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National security Republicans


Well-known member
If Republicans get to attack President Obama on national security......President Obama gets his victory lap for catching Osama Bin Laden and overthrowing the corrupt rulers of Egypt, Libya, and probably Syria soon.It's only fair.I'd bet good money he gets big props from the military for the way he has played things these last two years.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
overthrowing the corrupt rulers of Egypt, Libya, and probably Syria soon.
Let us see what happens. One the one hand democracy is good, on the other when we cheer otherthrow of the devil we know and get an even larger and more evil devil in replacement, that is not in our best interest.

It is far from clear what will happen in any of these three countries.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Let us see what happens. One the one hand democracy is good, on the other when we cheer otherthrow of the devil we know and get an even larger and more evil devil in replacement, that is not in our best interest.

It is far from clear what will happen in any of these three countries.
You honestly think things will be worse there? How can you not see what has happened in Northern Africa as positive? If we support or acquiese to despots bent on keeping their own citizens down, it will bite us. We have to take that chance. You want a guarantee?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
If you want to credit someone outside of North Africa try Mark Zuckerberg.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
You honestly think things will be worse there? How can you not see what has happened in Northern Africa as positive?
An Islamist government is not in the best interest of the U.S., Canada or the rest of "the West."

Many of the more important allies of the U.S. in the Middle East see the U.S. action regarding President Mubarak as disgraceful treatment of an ally and as casting doubt on U.S. reliablity.

As was said many years ago of President Carter, he failed to grasp that the world was not a contest between angels and devils, but rather between big devils and little devils, their devils and our devils, the mildly offensive and the truly horrific.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
As was said many years ago of President Carter, he failed to grasp that the world was not a contest between angels and devils, but rather between big devils and little devils, their devils and our devils, the mildly offensive and the truly horrific.
And the Bush's and their neocon nutjobs 'grasped' that distinction soooooo much better, eh Aardie???.....:rolleyes:


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Let us see what happens. One the one hand democracy is good, on the other when we cheer otherthrow of the devil we know and get an even larger and more evil devil in replacement, that is not in our best interest.

It is far from clear what will happen in any of these three countries.
The fact that other democracies may elect people who act not in our best interests is part of the price we pay for taking a principled approach to foreign policy. If the people of Libya elect radical muslims in a free election to govern be it.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
If you want to credit someone outside of North Africa try Mark Zuckerberg.

Mr. Money Bags Thief? lol
Jesus Christ you're another delusional fruit cake.
Lemme guess, you help pray for rain in Texas as well?


May 21, 2003
Good grief! Do you really think Obama is responsible for Libya, Egypt, and Syria. Do you really think he caught bin laden?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Mr. Money Bags Thief? lol
Jesus Christ you're another delusional fruit cake.
Lemme guess, you help pray for rain in Texas as well?
You really are a moron:

Civil Movements: The Impact of Facebook and Twitter

News coverage of the “Arab Spring” has often focused on the potential role of social networking media in facilitating Middle East’s ongoing social and political upheaval. Tools such as such as Facebook and Twitter, it has been suggested, helped citizens communicate and organize when governments were persistently unresponsive to their requests, and may have played a central role in the still-unfolding events.

A study by the Dubai School of Government, “Civil Movements: The Impact of Facebook and Twitter” (PDF), analyzes trends in access and usage of these two major social media tools based on data collected from 22 Arab nations as well as Iran, Israel and Turkey during the first three months of 2011.

The study’s findings include:

“The number of Facebook users has risen significantly in most Arab countries, most notably so in the countries where protests have taken place” from January through March, 2011. The growth rate during the protests doubled or more than doubled compared to the same period a year earlier in all Arab countries except Libya.
Citizens in Egypt, Yeman, Bahrain, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Palestine used Facebook to share calls to protest, with specific dates.
In Tunisia and Egypt, more than 80% of the usage of Facebook during the civil movement and events in early 2011 was “either to raise awareness, share information or organize actions related to the movement and events.”
The estimated number of tweets generated by the region’s approximately 1.15 million active Twitter users in the first quarter of 2011 was 22,750,000. This corresponds to 252,000 tweets per day or approximately 3 per second.
During the first quarter of 2011, the most popular Twitter topics (as indicated by #hashtags) in the Arab region “were #egypt (with 1.4 million mentions in the tweets generated during this period) #jan25 (with 1.2. million mentions), #libya (with 990,000 mentions), #bahrain (640,000 mentions), and protest (620,000).”
While Facebook usage has grown rapidly in the Middle East, overall the penetration rates are quite low. For example, only 5.5% of Egyptians and 4.3% of Libyans had access to Facebook, where the initial call for protest was declared (on January 25 and February 17, respectively). In contrast, 32% of Bahrain’s population had access to social media when its February 14, 2011, call to protest was posted online. Consequently, “it can be argued that for many protestors these tools were not central.”

The researchers conclude that while these data points are not necessarily causal, “the report provides empirical evidence suggesting that the growth of social media in the region and the shift in usage trends have played a critical role in mobilization, empowerment, shaping opinions, and influencing change.”

I would say Mark's impact was larger than the POTUS.....



New member
Apr 29, 2002
I understand the social media angle, but I think it was a little more than just spybook and twits that caused this revolution.

I know how much disdain and distaste you have for Obama and I'm not giving him any credit for any of it either.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I understand the social media angle, but I think it was a little more than just spybook and twits that caused this revolution.

I know how much disdain and distaste you have for Obama and I'm not giving him any credit for any of it either.
Actually I think you know very little, this is just another example.



New member
Apr 29, 2002
I would say Mark's impact was larger than the POTUS.....


I'd say this had more to do with the their disgust with government corruption, quality of life, money, etc, etc.

Numerous factors have led to the protests, including issues such as dictatorship or absolute monarchy, human rights violations, government corruption (demonstrated by Wikileaks diplomatic cables),[SUP][137][/SUP] economic decline, unemployment, extreme poverty, and a number of demographic structural factors,[SUP][138][/SUP] such as a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within the population.[SUP][139][/SUP] Also, some attribute the 2009 Iranian protests as one of the reasons behind the Arab Spring.[SUP][140][/SUP] The catalysts for the revolts in all Northern African and Persian Gulf countries have been the concentration of wealth in the hands of autocrats in power for decades, insufficient transparency of its redistribution, corruption, and especially the refusal of the youth to accept the status quo.[SUP][141][/SUP] Increasing food prices and global famine rates have also been a significant factor, as they involve threats to food security worldwide and prices that approach levels of the 2007–2008 world food price crisis.[SUP][142][/SUP]
Amnesty International singled out Wikileaks release of US diplomatic cables as a catalyst for the revolts.[SUP][143][/SUP]
In recent decades rising living standards and literacy rates, as well as the increased availability of higher education, have resulted in an improved human development index in the affected countries. The tension between rising aspirations and a lack of government reform may have been a contributing factor in all of the protests.[SUP][141][/SUP][SUP][144][/SUP][SUP][145][/SUP] Many of the internet-savvy youth of these countries have studied in the West, where autocrats and absolute monarchies are considered anachronisms. A university professor of Oman, Al-Najma Zidjaly referred to this upheaval as youthquake.[SUP][141][/SUP]
Tunisia and Egypt, the first to witness major uprisings, differ from other North African and Middle Eastern nations such as Algeria and Libya in that they lack significant oil revenue, and were thus unable to make concessions to calm the masses.[SUP][141]

Wikipedia in case you want a reference.
I'd give MORE credit to their situation than I would to your billionaire bf Mark. (seeing how you love money so much, of course you give him credit... "lot of money at that table" lol)

Last edited:


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Actually I think you know very little, this is just another example.

Says the man who can't spell the simplest of words. Stick to numbers, clearly your invisible hero up in the sky, the one you claim to be a follower of would be proud of you (Baptist Church was it?), and yet live quite the opposite lifestyle.
Money, sex, money, sex... your significant other doesn't know about your hobbying yet does she? Good man, keep it on the down low. ;)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Actually I think you know very little, this is just another example.


bottie you HAVE been spending much too much time on the dark-side, under the desk ....:eyebrows:


Well-known member
Good grief! Do you really think Obama is responsible for Libya, Egypt, and Syria. Do you really think he caught bin laden?
No, that is not what I am saying.I'm saying that if his opponents can attack him on for being weak on national security because he is commander in chief and is in charge......then he is commander in chief and in charge, and specifically he is responsible(by giving the order)for eliminating Osama bin laden.His calls for the resignations of the dictators in these three countries and Nato support come from the office of the President of the United States.


May 21, 2003
Would any of 300 million Americans if they were President have not given the okay to kill bin Laden? He just happened to be President when bin Laden got caught. He did almost sweet fuck all with respect to Libya, Egypt and Syria. And that was the RIGHT decision. He minded his own fucking business except for some very minor support. Give him credit for doing nothing and that being the right call....but he did nothing to get rid of these guys....the people in those countries did.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Says the man who can't spell the simplest of words. Stick to numbers, clearly your invisible hero up in the sky, the one you claim to be a follower of would be proud of you (Baptist Church was it?), and yet live quite the opposite lifestyle.
Money, sex, money, sex... your significant other doesn't know about your hobbying yet does she? Good man, keep it on the down low. ;)
No, I'm not a Baptist... again you could fill the oceans with what you don't know....



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
No, I'm not a Baptist... again you could fill the oceans with what you don't know....

Why not tell us which cult you subscribe to and put the matter to sleep. You sound just like your daddy JAJA here who also won't admit to which religious cult he goes to. Do you(s) belong to the same church by any chance???.....:Eek:
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