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May 11, 2011
So my hobbying budget is somewhat limited, and there is a women sales rep that comes to see me every so often and we have hit it off and seen each other outside the office a couple times.

I know she is a big football fan and I was considering buying bills tickets and taking her. The afternoon may/may not lead to something, and that. Is my question.

Tickets to the game are roughly the same as a 1 hr appt with most agencies. Do I go for the guarantee of sex with an SP, or hope for the best with this women? The other thing that is in my head is that even though it may not happen right away, this could help and eventually the sex with her would be free!



Active member
Aug 6, 2006
I'm not really a SP guy, but even if I were I'd still go with the civi girl. SPs, MPAs, and dancers are good at making you feel good when they're good, but nothing matches a real human connection even if for a short time, and trying to try is almost always good for a guy.
what he said... with an SP, you know the happy moment will be gone after the hour appointment. Like most of us, we'll probably regret it after, or enjoy it so much that we'd be hungry for more. If you take her out, there are chances of something better down the road. And frankly, taking a real woman out and trying to work your moves would build up your skills, confidence down the road.

if that didn't convince you, just make a list of pro's and con's for going to see an SP or taking the girl out. I can bet you'll have a lot more pro's for taking the girl out.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Spending several hours with a woman you like is worth an hour with an escort.

If you get to fuck her, consider that a bonus.

You'll have to keep up with the gifts though, if you're on a tight budget you'll have to dump her before Christmas. :eyebrows:


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
You just want to go out with her for the sex? If that's the case she will catch on to this fairly quickly and dump you (unless that is all she wants also, unlikely though). Let things happen as they happen.
Go to the football game because You want to enjoy watching a game with Her and not as prepayment for sex. Trust me if she likes you she will be all over you at some point and then you will have your free sex.
But don't give her the Desperado vibe.
This is why guys get such a bad rep.


Oct 13, 2010
If you want to build up a relationship with all additional crap. Go right ahead. But if you want no strings attached, then SP is the way to go.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Good comments here.

My sense is see SP if you want blowjobs. With civilians that's hot and miss and as time goes on, more miss and less hit.

Bills game with someone you like is a good idea, but forget about the endzone and play it 4 downs at a time.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
So my hobbying budget is somewhat limited, and there is a women sales rep that comes to see me every so often and we have hit it off and seen each other outside the office a couple times.

I know she is a big football fan and I was considering buying bills tickets and taking her. The afternoon may/may not lead to something, and that. Is my question.

Tickets to the game are roughly the same as a 1 hr appt with most agencies. Do I go for the guarantee of sex with an SP, or hope for the best with this women? The other thing that is in my head is that even though it may not happen right away, this could help and eventually the sex with her would be free!

Have your out of office outings been more than just a drink, lunch or dinner after a routine sales call?

If so, and you feel a vibe or connection, then never pass up an opportunity with a civy to explore what could result out of that association. You can always see an SP another time, especially when the dating scene sucks or hits a drought.

It's hard enough to find the right girl, so if you think this football date will score major points, go for it!


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Find out first if she is even willing to go with you to the Bills game. She may have plans that weekend or maybe even already has tickets! Anyways, If she says yes, then by all means , get the tickets! If not go with the SP!
I'm not a football fan but I would probably try something like: "I was going to see if you wanted to go to a football game, hoping it would lead to sex. But since it's a long drive, how about I pay you the $250 and you just do me now?" That should work.

Oh, one other thing... Does she like football? If not, you're just going to annoy her dragging her to spend the afternoon with a bunch of noisy drunks... She could be more an opera girl. You might see if you can figure that out first...


May 11, 2011
Guys, thanks for the advice. I was leaning towards going to the game, and you seem to have reenforced that - who says terbites aren't sensitive people!

Some answers to some questions.... She does like football, we have seen each other socially on days we didn't see each other professionally. I am not looking JUST to nail her,

Looks like I need to buy some tickets!
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