Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 155 61.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
The message at election was CUT CUT CUT.

FORD was the lightening rod...the figure head...that voters flocked to with his message. It was clear.


He comes to city hall with his ideas his thoughts the mandate of the electorate.

The rest of council ALSO KNOWS WHAT THE ELECTORATE WANTS..... however council does not have the balls. The have this 'me me me' attitude....and this "Ill fight for my constituants' attitude. They all figure NOT IN MY BACK YARD.

BUT COUNCIL...get a grip.

THE electorate wants cuts...FORD wants cuts...

IF you cannot make the TOUGH decisions...the right decisions.....the smart decisions.....the decisions the VOTERS wanted.....get out of the way!!!!

So like at election time..FORD being the messenger.....he also catches the HEAT currently when action is seemingly not to peoples liking. I blame council every bit as much!!!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The message at election was CUT CUT CUT.

FORD was the lightening rod...the figure head...that voters flocked to with his message. It was clear.
No Ford's election promise was to CUT CUT CUT the fat.. and NOT SERVICES!! And if the electorate wants cuts, then why is there backlash??

I guess, according to you, there's backlash because the electorate no longer knows what they want.. Forget the fact that they voted for one platform and are now dealing with another.


Jan 31, 2005
He lied about cutting services. He said there was waste and that he could fix the budget problems by going after "gravy". He repeatedly promised that money would be saved by eliminating waste and not cutting any service.

It was bullshit.

He said he would build subways with private funding and he can't, all he did was scuttle the viable plan we did gave leaving us with nothing.

He is now having a revolt on council as his sinking popularity causes the moderates to turn against him, which will leave him unable to do anything at all.

Unless he starts compromising, listening, and governing in an open and inclusive way we will have to wait for the next election to have an effective mayor, as he will be a lame duck until his popularity returns, which will require him to reach out to his opponants and make deals.

Since he seems unable to compromise, since he's so polarizing and combative, it seems unlikely, but who knows.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2009

Ford is ONE VOTE.

Any COUNCIL MEMBER can put forth a plan..set a MOTION in play.....

COUNCIL has to do the dirty work SOME POINT!!!!


Jan 31, 2005

Ford is ONE VOTE.

Any COUNCIL MEMBER can put forth a plan..set a MOTION in play.....

COUNCIL has to do the dirty work SOME POINT!!!!
More to the point Ford has to stop acting like he's king of Toronto and start collaborating with others, or they are going to take their toys and go home, and his whole agenda is going to be hung out to dry.

This is Ford's problem: He does not play well with the other children.

This is why he is a failure as a mayor. Past mayors, left and right, have generally been people who have been able to get along with others, negotiate, reach compromises, and get stuff done. Good mayors are people who can build coalitions and create a consensus. Ford hasn't been able to do that, and that is why he is a bad mayor.


New member
Aug 31, 2009

Ford is ONE VOTE.

Any COUNCIL MEMBER can put forth a plan..set a MOTION in play.....

COUNCIL has to do the dirty work SOME POINT!!!!
Perhaps you could tell me when council voted to scrap transit city? Or when they voted to hire a planner that would come up with a new plan in opposition to Waterfront Toronto?

Yes, you are right. If many of these budget cuts get put through, then council will be just as much at fault as the mayor (or at least the ones who voted).

But at this moment the argument is whether or not Rob Ford is doing a good job, and right now he isn't.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
The lightening rod always takes the hit!!!

I get that.


Cutting the Police Department is certainly a good move..among others....that will save...and I am sure that they can do the job just as effectively with less people! Just one example of efficiencies coming to the fore!!!

I always am amused....when he cuts vehicle registration taxes HEY ROBS GREAT!!!!

But when a selfish person has to tighten a belt...... ROB SUCKS!!!!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The lightening rod always takes the hit!!!

I get that.


Cutting the Police Department is certainly a good move..among others....that will save...and I am sure that they can do the job just as effectively with less people! Just one example of efficiencies coming to the fore!!!

I always am amused....when he cuts vehicle registration taxes HEY ROBS GREAT!!!!

But when a selfish person has to tighten a belt...... ROB SUCKS!!!!
You just weren't paying enough attention. There were enough people saying "Okay, if you think we can afford it as a city go ahead and cut the stupid tax..".. But now look at us.. It looks like we couldn't afford to cut the tax and THAT'S why we're so upset.

Quit thinking of us as children. We're not flip flopping on what we want. We're angry because we were LIED TO. Why is that so hard to understand fmahovalich?


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Toronto has a 750 million dollar shortfall...

This is not about saying 'abracadabra' folks....

you are like children....ME ME ME...instant gratification....."I want it NOW".

patience my child... patience....


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Toronto has a 750 million dollar shortfall...

This is not about saying 'abracadabra' folks....

you are like children....ME ME ME...instant gratification....."I want it NOW".

patience my child... patience....
Wow, way to have an original thought. You sound exactly like Ford.. You're assuming there's only one way to deal with a 750 million dollar shortfall. You're just wrong.

I don't even know what you're babbling about "I want it now". What exactly do I want now?

And you shouldn't be arguing about instant gratification.. Weren't you arguing about scrapping the Waterfront Toronto Project in favour of the Ford's plan (regardless of environmental assessments) simply because it was promised to be done quicker?


Jan 31, 2005
Toronto has a 750 million dollar shortfall...

This is not about saying 'abracadabra' folks....
Where was this realism when Ford and his supporters were claiming the shortfall could be found by eliminating "gravy"?

It was the OTHER candidates who were saying that tough decisions needed to be made. It was Ford who was saying that he was going to fix it all by going after the "gravy train" at city hall. His WHOLE election campaign was based on this idea that the city was simply wasteful and that it could deliver all the services that people use without any cuts at all just by getting rid of the waste.

What happened to that???


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Just read in the Star that Ford's engineer of the Gravy train marketing strategy, Nick Kouvalis, is now fighting against the Gravy train, lmao.

The firefighters' union just hired him to fight against Ford's proposed cuts, is that ironic or what????? What a joke.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
YEs I argued that we need to stop cutting grass on the banks of the Don River..and picking up rusty soup cans along the Don River... and calling it a 'PLAN'.... we have been at that for TEN YEARS.......we have an asset....we have tumbleweeds..lets do something about it ..other than sort the garbage (mostly 905'rs) on the Portlands...Im a 905'r :)

But the efficiencies will Driveway clearing of snow by the city....YES that will be a SERVICE cut......but who in their RIGHT MINDS thinks the city should be doing that anyway! Us tough 905'rs shovel our own driveways..have done so for years.

From the recent survey, 61% of Torontonians dissaprove of the city cutting the snow clearing from driveways!!! Can we say 'me me me'..... GIVE YOUR HEADS ANOTHER SHAKE!!!!

Thats the type of survey results that gets a bit of press..and anti FORD people climb on board hating him for doing nothing.....but until the city of Toronto 61% of people figure out YOU CAN'T AFFORD that snow clearing luxury..Mr Robert FORD, the COUNCIL nor I can help your sorry asses!

These are the types of things..that will bring the books into lines.....

And will serve as a wake up call to the 'me me' Torontonians!!!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
YEs I argued that we need to stop cutting grass on the banks of the Don River..and picking up rusty soup cans along the Don River... and calling it a 'PLAN'.... we have been at that for TEN YEARS.......we have an asset....we have tumbleweeds..lets do something about it ..other than sort the garbage (mostly 905'rs) on the Portlands...Im a 905'r :)

But the efficiencies will Driveway clearing of snow by the city....YES that will be a SERVICE cut......but who in their RIGHT MINDS thinks the city should be doing that anyway! Us tough 905'rs shovel our own driveways..have done so for years. From teh survey, 61% of Torontonians dissaprove of the city cutting the snow clearing from driveways!!! Can we say 'me me me'..... GIVE YOUR HEADS ANOTHER SHAKE!!!!

These are the types of things..that will bring the books into lines.....

And will serve as a wake up call to the 'me me' Torontonians!!!
I agree, stop clearing out folks driveways.. That's one cut I support.

I don't even mind that we won't be cutting the grass as much at parks. Neat way to save a few thousand dollars.

I don't support us cutting 2000 subsidized daycare spots.

I don't support limiting the blue night service so that poor folks who can't afford a car have to find another way to travel across the city late at night.

Typical of a Ford supporter.. You just scream wildly about how "IF YOU'RE NOT WITH US YOU'RE AGAINST US!!!".

You like your 905 life.. That's fine. But it's not Toronto. The people that live here aren't "too stupid" to live in Mississauga, they choose not to. We don't want to be like Mississauga. Get over it.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Until you find FORD strives to do.....ENJOY the debt!

In fact...I'm slowly beginning to WANT FORD to not balance the books....

to have all council members fighting it out for their own 'special interests' and accomplishing NOTHING!!!!!

Enjoy the big city..and the big debt!!

So that TORONTONIANS can lavish in the increasing debt!!

as to the daycare point....i say cut them.

Why..cause birth rates are slowly going down....

and mind your own kids!!!


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Semantics AV..Semantics....

is cutting 500 Police officers an efficiency....or service cut.

Could be either.. I suspect some would argue both ways!

I call it an efficiency...

as people always argue..lets have the civil service learn to work smarter, better and with LESS people!!

After all it is the age old claim..civil service does nothing anyway!

QUESTION.....One in 5 people work for some form of government....ONE IN FIVE are at the trough.


Really!!! REALLY!!! Do we need that many services to look after OURSELVES.

Give your head a shake...

call it what you like..efficiencies.....service cuts...heck..'Ill take BOTH~!!! In Toronto Mississauga or Oakville!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Semantics AV..Semantics....

is cutting 500 Police officers an efficiency....or service cut.

Could be either.. I suspect some would argue both ways!

I call it an efficiency...

as people always argue..lest have the civil service learn to work smarter, better and with LESS people!!

After all it is the age old claim..civil service does nothing anyway!
Well you're wrong.. It's only efficient if they are unnecessary. And given that crime is not significantly declining in Toronto, I'd call it a service cut.

And what exactly do you think is going to happen? Do you think those police officers left will think "Hey, I should work harder to cover those that are no longer here?" NOPE!! WRONG!! Just less service for us..

Better start with our gated communities and private security to watch over us.. You'd support that wouldn't you? As private enterprise is king... You know, though, it's a funny story. That's how the mafia was started...

So I think I'll draw a Ford-like line here and say.. If you support Ford you're supporting the mafia...


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Im done with this thread....I kinda hope FORD FAILs...and along with it council fails in bringing a larger debt to the city..along with angst and disapporval!

Good on all of you selfish city folks!!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts