information fed to them. Domestic violence is a problem. I'm merely providing you with relevant facts to put the problem into proper context, representation, and scale.

Of the 400k men and women facing domestic violence, "authoritative sources such as Statistics Canada continually release data that clearly indicate that most violence is bilateral. And mostly low level – pushing, slapping, screaming, throwing small objects by both parties – certainly not pleasant or mature behaviour, but not life-threatening. If the [man-hater's] implications were true, our hospitals and morgues would overflow with women." -

Rather than attempting to inflate the actual instances of the problem, or defend the honor of all the blameless victims of one gender, or demonize one gender over another, or unjustly rack members of one gender with guilt - simply tackle the issue honestly, openly, and fairly. That way, genuine progress can be made.

That's all folks.


Jan 31, 2005
You can post all the non-statistics and opinion pieces you like. At the end of the day here is the actual fact, which you have done everything you can to ignore:

-- Women are three times as likely to be murdered as men, in a domestic incident

-- Women are three times as likely as men to be seriously assaulted, in a domestic incident

My source is not an opinion piece in a conservative newspaper. My source is Statistic Canada. I can't see what it is you think you are disputing here--so I guess you are just blowing air hoping that if you ignore the statistic long enough it will go away.

You can talk all you like about what happens in minor incidents. When it comes to serious violence women are three times as likely to be the victim.

By the way, this is blatantly false: "authoritative sources such as Statistics Canada continually release data that clearly indicate that most violence is bilateral", I have posted the original source data from Statistics Canada and that is simply not what it says. That calls into question the merits of that entire article, if it's printing false or misleading information in one instance, I suspect the author had made up the whole cloth. This is why it is good to go with the authoritative, original source, rather than some biased opinion piece.
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