Answer :Name a song that is 8 minutes long and only has 14 words.
Metal shortage during the war?There was a time when the "Oscar" was made of wood, why?
It was awarded to an adult movie.There was a time when the "Oscar" was made of wood, why?
Answer :Hitler had a nephew that was in what branch of the U.S. Military fighting against Germany?
Answer :What huge movie star turned down the role of James Bond before Pierce Brosnan took the role?
Bricklin?When the movie Back to the Future was first written, the time machine was not a Delorean. What was it?
caviar?What food that is expensive today was fed to slaves in the mid 19th. century?
Answer :What was 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 German marks worth in the 1920s?