Answer time.....
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
Two, or four if you are Catholic.
We are taught six but....
His fourth marriage to Anne of Cleves was annulled, meaning legally the marriage never took place. that leaves five.
The Pope declared his marriage to Anne Boleyn illegal as the king was still married to his first wife Catherine of Aragon.
Henry, as head of the new Church of England, in turn declared fis first marriage was invalid on the legal ground that a man could not sleep with his brothers widow. He cited the Old Testament claiming it was 'Gods Law' weather the Pope liked it or not. That leaves four or three depeniding on if you go with the King or the Popes point of view.
He annulled his marriage to Anne Boleyn before he had her executed for adultery, somewhat illogical, as how could she have betrayed a marriage that never legally existed?
He did the same for his fifth wife Catherine Howard.
That makes four annullments and only two incontestibly legal marriages.
What is the most dangerous animal that has ever lived?
The female mosquito - the males only bite plants.
What man-made artefacts can be seen from the moon?
None with the naked eye, even the continents are barely visible. And despite Trivial Pursuit telling you otherwise, there is no point in between earth and the moon where only the Great Wall of China is visible.
What is Croatia's most lasting contribution to world business?
The neck tie.
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
Two, or four if you are Catholic.
We are taught six but....
His fourth marriage to Anne of Cleves was annulled, meaning legally the marriage never took place. that leaves five.
The Pope declared his marriage to Anne Boleyn illegal as the king was still married to his first wife Catherine of Aragon.
Henry, as head of the new Church of England, in turn declared fis first marriage was invalid on the legal ground that a man could not sleep with his brothers widow. He cited the Old Testament claiming it was 'Gods Law' weather the Pope liked it or not. That leaves four or three depeniding on if you go with the King or the Popes point of view.
He annulled his marriage to Anne Boleyn before he had her executed for adultery, somewhat illogical, as how could she have betrayed a marriage that never legally existed?
He did the same for his fifth wife Catherine Howard.
That makes four annullments and only two incontestibly legal marriages.
What is the most dangerous animal that has ever lived?
The female mosquito - the males only bite plants.
What man-made artefacts can be seen from the moon?
None with the naked eye, even the continents are barely visible. And despite Trivial Pursuit telling you otherwise, there is no point in between earth and the moon where only the Great Wall of China is visible.
What is Croatia's most lasting contribution to world business?
The neck tie.