Jean-Yves "The IceMan" ThieraultName the Canadian Kick Boxer who was world ISKA champion in different weight classes during th 80's to mid 90's.
Blondie's "Rapture"As others have said you are probably thinking of Rappers Delight by the Sugarhill Gang, actually released in 1979.
What was the first rap song (or song with rap like elements) to reach the top of the charts?
.........................What is the neck tie, Alix!Ok, lets get interesting here....
How many wives did Henry VIII have?......................................................................6
What is the most dangerous animal that has ever lived?.....................................mosquito
What man-made artefacts can be seen from the moon?.............The great wall of China
What is Croatia's most lasting contribution to world business?
Because it is in synchronous rotation, it takes as long to make one revolution on its axis as it does to make one orbit of the earth.Why do we see only one side of the moon?
Off the top of my head.......monks! Monks also invented Grand Marinier, Cointreau is better in my opinion. If you are making pan cakes a spash will do wonders.Without sounding like a teacher.....
1 - Wrong
2 - More detail please..........killed the most people in history with the diseases they carry.
3 - Wrong...if you count lights, you can see that the eastern and western seaboards of North America is all lit up due to the populatio and the middle states are darker.
4 - Correct
I'll post the correct answers at 9:30.....
to keep you going...
Who invented champagne?
Anyone who was connected with the dig that unearthed Tut's tomb has had tragedy/bad luckActually, I will leave giving the answers till the morning... but some more trivia....
What was Tutankhamun's curse?
What does the moon smell like?
What's the commonest material in the world?
"Add it up" by Violent Femmes?What's the first song played on the radio to use the word "fuck"?
Nope,Anyone who was connected with the dig that unearthed Tut's tomb has had tragedy/bad luck
No atmosphere on moon; therefore, no smell
Cheese?Nope bring it into an atmosphere and it does smell of something.... what is it?