Whats more important to you, LOOKS or BODY?


New member
Dec 20, 2010
In the civilian world I would say face. In the hobby world, well, we don't get to see the face until we arrive, so the hot body is what draws us in from the photos,but I wouldn't repeat with an SP whom I didn't find facially attractive. So for one time deals, body, for repeats I would say face is what matters because the body was there already or I wouldn't have come to the session.
What about service and attitude? For repeats, I'd say those are far more important considerations. Then again, that might border on "falling for an SP." lol


Jun 11, 2011
Toronto Canada
What about service and attitude? For repeats, I'd say those are far more important considerations. Then again, that might border on "falling for an SP." lol
I agree with you on that one. Service and Attitude are super important factors for repeats.


New member
May 10, 2011
I find beautiful women to be ugly. What I am attracted to can not be so easily deconstructed. Female vanity is appealing in the aspect that a woman makes an effort to be desirable to me. The down side is the narcissism. Beautiful women tend to be too narcissistic. I like to see a few flaws. There is an inner beautify that can not be described. An ass that is too big might be very endearing to me or perhaps her nose is a little crooked.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
Body. Well, and charm and service. If a girl is really charming, what initially seemed like flaws in her face quickly stop seeming like a big deal to me (I start associating them with this charming person, and they can actually become turn-ons), but I find an unappealing body much harder to get past.


Nov 20, 2006
I find beautiful women to be ugly. What I am attracted to can not be so easily deconstructed. Female vanity is appealing in the aspect that a woman makes an effort to be desirable to me. The down side is the narcissism. Beautiful women tend to be too narcissistic. I like to see a few flaws. There is an inner beautify that can not be described. An ass that is too big might be very endearing to me or perhaps her nose is a little crooked.
I find ugly looking women beautiful. Give me a Kristen Schaal anytime.

Most pics bodywise with the agencies are all pretty much good, it is the face that makes the difference, that is where the person is, not the tits, legs or ass. However they don't show the face, I guess the women really are just dehumanized objects. ;)


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Two other important considerations are Availability and Convenience. SPs are you listening?

In regards to availability, the last thing a hobbyist wants to do (or hear from an SP) is to give her more advance notice next time he's all boned up for you. You can't "plan" these things far in advance (like 1 week). A good erection is a bad thing to waste, especially if thoughts or dreams of you were its cause. Yeah, I'll just call you up to book an appointment for next Friday, duh!

In regards to convenience, the last thing a hobbyist wants to do (or have an SP do) is to haul ass half way across the city next time he's all boned up for you (assuming you are available). You can't "hold" onto an erection for too long unless you're on some magic 36 hr pill or a tantra master, especially if thoughts or dreams of you were its cause. Sooner or later the gasket is gonna blow. Yeah, I'll just call you up to book an appointment with the thought of having to drive through rush hour traffic, duh!

Moral of the story: be near and dear to a cock that is boned up for you when the moment is right and you're out of sight. :)


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Answer to the op. Yes.

Seriously tho. For me it is a package deal. Im not fixated on a collection of body parts. There are some women that are stunningly beautiful to me because of a combo of a pretty face, decent bod with a coulp e tra lb, but a stellar smile Nd attitude. Attitude trumps looks/ flawless body every time for me (but i do love good looks and great bods too!!!


Private Gentleman's Club
Jun 3, 2011
Answer to the op. Yes.

Seriously tho. For me it is a package deal. Im not fixated on a collection of body parts. There are some women that are stunningly beautiful to me because of a combo of a pretty face, decent bod with a coulp e tra lb, but a stellar smile Nd attitude. Attitude trumps looks/ flawless body every time for me (but i do love good looks and great bods too!!!
That's very true. I guess the real question should have been what do you need most to repeat service with an SP, either looks or body. That is of course assuming that the service was equally the same with an SP that had looks and with an SP that had body. What attracts men in is body (as faces are always blurred), but is that enough to go through with the session for most people?


New member
May 9, 2011
not your business
That's very true. I guess the real question should have been what do you need most to repeat service with an SP, either looks or body. That is of course assuming that the service was equally the same with an SP that had looks and with an SP that had body. What attracts men in is body (as faces are always blurred), but is that enough to go through with the session for most people?
In this case, I would say body is more important. Makeup and good hairstyle can do magic work.


Jan 31, 2005
For a wife: Looks.

For a girlfriend: Body.

The difference is I don't have to show my girlfriend around at family gatherings, where body doesn't matter.
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