OUR COPS are TOPS!!!!!!!!


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Mayor Rob Ford has given the police service a budget break he has not given the TTC, fire service, or any other city department or agency.

For 2012, Ford and city manager Joe Pennachetti have demanded a 10 per cent budget cut from every city entity’s 2011 budget. But Ford endorsed Police Chief Bill Blair’s request for a 0.6 per cent increase over the 2011 police budget — $936 million, up from $930 million.

Blair and Ford’s allies say his proposal, approved by the police board Thursday, amounts to a 4.6 per cent reduction. That is only true if it’s compared with Blair’s “2012 starting budget” figure, $979 million, which incorporated $23 million in salary increases and $26 million in other new expenses. No other city entity has been permitted to begin its budget exercise at such a favourable starting point.

The police service, long a political third rail, is far from the only entity facing rising costs.

The TTC, for example, identified $39 million in new expenses for 2012, thanks to increases in salaries, energy costs, vehicle maintenance costs and other factors. Yet it was forced to come up with a 2012 budget that assumed the city would slash its annual subsidy by 10 per cent, or $46 million.

That budget included a major reduction in bus service and a cut of 1,000 employees — slightly more than the number of police officers and employees Blair warned he would have to lay off if he were forced to cut 10 per cent.

The TTC chair, Ford ally Councillor Karen Stintz, would not answer directly Thursday when asked if the city should have granted the TTC the same latitude.

“We were all given a direction by the mayor’s office, and we were advised that our subsidy was going to be cut by 10 per cent. And we had to figure out our budget within that constraint,” Stintz said. “The difference is, we’re an agency that can charge a user fee. Obviously we wouldn’t have made up the entire (lost) subsidy with higher fares, but we are in a different situation than the police.”

Leaders of other city entities no doubt took an intense interest in Ford’s concession to Blair — most of all Fire Chief Bill Stewart. Stewart, voicing concerns nearly identical to Blair’s, has said a 10 per cent cut, of $37 million, would force him to lay off 400 firefighters and endanger public safety. Following Blair’s example, he may now stick to his hard line and dare Ford to call his bluff.

“There’s no doubt that all the agencies, boards and commissions will be looking at what the police services board has done,” said Councillor Janet Davis, a Ford critic. “It’s certainly sending a message to them that 10 per cent can’t necessarily be achieved — and won’t necessarily be required.”

Stewart declined comment Thursday. Ed Kennedy, president of the firefighters’ union, said it would be unfair if the fire department was forced to make deep cuts while the police service was not.

Even if Ford holds firm with Stewart, his agreement with Blair may prompt Pennachetti to seek deeper cuts from city departments he can directly control. Pennachetti warned in an August interview that, if council did not require a 10 per cent cut from police and fire, “it will be worse for the other services that Torontonians said ... are dear to their hearts.”

The library budget also remains unfinished. While the library board is now chaired by a Ford ally, Councillor Paul Ainslie, and composed mostly of citizen members vetted by the administration, the board could theoretically decline to accept the Sunday closures and reductions to opening hours that the chief librarian says are necessary to achieve the 10 per cent cut of $17 million.

Crime in Toronto is at the mid-70s levels.
Police respond to 30% FEWER calls than in 1991.
Toronto has 50% more police officers per capita than Hamilton/Wentworth, Peel, York, and Durham regions.

The TPSB gladly and hurriedly(with Mayor Ford's blessing and urging) granted the Toronto cops a hefty 11.5% pay increase over 4 years even though fiscal doomsday is allegedly upon us.

Every other city dept and agency and all taxpayers will pay with blood and treasure.

None of this matters because OUR COPS ARE TOPS.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Glad you realize it.
and you are a bottom, so you should know.

Notice how Blair calls a triumphant press conference to announced additional charges for a clown who is already in jail for murder, and goes on to describe the mammoth investigation which took heavy resources , just one day before announcing his failure to meet budget restrictions. Nice PR to soften the criticism, dude.


Jun 6, 2009
and you are a bottom, so you should know.

Notice how Blair calls a triumphant press conference to announced additional charges for a clown who is already in jail for murder, and goes on to describe the mammoth investigation which took heavy resources , just one day before announcing his failure to meet budget restrictions. Nice PR to soften the criticism, dude.
.... a bottom?

Or it could be there actually waste in the other departments, but not so much in the police department. 0.6 % wow!

So the police actually did their job and got their man, apparently a two legged crime spree, and you're still a whiner.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
.... a bottom?

Or it could be there actually waste in the other departments, but not so much in the police department. 0.6 % wow!

So the police actually did their job and got their man, apparently a two legged crime spree, and you're still a whiner.
5500 police officers in Toronto doing the scandalously inefficient job of what 3600 police officers could sufficiently and efficiently perform.

1900 gravy sopped bulls @ 100k plus a year(including gravy addled benefits) equals a paltry $190 million a year wasted on unneeded bull-shit gravy.

What's in your wallet?


Jun 6, 2009
5500 police officers in Toronto doing the scandalously inefficient job of what 3600 police officers could sufficiently and efficiently perform.

1900 gravy sopped bulls @ 100k plus a year(including gravy addled benefits) equals a paltry $190 million a year wasted on unneeded bull-shit gravy.

What's in your wallet?
By bulls, do you mean correction officers?Let at least use the right terminology . You couldn't mean 1900 cops, because the last numbers release for the police were released in 2010 and it was only 1329, unless you have newer stats. I wonder how many of those were for overtime because there weren't enough officer to do what needed to be done. If more cops were on staff there would be less over time and less tired officers.


I noticed that over 10,000+ workers also collected 100K from the city of Toronto, but you're not ragging on them. They jobs are a whole lot less dangerous.


I noticed the articles also brought up the old canard about pay duty, when it's already been handled in at least one past thread which showed that across the board the amount of pay duty was really small, IIRC approximately 10/20 hours a year for every office, and a good portion of it didn't come from city funds; feel free, let 's do it again.

There ~41,000 pay duty assignment assignment a year and there ~7000 officers. That approximately 6 assignment for each officer in a year. Certainly not many hours in my circles. Even if only half the officer took the assignments, that's only 1 a month. Wow! As for assignments like directing traffic at construction sites it's a simple case of liability aversion. The contractors would rather have the liability to be on the shoulders of the cop and the city should traffic mishaps occur. Easy choice for $65/hour


Jun 6, 2009
I knew the fat fuck was a union loving big spender.
If you're referring to me, you obviously weren't paying attention to my posts during the garbage and city workers strike, especially with members like MrBig1949. I'm no union supporter except that we need them so we have a base line to know how bad things can be.

If not me, then you do know how to use the quote function, I know you do.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
If you're referring to me, you obviously weren't paying attention to my posts during the garbage and city workers strike, especially with members like MrBig1949. I'm no union supporter except that we need them so we have a base line to know how bad things can be.

If not me, then you do know how to use the quote function, I know you do.
Officer - I meant His Fat Fuckship, Rob Ford and I wasn't quoting anyone.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
.....and you post made that perfectly clear it was Mayor Ford. You might want to talk to the garbage union about how much of a union pal he is.
Nobody's saying he's consistent with his views, but the fat fuck tends to prefer the gravy slurpin donut eatin union members who are right wingers.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Ronald Reagan was a union president for 8 years. They exist.
But in fairness to Ronnie Reagan, that was well before he lost his mind and went conservative....:eyebrows:

JAJA appears to have followed Ronnie in much the same manner....
Toronto Escorts