No moron, you are the one who somehow believes that the U.S. deserved mass murder on their soil by terrorists or somehow the U.S. took the towers down so they could start a war. That fucktard, is absolutely moronic, retarded thinking and we in North America should reject it and anyone who can possibly think this way. I support the U.S. hunting down and killing any terrorist who threatens them or any regime who offers support or logistics.
I did not advocate genocide dipshit. Learn how to fucking read. I said I would have no sympathy if the U.S. ever used nuclear weapons in the middle east. I said that we needed to end our dependancy on oil so that we could stop all trade, travel, and immigration with these countries. They need to move past their medeival ways before they should be allowed to participate with the rest of the world.
I disagree with allowing people to come to this country spouting their extremism and forcing their women and children to have lesser status in our country than they are constitutionally guaranteed. We should ban all religion in schools and politics. We should ban burqas and hajibs. We should deport all who hold extremist views in the name of religion. That, smart guy, is what reasonable people support. Not moronic, conspiracy theory, bullshit supported by regimes like Iran and North Korea.
I never, ever said I thought the U.S. brought the towers down or that they deserved what happened on 9/11. You don't even know what you're arguing against. In fact, you sack of ejaculated-on-moose-shit, I specifically said "And you conspiracy theorists aren't helping things either". I'm sorry that wasn't specific enough, but what that amounted to a
REJECTION of the conspiracy theories. And you said you "have no sympathy" and you "hope the Americans kill 10,000 for each person killed on Western soil". That amounts to literally millions of lives, many of them women and children. The same women and children you pretend to care about having "lesser status" over there.
See to me, a human life is a human life. So no, I don't particularly find the murder of innocent Americans any more tragic than the murder of innocent Iraqis. It's all tragic. Your argument seems to be that
no Muslims are innocent of anything
some Muslim terrorists have done, because after all, they live there and follow the same religion and deserve to die for it. I question that point on the grounds that it is fucking retarded. By your logic our whole system of law is wrong. You're talking about guilt by association. I don't care
what they do with actual people they can prove are or were in terrorist organizations. Actual terrorists should be permanently imprisoned (killing them makes the martyrs, which only helps their cause).
And no we shouldn't ban burqas or hijabs when people are walking down the street. Certainly we can't let people go into banks or government buildings with their faces covered, but beyond that it's headwear. Headwear that denotes a religious affiliation must be banned, but if you want to wear some other kind of hat, it's cool? This kind of crackhead logic won't fly. Most people are more reasonable than you.
Start taking your medication
as directed. It's important.