Toronto Passions

Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 155 61.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Simple question. Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job as Mayor?

.... By the way, if you answer "Yes" you're wrong

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Not in a million years. I thought he was the better choice than Smitherman, but that's not the case.

I never thought I'd say that I miss David Miller, but I miss David Miller

1. Portands
2. Transit City Fiasco
3. Building a Sheppard Subway extension - idiotic.
4. NFL team
5. Public nurse fiasco
6. Cutting the license sticker tax (the revenue is needed)
7. The impending massive cuts to the city services.
8. His ignorant behaviour with respect to Gay Pride Week.
9. His brother
10. Elminating bike lanes
11. Threatening to elminate scramble cross walks (Minnan-Wong is behind that, but we all know who is behind Minnan-wong)
12. His threats against the Head of the TTC - Gary Webster
13. His pulling of funding to help fight Sexually Transmitted Diseases
14. His boorish behaviour

The only good thing he's done has been to contract out garbage services. And that remains to be seen.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
No name Cola.... goes with his whole mantre of 'savings'...

Nothing wrong with pulled pork n a bun.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
It depends on how you define his job.

For example, if he was tasked with setting the social and economic structure of the city back twenty years, I'd say he was exceeding expectations.


Nov 20, 2006
@ his BBQ last week, he only served pork & NO NAME cola.
I take back anything negative I said about Justin Beiber. We have a new candidate for history's greatest monster. Move aside Hitler Stalin and Jimmy Carter, say hello to your new not so little friend and leader Ford.

No Name Cola, won't someone please think of the children. You would think a fat bastard would know better, there is no excuse.

On behalf of fat fucks everyone, I would like to apologize for Ford and assure the 1 zip code community that his choice in cola does not represent the gravitationally enhanced community.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Kinda makes me think of Bush vs. Obama

Obama has failed in some things in being the President of the United States,but I thank God Bush is no longer President and Miller is no longer mayor of Toronto.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
In my opinion, he's an asshole.......not that my opinion counts for much.
No, that pretty much says it - he's an asshole.

I keep wishing for a centrist candidate. Even in the last election, where was he?

John Tory, please please run in 3 years time. I will vote for you.


Nov 20, 2006
I keep wishing for a centrist candidate. Even in the last election, where was he?
Next time you can always put on makeup and a nice dress, you might as well look pretty if you are going to be fucked. Also getting a nice dinner and some wine, or having a smoke afterwords are also suitable.

Fuck Chairman Mao, I live my live by Eric Cartman's little book.


Dec 26, 2007
I bet all 18 people who votes yes live in the inner suburbs and were responsible for voting this idiotic slob into office. The biggest concern that I have with him is that he wants to turn Toronto into a city like Detroit. The great cities of this world are transit oriented and encourages pedestrian traffic in the downtown areas. If you look at the voting map of this city, the vast majority of his support came from the inner suburbs....why doesn't he focus his attention on them rather than on downtown? People in downtown do not like him and do not want him to tamper with the way we live life. Why does Rob Ford and his supporters insist on turning downtown Toronto into a pro-automobile city? Encouraging people to use cars will not only cause more environmental and traffic issues but it also causes socioeconomic issues as well as it creates another barrier to prevent people from interacting with each other as they are isolated in their cars. One of the great things of Toronto is that we try to have as little barriers and have as much integration as possible in our urban fabric. Our city planners have an objective of placing public housing and lower economic neighbourhoods next to highly affluent areas to show that we can all get along and live next to each other no matter what our economic status is. This is vital for the long term social development of any city and the more Rob Ford concentrates on trying to get people to travel in their cars, the worse off it will be for the city of Toronto. I love cars and I love to drive my car, but when I commute to work I use transit as it is simply the smarter thing to do.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
I have never had particularly high expectations for Rob Ford himself, and as far as service cuts or eliminating bike lanes, we still haven't heard the last of these at this moment (remember, Ford only has enough power as mayor as his ability to sway members of city council).

Whether Rob Ford is doing a good job or not depends crucially on his own campaign promise to bring fiscal discipline and eliminate the budget shortfall, and on that score, that's still very much an open question.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
(remember, Ford only has enough power as mayor as his ability to sway members of city council).

That's the funny thing. He seems to be ruling as if he was the Czar of Toronto rather than the Mayor. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Other than a few Councillors standing up to him - Adam Vaughn, Mike Layton, Kristyn Wong-Tam, I don't see too many speaking out against Mayor McCheese. It's frightening.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
That's the funny thing. He seems to be ruling as if he was the Czar of Toronto rather than the Mayor. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Other than a few Councillors standing up to him - Adam Vaughn, Mike Layton, Kristyn Wong-Tam, I don't see too many speaking out against Mayor McCheese. It's frightening.
Part of this may due to optics more than reality, mainly to do with his public persona. Also, up until this point, pretty much all of the actual accomplishments of his administration have been low-hanging fruit (e.g. scrapping the vehicle-registration tax) which wouldn't generate too much opposition within city council. We still haven't seen the major fights that I see happening with regards to the budget and the service cuts, or of Ford's talk of taking on the public sector unions on collective agreements.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
It's still too early to really know if Rob Ford is doing a good job. I think we knew going in that Doug would have a large role, but even I'm surprised that he has become the de facto mayor - or at least the public voice of the mayor.

I'll also say that it's disappointing that they make no effort to work with others on council or even in the community-at-large and treat Toronto politics as if they are the lord and master, instead of just two voices on the council.

Time will tell, but things are off to an inauspicious start.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It's still too early to really know if Rob Ford is doing a good job. I think we knew going in that Doug would have a large role, but even I'm surprised that he has become the de facto mayor - or at least the public voice of the mayor.

I'll also say that it's disappointing that they make no effort to work with others on council or even in the community-at-large and treat Toronto politics as if they are the lord and master, instead of just two voices on the council.

Time will tell, but things are off to an inauspicious start.
The honeymoon's over, and it's high time we started hearing the word 'nepotism' used to describe the way they do things 'within the family'. It is not the fair, open and democratic process we deserve.
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