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Need info on organizing a stag party for a friend


New member
Dec 27, 2004
He is getting married next fall. He asked me to be best man, and said he wants a very memorable stag party for him and his friends, which as best man I am supposed to organize. He also says he wants a Star Wars theme with strippers dressed as Princess Leia. So, my question is, how do I plan a stag party for 30 guys in the GTA - do I book a place months ahead, just head to a SC with the guys and bring a Princess Leia costume and look for volunteers? Do some dancers/strippers specialize in this kind of fantasy of being a Princess Leia at a stag party? Should I book this at an SC or at some other type of venue? Come to think of it, didn't Leia wear white robes in Star Wars...not the best stripper outfit. Maybe he means the outfit she had on with Jabba ithe Hut in Return of the Jedi. I haven't seen those film since I was 13 so am not sure.

Any advice would be appreciated from members who organize stag parties or have in the past. Where to host a good one, and how to arrange the custom Stars Wars theme. I have 8 months before the proposed event.

Thanks for any advice.

(Two additional points: I am a confirmed bachelor - this really is for a younger friend of mine who used to work for me (early 30s guy) and not for me. If I wanted a scifi themed stag for me I'd prefer a '7 of 9' Jerri Ryan stripper lol. Actually, I would prefer an orgy stag (difficult to find a venue for that), but that is me, and might explain why I am a confirmed bachelor :biggrin1:)


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
He is getting married next fall. He asked me to be best man, and said he wants a very memorable stag party for him and his friends, which as best man I am supposed to organize. He also says he wants a Star Wars theme with strippers dressed as Princess Leia. So, my question is, how do I plan a stag party for 30 guys in the GTA - do I book a place months ahead, just head to a SC with the guys and bring a Princess Leia costume and look for volunteers? Do some dancers/strippers specialize in this kind of fantasy of being a Princess Leia at a stag party? Should I book this at an SC or at some other type of venue? Come to think of it, didn't Leia wear white robes in Star Wars...not the best stripper outfit. Maybe he means the outfit she had on with Jabba ithe Hut in Return of the Jedi. I haven't seen those film since I was 13 so am not sure.

Any advice would be appreciated from members who organize stag parties or have in the past. Where to host a good one, and how to arrange the custom Stars Wars theme. I have 8 months before the proposed event.

Thanks for any advice.

(Two additional points: I am a confirmed bachelor - this really is for a friend and not for me. If I wanted a scifi themed stag for me I'd prefer a '7 of 9' Jerri Ryan stripper lol. Actually, I would prefer an orgy stag (difficult to find a venue for that), but that is me, and might explain why I am a confirmed bachelor :biggrin1:)
Is this guy marrying an actual woman?


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Is this guy marrying an actual woman?
Yes, I met her last week. She lives and breathes and everything. They met at a SciFi convention (not kidding) and are both SciFi geeks. They are both in their early 30s btw, and both employed earning over 60k a year each). I know, I know, you or I wouldn't want a Star Wars themed stag party, but he apparantly does.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
You get to control the stag, he gets no say in how it's run. That's the best part of being Best Man.

Get a ball and chain attached to his leg, drive him to a strip club and let the ladies have fun with him.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Yes, I met her last week. She lives and breathes and everything. They met at a SciFi convention (not kidding) and are both SciFi geeks. They are both in their early 30s btw, and both employed earning over 60k a year each). I know, I know, you or I wouldn't want a Star Wars themed stag party, but he apparantly does.
That's great that he found a soulmate. However, the first rule you'll have to beat into him is that a man never talks about his stag to his wife. Nobody comes out of that story looking good.

Good luck organizing all that


New member
Dec 27, 2004
You get to control the stag, he gets no say in how it's run. That's the best part of being Best Man.
Good, things are looking up already then


New member
Dec 27, 2004
That's great that he found a soulmate. However, the first rule you'll have to beat into him is that a man never talks about his stag to his wife. Nobody comes out of that story looking good.

Good luck organizing all that

I know, I know, they seem like big kids to me too. I wouldn't want to spend my free time travelling around to various SciFi conventions in costume as they do, but to each their own. They apparantly have fun doing it. I always said, no matter how unusual a guy, there is a girl out there that is perfect for him. This seems to be one of those cases. They both have jobs that involve working at a PC in a cubicle 9-5, so maybe the fantasy is a release of sorts for them. He is also the type who stands in line for 2 hours to get the latest tech device the day it is released so as to be one of the first. A pleasant enough guy when he was working for me - always was on time, did his computer-related work well, never complained and never took off early. If he gets his rocks off with Stars Wars fantasy, well, to each their own I guess. He can`t have too many close friends or he wouldn`t have asked his ex-boss who hasn`t seen him in 2 years to be his Best Man. Still, he was a good employee, so I will try to do him a nice one.


Jan 12, 2007
I would not recommend doing it at a strip club given your requirements. Some smaller banquet halls will let you do it there if you guarantee a bar minimum. I am sure you can get a stripper to dress as leia but you would probably have to supply the costumes. Some people even go out and get companies to throw in free stuff to raffle off. I am not a big fan of this but it is fairly common. Good luck.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I would not recommend doing it at a strip club given your requirements. Some smaller banquet halls will let you do it there if you guarantee a bar minimum. I am sure you can get a stripper to dress as leia but you would probably have to supply the costumes. Some people even go out and get companies to throw in free stuff to raffle off. I am not a big fan of this but it is fairly common. Good luck.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Perhaps a large hotel meeting room like at the Toronto Hilton, but doubt they'd be keen to book a loud stag party with strippers that lasted to the early hours lol. I could look at private banquet halls. Maybe do it in Vegas, but with 30 guests not all would be keen on flying to Vegas for a whole weekend...so I guess I'll stick to the GTA. I could have it at my GTA house if I'm not in Florida around then, but 30 drunk guys I don't know, plus strippers, at my place doesn't appeal to me. Maybe a private event buy out at a SC? Or maybe one of the small banquet halls in Woodbridge would host it. I'll have to look into it.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
OK, here is a good suggestion about what NOT to do when organizing a stag party...

UK MP seen at stag party at French resort where louts toasted Third Reich and chanted 'Hitler, Hitler, Hitler'; one wore an SS uniform

A (UK) MP was forced to apologise for ‘clearly inappropriate behaviour’ last night after he attended a stag party where guests, one dressed in an SS uniform, chanted offensive Nazi slogans in a crowded restaurant at a French ski resort.

Aidan Burley, MP for Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, was with 12 friends, some of whom chanted ‘Hitler, Hitler, Hitler’. One toasted the ‘Third Reich’ and one taunted a waiter for being French.

Mr Burley, 32, a senior aide to Transport Secretary Justine Greening, was filmed in a mountain restaurant during a stag do, sitting next to another party goer dressed in a black SS uniform and cap. The MP, who was elected in 2010, sipped wine as one of the party goaded a French waiter, asking: ‘You are from Germany? No, you must be from Austria, then?’ and ‘Are you insulting his Reich?’

Salute: Mark Fournier in SS uniform, with brother John behind him to the left

He raised his glass in a toast before another guest, sitting beside the MP at the restaurant in the ski resort of Val Thorens, was caught on film making a speech in which he said: ‘Let’s raise a toast to Tom for organising the stag do, and if we’re perfectly honest, to the ideology and thought process of the Third Reich.’

Later, after moving on to a British-themed pub, some of the group, many of whom adopted thick German accents, chanted: ‘Mein Fuhrer! Mein Fuhrer! Mein Fuhrer!’, ‘Himmler! Himmler! Himmler!’ and ‘Eichmann! Eichmann! Eichmann!’

Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann were senior SS officers directly responsible for the Holocaust.

Yesterday David Cameron was facing demands to sack Mr Burley from his Government post.
John Woodcock MP, chairman of the Labour Friends of Israel group, said: ‘The suggestion that any MP would go to an event like this is disturbing. If these allegations are true, David Cameron should sack him.’

And last night Mr Burley said: ‘There was clearly inappropriate behaviour by some of the other guests and I deeply regret that this happened.
‘I am extremely sorry for any offence that will undoubtedly have been caused.’

The man wearing the SS uniform was accountant Mark Fournier, 34, whose stag party it was. Wearing an SS uniform out in public is a criminal offence under French law.

Mr Burley, who was standing a few feet away, was not seen to object to this or any other behaviour that evening.

Mark Fournier was at the centre of the party and was frequently addressed by the others as ‘Himmler!’
As John Fournier gave his toast celebrating the Nazis, several others encouraged him to lower his voice.

At this point six of the party had already left the restaurant but six were still there, including Mr Burley, who just before the toast was filmed apparently paying the bill. The MP did not raise his glass during the toast.

At various points through the evening members of the group were chanting, typically two or three of them. At no point did The Mail on Sunday witness all 12 chanting the names of Nazi leaders or other slogans at the same time.

As they left the restaurant three members of the group, including Mark and John Fournier, agreed to be photographed on the steps and, without prompting, did Nazi salutes. As they did so, Mr Burley stayed in the background with other members of the group.

Asked why he was dressed as he was, Mark Fournier said: ‘We wanted to see how a Nazi SS outfit in the middle of France would go down. The answer is not that well at all.’
Another said: ‘We are trying to intimidate as many people as possible. A lot have been quite offended, especially one guy who was both Jewish and gay.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...anted-Hitler-Hitler-Hitler.html#ixzz1gBwoyqkX


Jun 14, 2009
Come to think of it, didn't Leia wear white robes in Star Wars...not the best stripper outfit. Maybe he means the outfit she had on with Jabba ithe Hut in Return of the Jedi. I haven't seen those film since I was 13 so am not sure.
I suspect your friend has the "slave girl" outfit in mind. Not the white robes.



New member
Dec 27, 2004


New member
Jan 1, 2011
My condo has a party room that they rent out to any of the condo owners. It's in a separate building that shares the exercise room and has its own entrance. You bring your own booze, the ladies and then lock the doors. Rental is for a 24 hour period, and unless it is Super Bowl weekend, or some other event, it is almost always sitting empty. I'm not in the GTA, but you must be able to find something similar there?
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