What's wrong with this guy?
He calls us "cityfolk" selfish?
I don't have a kid in subsidized daycare... But I don't want it cut....
I don't go to the library (I used to as a kid).... But I don't want them closed or hours cut back....
I don't need subsidized dental work... But I don't want it cut....
I don't take late night TTC.... But I don't want it cut or cut back....
I haven't gone to the zoo since I was kid... But I don't want it sold and I want it accessible to everyone...
How the fuck are we selfish?
It seems like we care about our fellow Torontonians unlike Fatty Ford.......
I don't have a kid - but I have friends who do and they struggle. As a woman in this industry, I've known many women struggling to make a better life for their children and have a huge issue with the thought of taking away subsidized day care to those who need it.
I received social assistance when I was 18 and had to move on my own while still in highschool with two jobs. I know how it feels to live below the poverty line and the little help I received for the three months that I received it helped me survive and do well in school.
I am planning a trip to the zoo on Sunday (lol first time since I was in elementary school)
A significant number of children in Toronto don't even have internet access... when tablet devices are all the rage and there's been a lot of talk in the media about the use of the internet in schools, libraries are one of the few places where the less privileged can access the net. I didn't have a computer till I started university (at 22) because I couldn't afford one ... I know how it feels to have less access to information than my peers. Things have progressed so much since then, I can only imagine how much the gap between the wealthy and not is now in schools....
I used to take the TTC at night regularly. There was always a long wait and the bus was always full.
I have lots of gay friends and I work in the sex industry. There are rumors that the hassle free clinic and similar clinics could lose funding which upsets me a great deal.
I don't use most of the services that are vulnerable to drastic cuts anymore... but as someone who has not always been strong enough to live without help, I have compassion for those who need help. I don't understand how anyone could consider Torontonians (or more specifically downtowners) to be selfish. Downtowners seem to be the most vocal in their disapproval of what is happening....
The cuts that have been proposed will have a disproportionately negative affect on those who need the most help. As someone who once received help (and as someone who actually needed that help), I believe it is my duty (and I believe it is the duty of all those who are lucky enough to not need help) to ensure that the less fortunate are taken care of.
I want to stay in Toronto and raise a family in Toronto some day. I'm not interested in short term solutions. I want solutions that will improve our city for the long haul because I really hope that I can stay here for the long haul.