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Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...


Jun 6, 2009
It all dates back to when man was first evolving. Man is hard wired to spread his seed as much as possible to create a viable gene pool. The more he spreads his seed, the better each generation of offspring will be. ie. healthy, robust, strong
Also they were hunter-gatherers and often were away for long periods of time while the females stayed in the cave etc. to look after the offspring. Monogomy is a man made institution and goes against all our biological genetics. That's why it's so hard to conform and stick to one woman.
Have you ever spent time with a hunter gatherer society. I have and the men are too freaking busy hunting to fuck much around on these excursions. Spreading the seed will make the other guy stronger and healthier not the perpetrator. Not what they want. You're putting modern thinking, knowledge and values on a primitive culture I've never witnessed a raid on a competing neighbouring tribe/group, probably because they wouldn't do such a thing in front of a visitors but others I know have, and they are more or less a hit and run events and not so much rape and pillaging. It wasn't until civilizations took over and ancient empires become prevalent that the rape and pillaging became the rule of the day. That's not promiscuity to spread seed, just vengeance against the enemy. You rape the women and the men won't touch them as they are damaged or unclean.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
you are simply dead wrong that monogomy goes against our biological design. That theory has been pretty dead for about 50 years now in the scientific community.

Not according to the recent scientific programs I have seen and articles I've read.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Fine. I have watched countless scientific programs on this topic on Nova and TV Ontario with anthropologists and have also read many articles on the topic. I'm not going to argue with those of you who don't/won't accept this.


Jun 6, 2009
Not according to the recent scientific programs I have seen and articles I've read.
I could be wrong, but didn't you offer up some references in a past thread, having done some research, that was shown to be dated and weak?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I could be wrong, but didn't you offer up some references in a past thread, having done some research, that was shown to be dated and weak?

Yes that was on an entirely different topic though. It was about the gov't subsidy for refugees which the gov't denies. I said make your own decision on who is telling the truth.........the article or the gov't. (as we all know the gov't never lies)


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Originally Posted by Petzel

It all dates back to when man was first evolving. Man is hard wired to spread his seed as much as possible to create a viable gene pool. The more he spreads his seed, the better each generation of offspring will be. ie. healthy, robust, strong
Also they were hunter-gatherers and often were away for long periods of time while the females stayed in the cave etc. to look after the offspring. Monogomy is a man made institution and goes against all our biological genetics. That's why it's so hard to conform and stick to one woman.
While this may make you feel good it ignores all the scientific facts. I am about to take off for the weekend or I would write a longer post for you but you can start here, with r and K selection theory, which while now modified gives us the basis for how we think about human reproduction in evolutionary terms:
r-selection (unstable environments)
In unstable or unpredictable environments, r-selection predominates as the ability to reproduce quickly is crucial. There is little advantage in adaptations that permit successful competition with other organisms, because the environment is likely to change again. Traits that are thought to be characteristic of r-selection include: high fecundity, small body size, early maturity onset, short generation time, and the ability to disperse offspring widely.[citation needed]
Organisms whose life history is subject to r-selection are often referred to as r-strategists or r-selected. Organisms who exhibit r-selected traits can range from bacteria and diatoms, to insects and weeds, to various semelparous cephalopods and mammals, particularly small rodents.[citation needed]
[edit]K-selection (stable environments)
In stable or predictable environments, K-selection predominates as the ability to compete successfully for limited resources is crucial and populations of K-selected organisms typically are very constant and close to the maximum that the environment can bear (unlike r-selected populations, where population sizes can change much more rapidly).[citation needed]
Traits that are thought to be characteristic of K-selection include: large body size, long life expectancy, and the production of fewer offspring that require extensive parental care until they mature. Organisms whose life history is subject to K-selection are often referred to as K-strategists or K-selected. Organisms with K-selected traits include large organisms such as elephants, trees, humans and whales, but also smaller, long-lived organisms such as Arctic Terns.[8]

So as you can see humans are what used to be called K selectors or the product of k selection pressures.

Now look at some of the high lighted traits. K selected animals tend to have less children and invest more in each child, that is us.

It also correlates nicely with the latest data that is telling us that more intelligent people have less sex and less sexual partners. IT is a nice dovetail with the slow historical theory.

If you look at how much needs to be invested in taking care of pregnant women and raising children, then you can see why the strategy that aims for a higher success rate for a lower number of offspring is imperative in humans.

And the genetic variability argument is just BS. The number of people required to produce a MVP (minimum viable population) of humans genetically is quite small.

So there may be reasons that people use sexual services, but biological evolution does not provide the answer.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Fine. I have watched countless scientific programs on this topic on Nova and TV Ontario with anthropologists and have also read many articles on the topic. I'm not going to argue with those of you who don't/won't accept this.
Tell me about the articles. Would love to read them. I just finished reading:
1977. Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Cambridge MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, which goes well into the subject. I am happy to post a longer bibliography lately.

But modern evolutionary theory does not support that contention. Nor does genetic science.

And surely you do not dispute that our pregnant women and children require a great deal of resources to raise successfully?

Do you dispute the intelligence/less sex correlation?

I am off for the weekend, so if I don't reply don't think I am intentionally ignoring you.


Jun 6, 2009
Yes that was on an entirely different topic though. It was about the gov't subsidy for refugees which the gov't denies. I said make your own decision on who is telling the truth.........the article or the gov't. (as we all know the gov't never lies)
Not the thread, but I must be confusing with with another member.

You may have watched many good shows, but I've been fortunate enough to spend some time with the people doing this research in the field, the lab, and the studio, producing the shows. I learn so much stuff, almost to the point of information overload, every time and the only problem is that I don't get to see the finished product until it hits the screen. I watch for them or get advance notice from whomever when they are broadcasted or shown at conferences and such.

Roger Melon

New member
May 3, 2007
you are simply dead wrong that monogomy goes against our biological design. That theory has been pretty dead for about 50 years now in the scientific community.
Then the "scientific community" is a bunch of fucking idiots.
The existence of boards like this and the entire sex industry (i.e. the "oldest profession on earth") proves conclusively to me that men have a tendency to want sexual variety. I think this has obvious Darwinian roots, but maybe it is that we are just a bunch of lying cheating bastards.

If there isn't a biological root in this behavior, why isn't there a Terb board where women rate male escorts and discuss their "menus"?


New member
Jan 19, 2004
I don't partake when in a relationship so not an issue with me...I started when my marriage was failing and got hooked on the variety and ability to just go and fuck someone without all the dating crap etc.

Met someone and now living together - I fantasize about what I see here and use that to have a satisfying sexual relationship...BTW my SO does enjoy giving BJs and wants sex more often than I do! so no complaints there.

I got hooked on the site which is why I visit here often - enjoy the forums and variety of 'opinions'!!


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Then the "scientific community" is a bunch of fucking idiots.
The existence of boards like this and the entire sex industry (i.e. the "oldest profession on earth") proves conclusively to me that men have a tendency to want sexual variety. I think this has obvious Darwinian roots, but maybe it is that we are just a bunch of lying cheating bastards.

If there isn't a biological root in this behavior, why isn't there a Terb board where women rate male escorts and discuss their "menus"?
Homosexuals have existed for as long as recorded history, and I am sure you will concede that it is not a Darwinian strategy on any level. Just because something exists does not mean it evolved for Darwinian advantage. You may not like what the scientific evidence is telling us, but your ability to reason on this issue is clearly flawed if you want to argue that just because sex has been for sale for a long time means that humans are hardwired for sexual variety.

The trend for men to like certain "types" sexually also refutes this argument if you take a minute to think about it. Although I doubt there is any good data on it.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
To those who disagree with me, i lack the concentration and inclination to search for those articles. I read some in doc's offices and online as well as seeing programs on tv, but don't recall where or how long ago. I will concede that you may be right. I just happen to agree with this theory as it makes sense to me.


Jan 31, 2005
ie if it was hard wired into all men then all men would do it.
Where on earth did you get the idea that something that is genetically hardwired would mean ALL of us do it? That's the most ridiculous thing you've ever said, defying common sense yet again.


Jun 6, 2009
To those who disagree with me, i lack the concentration and inclination to search for those articles. I read some in doc's offices and online as well as seeing programs on tv, but don't recall where or how long ago. I will concede that you may be right. I just happen to agree with this theory as it makes sense to me.
Fair enough, but where the hell do you find good interesting magazines in doctors offices/ Most of what I find is ancient and for the women folk.


New member
Dec 10, 2006
I'm in relatively the same position as the original poster and I finally figured out why I do this. Why I do this may not be the reason you do it, but its a different perspective anyway.

I do it as an escape. I didn't realize it until I actually analyzed myself. In my career, I analyze everything and everyone, and so I just turned inwards. I frequent escorts usually when I'm stressed, bored, or feel a subconscious need to escape from a situation. That doesn't mean the feel of panic and needing to run away, although sometimes stress does become overbearing. Sometimes you just need an escape from your career, wife, family, or anything! A mental escape from your life.

Thats not a good thing or a bad thing. It depends how you frame the situation. For some people, they use drugs and alcolhol as an escape. I use escorts instead as my vent/escape. It doesn't mean I'm not satisfied with my life or that I want to spread my seed all the time, it just means that at certain moments, my brain craves a temporary escape to relieve pent up stress.

Albeit, it may not be the "healthiest" escape, but its conveniant, easy, and just plain fun who doesn't like to get laid?


Jan 31, 2005
Why masturbation is an excellent evolutionary strategy:

Sexual activity is a higher order behavior. It involves some sophisticated mechanics--what goes in where. From an evolutionary perspective, what traits would make sexual behavior more likely?

Consider a common scene in many porn films: A guy walks in on a girl who is masturbating. What happens next?

Now roll back a few million years and play that scene again. Caveguy and cavegirl live in a cave together. For whatever reason, neither of them has ever seen another human being fuck. How do we get them to reproduce? If they spend enough time together they're going to do what feels good--masturbate. That will lead them masturbating each other, and then trying various other things. Sooner or later they're going to discover fucking. Masturbation nudges them in the right direction. Along the way they'll probably try other things too. The end result of all that will be babies.

It's an excellent evolutionary strategy.

People like rld lack insight and common sense. They don't grok that evolution does not evolve higher order behaviors. It evolves physical features and traits that nudge us in the right direction. We evolve much more basic traits, urges, etc., which nudge us in a successful direction. Masturbation -> joint masturbation -> fucking. Highly successful evolutionary "nudge" in the right direction.

Same thing with cheating. Is it hardwired? Not per se. But, we are hardwired with many more basic urges and desires that nudge us in that direction. We wind up with partially monogamous relationships, not fully monogamous ones.

Yes, many people don't cheat. In many of those cases, though, it's lack of opportunity, not lack of desire. All men feel desire to multiple women, we did NOT evolve into a species where once we're in a marriage we lose all desire for other partners. We all feel that desire very strongly. Some of us act on it, some of us don't. But it's there, in all of us.
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