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Private tapes of Jackie Kennedy are shocking liberal America


New member
Dec 27, 2004
She was the First Lady whose elegance defined a golden age for America. But while Jackie Kennedy might have awed world leaders with her White House dinners, we now know she could stick the knife in.

She described India’s future leader Indira Gandhi as a ‘pushy, horrible... bitter prune’, French president Charles de Gaulle as a ‘spiteful egomaniac’ and civil rights leader Martin Luther King as a ‘terrible’ man and a ‘phoney’, who took part in sex parties.

As for U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, don’t get her started. She described him as bitter, hard-drinking and uninspired.
The former Democrat president Franklin D. Roosevelt was written off as ‘an insincere show-off’. And as for her husband’s idol, Sir Winston Churchill, he was ‘really quite ga-ga’.

Such jaw-dropping candour, all the more remarkable from a woman who spent her life keeping the world at arm’s length, has been revealed in a series of taped interviews she gave 47 years ago to friend and former White House aide Arthur Schlesinger.

Mrs Kennedy, who was 34 and speaking four months after JFK’s assassination, left the eight-and-a-half hours of tapes in the care of her daughter, Caroline, ordering they should be sealed for decades.
She never spoke again in public about her three years in the White House or wrote a memoir, so became a legend because of what we didn’t know.

A book of the transcripts published today as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s election as president has caused outrage.

The fact this purring, Chanel-clad kitten had claws shouldn’t have come as a shock. But her choice of who to sink them into has irked her many admirers.
What’s more, her private thoughts have offended liberal opinion in America for their petty and small-minded nature - not to mention their blatantly anti-feminist tone.
‘I think women should never be in politics. We’re just not suited to it.’Knowing these tapes would eventually become public, it is not surprising the grieving widow’s honesty stops short of discussing her husband’s compulsive womanising.

Instead, in a breathy voice (ironically reminiscent of JFK’s most famous ‘other woman’, Marilyn Monroe) - and with background sounds of matches striking, ice cubes clinking and children playing - she paints a picture of domestic bliss and unfailing devotion.
‘I think women should never be in politics. We’re just not suited to it,’ she says.
Their marriage, she admitted, might have been ‘rather terribly Victorian or Asiatic’, but she was determined to provide a ‘climate of affection, comfort and detente’.

Their time in the White House were ‘our happiest years’.
She fondly remembered how, perhaps copying Churchill, JFK would change into his pyjamas for his 45-minute afternoon nap. At night, he would kneel by their bed, taking just three seconds to say his prayers.
He was a voracious reader in the bath, when he wasn’t playing with rubber ducks.
There is only one, apparently unguarded, reference to her husband perhaps not being the perfect family man when she admitted there was a ‘sort of a crude side’ to Jack - before quickly correcting herself.
During the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis, she revealed he would cry in their private quarters.
Emotional: President Kennedy cried during the Bay Of Pigs drama
‘That’s the time I have been closest to him. I said: ‘‘Please don’t send me to Camp David, me and the children, please don’t send me anywhere.” ’
If there wasn’t enough room in the White House bomb shelter, she told him she didn’t mind.
‘Please, then, I just want to be on the lawn when it happens... I just want to be with you, and the children do, too, than live without you.
‘When it all turned [out] so fantastically, he said: ‘‘Well, if anyone’s going to shoot me, this would be the day to do it,” ’ she recalled. It was a tragically prescient remark, but one that didn’t surprise his wife.
She recalled how he had told a historian that Abraham Lincoln was remembered as a great president only because he was assassinated immediately after winning the Civil War.
JFK was worried about his legacy, she revealed. He was horrified that Lyndon Johnson might succeed him.
Her own waspish observations of Johnson are in stark contrast to the famous picture of her in a pink Chanel suit spattered with her husband’s blood, standing by his side as he took the oath of office after the assassination.
‘The poor man’s terrified’ and appeared ‘panic-stricken’, she said witheringly.
Not up to the job: The tapes reveal that neither Jackie or her husband had much time for vice-president Lyndon B. Johnson - pictured here being sworn in just hours after JFK was assassinated
She was aware many considered her to be a snob and so was delighted to be praised for restyling the White House.
‘Suddenly, everything that had been a liability before - your hair, that you spoke French... that you didn’t bake bread with flour up to your arms... had just gone away,’ she said.
The unresolved question is how much these tapes reflect her views or her husband’s. She claimed she got all her opinions from JFK and the people she scorned tended to be those with whom the Kennedy administration had problems.
Caroline has been quick to insist her mother’s remarks about Martin Luther King did not reflect her true feelings, but were the result of the ‘poisonous’ smear campaign conducted by FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover.
Tricky: The was another side to civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King's public image, according to the recordings
Yet Jackie says on the tapes that King had allegedly tried to organise a sex party before he attended the 1963 march on Washington at which he made his I Have A Dream speech.
‘[Bobby] said this with no bitterness or anything, how he was calling up all these girls and arranging for a party of men and women, I mean, sort of an orgy.’
She also couldn’t forgive King for supposedly making disparaging remarks at her husband’s funeral about the cardinal who delivered the eulogy.
‘He made fun of Cardinal Cushing and said he was drunk at it [the funeral] and things about they almost dropped the coffin. I mean Martin Luther King is a really tricky person,’ she said. Tellingly perhaps, Jackie is at her bitchiest when she is talking about other, less glamorous women.
She claimed ‘violently liberal women in politics’ preferred Adlai Stevenson, JFK’s balding Democratic rival, because they were ‘scared of sex’.
Lady Bird Johnson, LBJ’s wife, was ‘sort of like a trained hunting dog’ who would whip out a notebook whenever her husband spoke so she could record everything, no matter how trivial. :biggrin1:
As for Madame Nhu, South Vietnam’s First Lady, and Clare Boothe Luce, a conservative U.S. congresswoman - ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if they were lesbians,’ she sneered.
There are occasional flashes of comedy among the criticisms. Jackie asked President Sukarno of Indonesia to show her a book about his collection of paintings. Every picture was a woman ‘naked to the waist with a hibiscus in her hair,’ she said.
‘I caught Jack’s eye and we were trying not to laugh at each other.’ Still, Mr Sukarno ‘had a sort of lecherous look’.
We can only speculate as to whether JFK had a lecherous look, too, because despite her candour about other world leaders, his loyal wife certainly didn’t let on.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...ttacks-Churchill-Roosevelt.html#ixzz1XuDmHEo5


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Jackie O was a lovely lady who also wanted more from life.

After JFK died she still had needs and wants.
So she married up.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I think if JFK was lied to by an evil CIA (there's another book or article by a former CIA analyst who divulged that they withheld an assessment report that the Bay of Pigs invasion would fail without U.S. intervention, which they knew JFK would not support), or if I had to face the most difficult crisis perhaps by any U.S. President in history during the Cuban Missile Crisis (McNamara in his movie, The Fog of War, said while spacing his index finger and thumb just a fraction of an inch apart, that 'we were this close to global nuclear war'), I'd shed a tear or two in private as the leader who had to make the hard decisions.

Interesting post Alexmst. Thanks.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Jackie O was a lovely lady who also wanted more from life.

After JFK died she still had needs and wants.
So she married up.
It's been known that she married Aristotle Onassis because a) she feared for her children if she stayed in the U.S. after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, and b) she felt safe with AO because of his wealth and power.

To the OP: Do you know beyond the link if she talked about the assassination?

J. Edgar Hoover caught everyone in the act like MLK fornicating and JFK getting a blowjob supposedly from MM (except himself of course, but it seems like the Mob had him by the balls with their knowledge of his homosexuality). He probably learned how to get 'dirt files' on everybody in authority from the Mob.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Really. More tabloid-level gossip mongering put about as if it was significant news. And touted by the OP as if it had partisan importance. It's trivial tittle-tattle that may eventually be a sidelight in serious histories.

How is it that our public discourse has become so shallow, and so biassed?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Really. More tabloid-level gossip mongering put about as if it was significant news. And touted by the OP as if it had partisan importance. It's trivial tittle-tattle that may eventually be a sidelight in serious histories.

How is it that our public discourse has become so shallow, and so biassed?
I think her personal feelings and revelations makes for interesting discussion, just like any memoir would be. Nothing more than that.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I read that Jackie had a passionate affair with RFK just months after the death of her husband. She also initiated sex with Marlon Brando in 1964.
I suspect she fucked other men while married to the old toad Onassis and spending his money.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I read that Jackie had a passionate affair with RFK just months after the death of her husband. She also initiated sex with Marlon Brando in 1964.
I suspect she fucked other men while married to the old toad Onassis and spending his money.
It seems you are well focused on quality sources.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I always liked Jackie and thought she was hot (best looking First Lady ever). Still like her - maybe more now that she let her opinions out.

Her tapes she made by choice - she wanted them released...just decades later when she and the persons she commented on were all dead so as not to embarass them. Seeing as she wanted to get in digs at Democratic leaders and left-leanig politicians, it is interesting to read.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
she also took a couple of good shots at that old clown, Diefenbaker....good for her!


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
It's been known that she married Aristotle Onassis because a) she feared for her children if she stayed in the U.S. after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, and b) she felt safe with AO because of his wealth and power.

To the OP: Do you know beyond the link if she talked about the assassination?

J. Edgar Hoover caught everyone in the act like MLK fornicating and JFK getting a blowjob supposedly from MM (except himself of course, but it seems like the Mob had him by the balls with their knowledge of his homosexuality). He probably learned how to get 'dirt files' on everybody in authority from the Mob.
you might want to toss some facts to back up the everyone knows stuff.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
I don't care what she wrote, she was totally boffable.

I suspect she was half saint, half whore. And many men would have agreed with the old Woody Allen line, "Here's hoping I get the half that eats."


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Really. More tabloid-level gossip mongering put about as if it was significant news. And touted by the OP as if it had partisan importance. It's trivial tittle-tattle that may eventually be a sidelight in serious histories.
It was released by her daughter Caroline (who to put it mildly is a Democratic Party partisan)

The interviews were conducted by Arthur Schlesinger not only a professionally trained Historian, but a Professor of History at Harvard

Certainly how JBK viewed the world and her reflections of how JFK viewed the world are of historical significance.

A number of LBJ's relatives fully shared her view of LBJ.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I don't think she was particularly intelligent to tell you the truth.

She was born into money, taught to be a lady, bred to be a wife. Went to the right schools, travelled in the right social circles, never let the boys get beyond second base and always kept a dime between her knees.

She's right about De Gaulle - he was a pompous ass.

She's stereotypical American in her judgment of MLK.

And Lincoln was the greatest American president ever as far as I'm concerned


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W


New member
Oct 12, 2010
how about some official documents??

Personally I am not one who holds JFK as a saint.

based on the fact he was sleeping around on his wife I see him as a lying dirt bag POS
He would not be the first, nor the last, successful president who was sleeping around on his wife.

When Johnson was asked about the women Kennedy has slept with he apparently said "I have had more women by accident than he ever had on purpose."
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