Offer from a stripper


New member
Jul 18, 2010
I'm one to frequent the clubs on both sides of the river. I know the debate...why drop $140-$200 (or more) on dancer when you can get "guaranteed" results from an SP for the same? I'll leave that discussion for another day, but I have to relate a recent incident that left me wondering...WTF?

I was at a local club, and took a hot young spinner for a "dance" or two. Was quite enjoyable, with lots of contact and exploration. No finish or reciprocal contact, but given what it was, all good.

I stayed after, had another beer, and watched a little more of the show. The said dancer came back over and commented that I was still at the club...this while parking herself on my lap. Not one to refuse a scantily clad young lady such a perch, I happily obliged. She then mentioned that we could have had "a lot more fun". Hmmm...ears (etc) perked up, and I encouraged her to elaborate. Then she dropped the would be expensive. much? $700. Gasp! I concurred (no shit sherlock) that that was expensive. She acquiesced, and said $500 was the lowest she'd go. Now, I know that there are SP's that would absolutely deserve $500 or more for a date (a LONG date), but IMHO she wasn't one of them. Given the current $120-$160 for a 1/2 hour going rate, I would expect a lot...a whole lot...for $500. Needless to say, I didn't ask for her number! She was hot, cute, sexy, young(er) and open, but if you'll excuse the capitalist approach, not quite worth the premium remuneration she was requesting.

At least the right head was in control this time :)


May 3, 2010
I've been there too. Problem is - I dropped the $700 once - and got a hand job. Something about a hot young girl sticking her pussy in your face and telling you she really loves you that just makes you want to stay - thinking it will be different this time. I find though, that strippers tend to actually make you feel more at ease - maybe because there is no time constraint - and there's that "thing" about sneaking a finger or a tongue where you're not supposed to while the bouncer isn't around. It was in Toronto and one of the more "liberal" stip bars - at elast at the time. Haven't been back since.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I always wonder about these "offers." I guess she was suggesting something ITC as oppose to takeout? If it's takeout, are they charging you for a SOG, 1 hour or for how long she feels like hanging out with you? I was once propositioned by a ripper in a T.O club for $300 takeout. I declined but always wondered what I would have gotten for my $300.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
to me going to a strip bar is a waste of money i would sooner save the money i was going to give to a stripper and go see an sp or ma that way you get something for your money some girls i've seen at the strip bars i wouldn't even want them to dance for me
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Jul 18, 2010
YMMV considerably, but I've met and had hot torrid exchanges...with a few dancers. Most are normal people who, if they connect with a person, might just want to have some fun. I had a very hot time with a dancer from Taboo last year. Started with dances, then dances with DFK, FS, etc. I paid for those, but not nearly what the per song rate would have been. Then we started seeing each other directly, and all I can say is that is was very, very good. And I agree Bigman, there's an extra little thrill you get for crossing the line in a club. You go to an SP/MA and you pretty much know what's going to happen. But getting a dancer to go beyond the boundaries is exciting. I have also had dancers start to really "get into it". I know some could be faking it, but you can't fake getting hot, flushed and dripping wet. And I've had that happen. One benefit with dancers is you can "interview" them first, see them on stage to see if you like them, and see if other guys are taking them back for longer times. I've been sucked in a few times, but most of the time I get a pretty good sense of some potential fun. And different clubs have different standards. Nu Den is very tame, Pigales varies quite a bit but generally good mileage.


New member
May 5, 2003
well, fell, with the stinky Pell!

this has happenened to me new york times Fen.... well, 10.
at, you guessed it, howdy.
barbarella DIAMOND.

big cost, tho - no snow - but blow! - $300.
nintendo no show.

be there tonight with last ditch stetson.... coz cus I am black.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Further to what bigman99 said, strippers may have the look, but do they have the touch?

Shelling out a lot of money for an uncertain time because they are not well-reviewed SPs, is sort of like hobbying on spec.


Jul 31, 2008
I had an offer from a stripper at Pigales once where she said if put down $300 on her now, that would cover her for the rest of the evening. I said, no thanks. Again she was hot, so it was hard to say. But the $300 made it easier to say.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
@Blackram...did she say what the "rest of the evening" would cover? Given an hour with an SP is in the $240+ range, having the company of a hot dancer, especially one you can see and touch to know whether she's your type, isn't such a bad deal! And if it entailed giving a ride home, nudge nudge, wink wink, even better!


Jul 31, 2008
@Blackram...did she say what the "rest of the evening" would cover? Given an hour with an SP is in the $240+ range, having the company of a hot dancer, especially one you can see and touch to know whether she's your type, isn't such a bad deal! And if it entailed giving a ride home, nudge nudge, wink wink, even better!
I didn't ask but I was pretty sure it just covered the rest of the evening in the CR, but nothing afterwards, so that was another reason it was easier to say "nein". However, prior to that I had met other dancers outside of the club, and had sex with them, and for much less than what this girl was asking for. So all in all, you have to consider the value for the money equation here.

Also another thing to consider is that this all happened more than ten years ago, that amount of money in today's terms is probably about $600, based on strip-club inflation. :Eek:


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I was once propositioned during a dance for $500 outside but to meet at another time, not that night. By seeming interested I was able to up the mileage for the current dance session. I pretended I was an easy mark if she just did more to entice me. She did, and I took her number and tossed it, but I got what I wanted out of it, not her. So my suggestion is turn the tables in your favour by maximizing your mileage at the time. I know I'm a shlub (but a nice shlub) and that everything she says is a ploy so if she's gonna try and manipulate me like that I'll still help out my little brain at the time by keeping my wits about me and pretending she's got me.


Not really new anymore ;)
Been propositioned many times by dancers...FS from $150 to $1000... BJ from $60 to $250. Montreal being the lowest in price.. Ottawa mid-range and Toronto the most expensive. I haven't indulged just because of some of the stories I have heard from friends but I'm sure many if not most would have been worth it. The one that offered me $1000 for FS was from Cannonball near Pearson Airport. She was one of the hottest dancers I had ever seen but $1000 is too steep for me. I do get offers from dancers to give me their numbers and I have taken a few but I suspect most come with conditions$ so I have never followed up.. Hope you are all having great success.


New member
Aug 19, 2004
trying to get there.
Gents - I dont post often, but here goes: to me, its simple, the strip club business just aint what it was years ago and girls are making *alot* less a night that they uused - the clubs, in my view, are experiencing the same issue all other industries: the law of diminishing returns - all businesses eventually sustain business by introducing new products to market and/or adding value add to existing products/offers - how do you do that in the strip club business?? you add personalized music in the VIP booth? I think not... the only way to add value is to give more mileage, since it was never done before. The porn business is facing the same problem: they beleive they were immune to recession, that may be true, but they're not immune to free internet porn, of which there is more and more and today, there's no such thing as a real porn star, every stripper cam-ing and doing shows online thinks she's a porn star or model and floods the market with the material she produces - the porn producers are suffering, just like the clubs and that's a fact guys.

A good looking competent stripper could easily pull $3000 per night just 3 years ago... think about that... a great night is now in the $800 range... just sayin' ;-)


Jul 31, 2008
A good looking competent stripper could easily pull $3000 per night just 3 years ago... think about that... a great night is now in the $800 range... just sayin' ;-)
And where do you get your figures from?


Dec 30, 2008
I have found that many strippers will make themselves available afterwards, but tend to start very high on the pricing, and may reduce if some fair negotiation is done. Will leave out the club details, but on a recent visit to an Ottawa club, I was offered an hour for $400 by one sexy blond, and shortly afterwards, two other brunettes offered an hour of $300, then reduced to $250. On a Toronto visit, I was enjoying a lapdance when she offered to go to the VIP room for "extras". I asked what the extras were, and what it would cost, she said full service, for $1400. I said too pricey for me, she said would reduce it to $800 for a cbj. I asked does she get much business, her reply was lots. I declined of course, knowing that if I was looking for that at the time, a phone call to one of many reputable agencies would cost under $300 for much more.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I had one the other night at Seductions. Got to talking about the Casino.

She loves to gamble she says..wants to go with me....cause she says its always more fun to gamble..."Its easier" she says with other peoples money.....DUUHHHHHH

Then once in the VIP, she further thought we were good together and wanted to know if I could get her a BMW. When I balked at that she thought a condo a better idea...."Cause we were good together"....

Simple people these girls are.

Lucky she was hot...but I only lasted a couple dances with her shenanigans


Jul 31, 2008
I had one the other night at Seductions. Got to talking about the Casino.

She loves to gamble she says..wants to go with me....cause she says its always more fun to gamble..."Its easier" she says with other peoples money.....DUUHHHHHH

Then once in the VIP, she further thought we were good together and wanted to know if I could get her a BMW. When I balked at that she thought a condo a better idea...."Cause we were good together"....

Simple people these girls are.

Lucky she was hot...but I only lasted a couple dances with her shenanigans
Was this a girl you knew a long time and had been a regular with, that she's already offering to spend your money on gambling, BMW's and condos?


Dec 12, 2010
DAMN IT!!! I will give someone a lap dance for a BMW. hehe... On the second thought...i wont be able to..."Not that there is anything wrong with that" lol


New member
Jul 18, 2010
0 thinks you're pulling our legs on this one! Mind you, if she was cute/hot enough, renting a condo to put her up ain't such a bad idea...assuming you could bop anytime you felt the need! Come to think about it, isn't there a sugardaddy website where such arrangements can be made? Nothing like helping an enterprising college gal looking for some unofficial OSAP funding ;-)
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