West Central Africa


Oct 5, 2001
Yes, was in Senegal a few years back. Beautiful people, warm and gracious. Hospitality is top-notch. Senegal is described in The Lonely Planet as "Africa for beginners", safe but really Africa. Didn't hobby but sure did observe some happenings. I believe there are reports on the situation in the int'l guides. BEWARE - although it is available it isn't necessarily safe! Aids is a serious issue, as is hep. Resort sex appears to be safer and condoned. When my family was there for a vacation (ages 3 to 65) we visited several resort pools and restaurants and could see European dudes with young native ladies lounging at the pool at all hours. I often saw young cuties walking to work at resorts at about 10 am, definitely not hotel staff! As usual, avoid street traffic!


New member
Feb 20, 2005
Thanks for your input. Doug and Polecat.

I travel too frequently to Africa for work. Just wondering if anybody has been or is expatraite in west/cental Africa.


New member
Mar 28, 2004

most of that continent should be nuked IMHO
I know you're somewhat joking but one could argue that the best thing that could happen to Africa over the very long run is for the rest of the world to completely cut them off. Build a giant wall around the whole place and let them work things out for themselves for a couple hundred years, free from the influence of us greedy Western bastards and our friends in China and elsewhere who continue to rape and plunder the Dark Continent for our own needs, in the process skewing that continent's development. They need the same opportunity we had - to fight amongst themselves, to form alliances, to kill each other, to realize clear victors, to work through corruption and incompetence until they develop into a just, modern, democratic society. Basically to go throughout he same shit Europe went through, the same shit China went through, etc, until they can stand on their own two feet and flourish, like the rest of us. Outside influence simply perpetuates home-grown corruption and incompetence, screws-over the average African and keeps them down.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
with AIDS,warlords/despots/dicatators,1/2 of them being banana republics to start with,billions of dollars of aid and tens of billions of dollars of unpaid debts no country(including ours) will never EVER see again,we should just let them fend for themselves,but there will always be countries such as Russia,china,north korea and Iran (the POS countries on this planet) who will continue doing business there,so we have no other choice to be the sucker and continue throwing good money away to keep an equal balance of influence in that continent
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