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A few thoughts on minorities.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I`ve only known 3 minorities on a personal level in my life, all through work, I was surprised how quick each one was to blame their ethnic background and not themselves for any hardships they face. Two black guys were terrible at their jobs and lazy and both blamed their colour for being left behind.

Another muslim dude`s girlfriend (white chick) dumped him because her mother was rigorously in the background pleading with her to move on, even so much as to get her to move out of the province. He blamed the breakup on his ethnicity, however the mother just wanted what was best for her daughter. This guy is a loser to the nth degree, 35 still living at home, broke, 2dui`s, 8 years into a four year appreniceship, terrible at his job, the kind of guy you simply don`t want your daughter to get pregnant with and ruining her life, and the list goes on.

I guess now I don`t pay as much attention to minorities crying racisim anymore. I`m sure this thread with end up being locked due to hate filled comments, but these are a few observations of mine.


May 12, 2008
Yes, I agree. Based on this 3 person sample size, your generalizations are appropriate......
There are no Caucasions who are poor at their jobs, lazy, blame others for their problems, etc, etc.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I`ve only known 3 minorities on a personal level in my life, all through work, I was surprised how quick each one was to blame their ethnic background and not themselves for any hardships they face. Two black guys were terrible at their jobs and lazy and both blamed their colour for being left behind.
Perhaps they had given up being good workers because it became clear to them they would not be promoted or otherwise rewarded for good work.

Another muslim dude`s girlfriend (white chick) dumped him because her mother was rigorously in the background pleading with her to move on, even so much as to get her to move out of the province. He blamed the breakup on his ethnicity, however the mother just wanted what was best for her daughter. This guy is a loser to the nth degree, 35 still living at home, broke, 2dui`s, 8 years into a four year appreniceship, terrible at his job, the kind of guy you simply don`t want your daughter to get pregnant with and ruining her life, and the list goes on.
Maybe he was staying at home to take care of his parents ? who may have been ill or otherwise infirm ? ?

I guess now I don`t pay as much attention to minorities crying racisim anymore. I`m sure this thread with end up being locked due to hate filled comments, but these are a few observations of mine.
Irony perhaps ?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
You only know 3 minority people? Where do you live? Pleasantville? Most of the people on terb probably know dozens, and you come on here with a sampling of three and start drawing conclusions? WOW I think it has more to do with your upbringing and social class than race. There are plenty of white trash people living with single moms in the ghetto with bad attitudes too. And of course, Asians and East Indians are not prone to being lazy or blaming others, they just work and study hard and get ahead. Blacks and Native Indians on the other hand probably have a higher percentage in that category, but still you can't tar them all with the same brush, because that is stupid and lazy, and you'd be guilty of your own charge.


Jan 31, 2005
Yeah... the fact that you live in or near Toronto and you only know three "minorities" on a personal level says a lot about YOU. How is that even possible? Do you avoid talking to people on a personal level when you meet them? Do you intentionally isolate yourself? If it's the case that you just avoid getting to know the "minorities" who would otherwise be a core part of your life--well then I'm not surprised at the attitudes you hold towards them!

I am trying to think how I could get through life without making friends with the people I routinely encounter, or whether it would be possible to live in a way such that I don't actually meet any "minorities".

You do know that in the GTA being white is a minority.. this is why we are flabbergasted at your post.


Nov 20, 2006
Minorities never use their race to blame their problems on. Only human beings try to avoid taking blame for all their problems by passing the buck. Minorities not being human beings of course, they have the rationality and balls to fully assign blame where it truly belongs. Obviously the 3 examples the OP presents must be outliers.

What a load of shit. A sample size of 3 is too small to make a judgement but I am sure it happens a lot. People do NOT like taking responsibility for their own actions and behaviors and one can easily find people in the political and activist fields quite willing to blame everything on "Da Man".

Hell we see the same thing further down the thread
"Perhaps they had given up being good workers because it became clear to them they would not be promoted or otherwise rewarded for good work"

uh huh right.

As for knowing only 3 minorities, that would be messed up if he is from Toronto. However, and I know this might be hard for some of ye to believe but this is a big planet and it extends far beyond the 401 the DVP and the 427 and some of those areas are either pretty white or socially segregated. I lived in a place for 20 years where one could actually refer to the black guy or the oriental guy in high school because there was only 1 and outside of university a minority would be a white person from outside the province and still pretty rare.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Interesting, I think there are more than 5 different minority groups within a 2 house radius of mine. Where do you live in Toronto that you've known only three your whole life?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
perhaps you should get out more....


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
I`ve only known 3 minorities on a personal level in my life,
By your own admission, you've only known three people that you classify as minorities and by your own account, all three also had serious personality issues that had nothing to do with their ethnicity. It's easy to find three bad people in any ethnic group (even native-born Canadians of European extraction).

I'd say you knew three losers but your experience says nothing about minorities.

What IS interesting about your post is that you could possibly only have known three people of colour while living in one of the culturally diverse regions in the world. Perhaps you need to get out more.
Oct 12, 2004
Ode to the Mathematically Challenged

I`ve only known 3 minorities on a personal level in my life, all through work, I was surprised how quick each one was to blame their ethnic background and not themselves for any hardships they face.

I`m sure this thread with end up being locked due to hate filled comments, but these are a few observations of mine.
Dude, you're right that your comments will be crapped on here... but for me, it's not so much because they're hate-filled (which they are).

Oh yes, to be clear, you're a moron. Because only a moron would stereotype entire races based on the such an incredibly large sample size of .... 3.

Take a introductory course in statistics sometime. You might figure out that you have to get a statistically relevant sample size before proving out your crass generalizations. Then again, maybe if you got to know a few more of them, you may not feel so jaded.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Actually i've often thought that these minority immigrants have a lot of courage. It takes determination and courage to pick up yourself and your family and give up everything you're used to, to go live and work in another country, not knowing the language or the culture. I'm not so sure i'd have that kind of courage. Granted they do it for a chance at a better life but that's what we as humans are supposed to strive for.
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